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Time & Attendance. NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs . Time & Attendance . For Employees & Supervisors. Time & Attendance. Objectives. By the end of this training, participants will: Have better knowledge of Time & Attendance guidelines.
Time & Attendance NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs Time & Attendance For Employees & Supervisors
Time & Attendance Objectives By the end of this training, participants will: • Have better knowledge of Time & Attendance guidelines. • Understand rights & responsibilities regarding leaves. • Learn the importance of the supervisor’s & employee’s role. • Become aware that MNHS is available for guidance. • Demonstrate use of updated Time Record.
Time & Attendance Specifically (Objectives Cont’d) • Supervisors: Communicate attendance and leave expectations to your employees. • All Employees: Identify and address appropriate leave usage.
Time & Attendance Time & Attendance/Leave Benefits DMNA is generally administered under Military Law. Many of DMNA’s T and A rules adopted/mirror Civil Service. Provisions contained in collective bargaining agreements shall apply. Provisions contained in DMNA Regulation 690-1 shall apply. MNHS administers these rules for the agency and are available to answer time and attendance questions. Accurate tracking of accruals is important for efficient and proper payroll. T and A rules administer: Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Personal Leave, Holiday Leave and “Other” leave as defined within the rules.
Time & Attendance Purpose of T & A Benefits • Each benefit (vacation, sick, personal leave) designed to meet specific employee needs. • Protect employees from loss of earnings and other benefits when absent from work. • Improve employee morale. • Allow the State to plan for absences in advance. • In retirement, accrued sick leave can be used for service credit and health insurance. MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011
Time & Attendance Basic Workweek • Establishes minimum number of hours employees must work each week. • DMNA workweek has many definitions: • Administrative Staff- 75 hours bi-weekly (2 week) schedule. • Operations/Maintenance & Security Guard staff- 80 hour bi-weekly schedule. • Firefighters- 106 hour bi-weekly schedule. • Some units employees work Alternate Work Schedules or temporarily reduced work schedules. • Alternate Work Schedules- allow employees to work flexible shifts to meet needs of unit and often provide for longer days with less number of days worked. • Temporarily reduced work schedules- allows an employee the ability to reduce their percentage of time worked from full-time. All schedules deviating from Basic Workweek MUST be approved by MNHS.
Time & Attendance Meal and Rest Periods The meal period must be at least one-half hour. Employees working longer than 6 hours must take a meal period. Employees cannot work through their meal break to shorten workday. Breaks/rest periods are discretionary, but recommended, especially for employees whose responsibilities are of a routine nature. Employees who do not use rest periods cannot use that time to shorten workday or extend the length of meal period, and cannot receive OT compensation or any type of compensatory time off. Breaks and Meal periods are to be scheduled according to the needs of both the employee and the unit. Not applicable to Firefighter shift work.
Time & Attendance Record of Attendance Employees must keep daily accurate records of attendance (timecard/timesheet) -Subject to review and approval by the supervisor -Supervisors should not prepare timecard -The time record is an official document. -Falsification of an employee’s attendance record constitutes a very serious violation and leads to counseling and/or disciplinary action. -The time card cannot be completed and signed in advance. On a daily basis, all overtime eligible employees must show arrival and departure times for regularly scheduled shifts, including lunch periods and overtime hours worked on daily attendance register. Must match time card! Overtime ineligible employees must record arrival and departure with a “P” on daily attendance register.
Time & Attendance Record of Attendance cont’d. • The daily attendance register (sign in/out sheet) must be kept in a central location. This ensures accountability for employees and verification of attendance. • To avoid processing delays, signed records of attendance must be submitted to MNHS NLT 5 days after end of the time card (payroll) period. • If an employee has no leave credits to which to charge absences, they will not be paid for that absence/time; known as lost time or more commonly, “leave without pay (LWOP)”. • Supervisors should notify MNHS as soon as they are aware of a possible lost time situation. LWOP requires special payroll transactions that must be entered timely. Untimely submission, may result in payment that has to be recouped. A much more difficult task. • If a supervisor becomes aware of a possible or definite LWOP situation, notify MNHS immediately.
Time & Attendance Record of Attendance cont’d. • Employees are expected to report to work promptly at the beginning of their scheduled workday and upon returning from lunch. • When tardiness is unavoidable, employees may, subject to supervisory approval, charge the time to personal leave credits.* • Habitual or excessive tardiness and/or unexcused absences may be cause for disciplinary action. • *Occasionally, supervisor may allow an employee to make up lateness that same day, or another day during the same workweek.
Time & Attendance Time Off Requests • Employees should submit the Time Off Request form to supervisor for scheduled or anticipated time off to be approved. • If the supervisor is not available--employee submit it to the next level of supervision instead. • The supervisor does not have to approve the request. • Per CSEA contract: • request needs to be approved/denied within 5 working days. • If the request denied/canceled, supervisor must provide written reason within 5 working days • If the employee takes time off without filling out the form in advance-- may be considered unauthorized. Report it to Susan Schmidt, Labor Relations. • If supervisor doesn’t authorize employee’s time off request and they take time off anyway, it should remain unauthorized. MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011
Time & Attendance Leave Benefits Leave options: Annual Leave (AL), Personal Leave (PL) and Sick Leave (SL). AL and PL should have prior approval in most instances. SL generally is not pre-approved leave unless used for appointments. It is important to know the differences in leave options; intended uses and watch for abuses – i.e. authorized vs. unauthorized leave; scheduled vs. unscheduled leave. To the extent practicable based on operational needs, AL requests should be approved. Supervisors may withhold authorization when the resulting absence would have a negative impact on departmental operations, i.e. overtime. AL approval should be given in order of seniority when applicable – i.e. multiple requests for the same date. Firefighters accrue leave at different rates than 75 or 80 hour employees. Contact MNHS with help understanding leave accrual benefits and charges!
Time & Attendance Annual Leave In general, an employee must request and obtain approval in advance to use annual leave (AL) accruals. A request by the employee to use AL, to the extent practicable in light of the needs of the department, should be approved. A supervisor may withhold authorization when the resulting absence would have a negative effect on departmental operations, i.e. overtime. An employee’s properly submitted written request for use of accrued AL credit shall be answered in writing within five (5) working days of receipt. In the event more employees request the same vacation time off than can be reasonably accommodated, vacation time off will be granted by seniority in the job title. AL is used in quarter (1/4) hour increments.
Time & Attendance Personal Leave Employees receive five days of personal leave (PL) upon hire and annually on their anniversary date. PL is used for absences such as religious observance, extraordinary weather conditions and personal business. PL requires advance approval, which may be waived when used for an emergency situation. PL requests do not have to state a reason for use, provided prior approval is obtained. PL is used in quarter (1/4) hour increments.
Time & Attendance Sick Leave Sick Leave (SL) is a benefit available to employees to protect them from loss of income in the event of a health related absence. SL is used for illness, injury, operation or childbirth. SL can be used for health related appointments including preventative visits. It may also be used for illness or death in the family. The use of sick leave is restricted to these purposes. Use of other accruals for sick time has restrictions – consult with MNHS for guidance. SL used for family leave is restricted to 15 days annually. The rule of thumb for an employee to qualify to use sick leave for family illness is that the employee’s presence must be medically necessary. SL for family leave is still sick leave and may, if appropriate, be considered when looking at excessive use of unexcused absences. SL is used in quarter (1/4) hour increments.
Time & Attendance Medical Documentation Please refer to MNHS Bulletin 11-? for full details regarding the handling of medical documentation. Generally, medical documentation is required for sick leave absences of 4 days or more. Supervisors must inform MNHS immediately upon notice of employee extended absence (verbal, medical note, other documentation). Only MNHS may determine medical documentation to be satisfactory. Only MNHS may authorize an employees return to work after employee medical absence. A supervisor is required to contact MNHS immediately if employee returns without MNHS authorization/approval.
Time & Attendance FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - Federal Law, seeks to balance demands of workplace and family needs. Eligible employees can take up to 12 weeks of paid/unpaid leave per calendar year for eligible medical or family reasons: Birth of employees child Placement of child with employee for adoption or foster care Employee need to care for family member (child, spouse or parent) with serious health condition Employees own serious health condition, which makes employee unable to perform their job Eligibility - Must have 12 full months cumulative service and have worked 1250 hours over previous 12 months. Health and other insurance benefits will continue, employee must continue to pay employee portion. FMLA is designated at the start of an extended medical absence and will run concurrently with leave accrual use. However, an employee may elect to freeze accruals and go leave without pay.
Time & Attendance Worker’s Compensation (WC) There are numerous elements that will impact the employee while on WC. Supervisors must contact MNHS for guidance and direction. Employees who sustain an injury or sickness related to their job must report it ASAP to their supervisor and NYS Workers’ Compensation Accident Reporting System (ARS) Toll-free regional number (1-888-800-0029). Employees whose disability lasts more than 7 calendar days must charge leave for the first 5 working days of the initial waiting period. Accruals will be restored on a prorated basis depending on the WC determination. An employee whose disability lasts no more than 7 calendar days must charge leave accruals for lost time and is not eligible for restoration of accruals. Generally, Medical Documentation and FMLA rules apply. MNHS will notify employees. WC determination is not at the discretion of the supervisor. Any incident involving an injury to an employee that occurs at or in relation to work assignment should be reported by supervisor to MNHS. The contract between DMNA and CSEA allows for Mandatory Alternate Duty for certainWC cases.
Time & Attendance Leaves Other than AL, PL and SL Supervisors should contact MNHS for requirements regarding the use of the following: Sick Leave at half-pay: CSEA employees absent due to illness and approaching the point of exhaustion of leave credits, may request SL @ half-pay IPP: The Income Protection Plan is a short and long term disability insurance program that is available only to most MC employees. Leave for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Child Care: State policy recognizes disability during the four weeks prior to the anticipated due date and the six weeks following childbirth. An employee is entitled to a child care leave without pay of up to seven months from the date of delivery. Leave Donation Program: The leave donation program is intended to assist employees who, because of long-term personal illness, have exhausted their leave benefits. It provides for donation of vacation credits from fellow employees to the ill employee for his or her use as sick leave. Military Leave: Employees who are members of the National Guard or a reserve component of the Armed Forces are entitled to receive 30 calendar days or 22 workdays, whichever is greater, on January 1st of each year, used for military leave towards full pay while on ordered military duty.
Time & Attendance Other Leaves cont’d. Supervisors should contact MNHS for requirements regarding the use of the following: Breast Cancer Screening – up to 4 hours of paid leave in calendar year Prostate Cancer Screening – up to 4 hours of paid leave in calendar year Civil Service Examinations Jury Duty Leave to Donate Blood Volunteer Fire, Ambulance or Civil Defense Services DRL – through April 2013
Overtime • Reference TAG Policy dated 27 Oct, 2011 • Scheduled overtime must be submitted as far in advance as possible and must be • pre-approved by the Director of Human Resources • Unscheduled overtime is for unexpected/emergency purposes only. • Examples: • Burst water pipe, • No heat in a building, • Employee calling out sick resulting in shift falling below minimum manning levels • Under no circumstance will hourly employees perform overtime MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011
Overtime cont’dOvertime Forms – For all overtime except leases use the DMNA Form 153A For lease overtime use the DMNA Form 153BDMNA Form 153A justification must contain the following information:Overtime was required on (date)Over time was caused (by who or what)Overtime was required from (0700-0800)The voluntary overtime list was utilized and SG/MC ________ was offered and accepted the overtime.The voluntary overtime list was utilized and SG/MC ________ was offered and accepted the overtime. SG/MC came in early/stayed late for the regular workday (0700-1500)The mandatory overtime list was utilized and SG/MC ________ was mandated to work theovertime.The mandatory overtime list was utilized and SG/MC ________ was mandated to work the overtime. SG/MC came in early/stayed late for the regular workday (0700-1500) MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011
Overtime cont’d DMNA Form 153B justification must contain the following information: Who is leasing the armory ? For what purpose are they leasing the Armory ? What will the armory staff performing the overtime be doing ? The duration of the lease. For example: MGM will be leasing the Latham armory from 10 Oct, 2012 thru 10 Jan, 2013. MGM will be storing movie equipment and vehicles in the armory. Armory maintenance staff will be performing overtime in order to ensure MGM staff and guests do not enter restricted areas, the facility/restrooms are cleaned/maintained and required fire codes are adhered to. Scan and e-mail ot slips to Jeff.Harwood@US.Army.mil Or Fax to 518-786-6085 MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011
Time & Attendance When to notify MNHS • When there is an unexpected absence of 4days or more; • When there are patterns of unscheduledabsences; • When you know an employee will be going out or is out on medical leave even if they will be charging accruals (i.e. if they need surgery,have an accident, have an emergency, long illness). • . MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011
Time & Attendance Reviewing Timecards (For Supervisors) • Employees must have their time cards submitted to the supervisor for approval no later than the close of business of the Friday following the end of the pay period. • The supervisor must approve the time card by the close of business of the Monday following the end of the pay period. • Employees who are going on vacation or know that they will be absent from the workplace in advance should fill out their time cards and submit to their supervisor before going on leave, but do not have to submit them. • If, for some reason, the supervisor is not able to approve the employee’s time card, please contact MNHS and we will assist you. MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011
Time & Attendance Reviewing Timecards (Cont…) • Make sure the hours the employee has put on the time card are actual hours the employee has worked or taken off. • Watch for employees entering time worked on fixed holidays when they haven’t actually worked them. • Make sure, if the employee is using a leave category, that they have been authorized (approved by MNHS) using correctly (i.e. FMLA, Workers Comp). • Review any overtime the employee is claiming, NOTIFY MNHS of ANY OVERTIME. • Make sure time reported on timesheets consistent with the work hours noted on sign in sheets. • Make sure that time off entered by your employee is accurate. MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011
Time & Attendance Reviewing Timecards (Cont…) • Monitor employees’ accrual balances. • Watch for low or maximum accruals. • Watch for patterns (i.e. calling in on Mondays and Fridays, calling in on days before or after a holiday, excessive lateness). • Keep accurate records of your employees’ schedules. • If you see something on your employee’s time card not correct or you don’t agree with DON’T APPROVE IT! • You have the right to not approve it. Contact MNHS and we will assist you. MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011
Time & Attendance Additional Information MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011 • Supervisors and employees are encouraged to contact MNHS for any personnel assistance. • For general questions, visit the DMNA State Employee website at http://dmna.state.ny.us/state/state.php. Frequent announcements and HR Forms can be found there. • Link to OSC Payroll Calendar : http://www.osc.state.ny.us/payroll/files/payrollcalendars/admin_lag11.pdf
Time & Attendance MNHS Directorate MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011 • Marilyn Hartley – Director – phone: 518/786-6156 – marilyn.m.hartley@us.army.mil • Margaret Donohue – MNHS Secretary 1 – phone: 518/786-4830 – margaret.donohue@us.army.mil • William (Bill) Bennett – Payroll and Training Manager – phone: 518/786-4826 – bill.bennett@us.army.mil • Cheril (Cheri) Ristau – Office and Personnel Manager – phone: 518/786-4829 – cheril.ristau@us.army.mil • Susan Schmidt – Labor Relations Representative – phone: 518/786-6143 – susan.l.schmidt@us.army.mil • Tina Lehning – Senior Benefits Administrator/LOD Coordinator – phone: 518/786-4715 – tina.lehning@us.army.mil • Jeffrey Harwood – Sr. Personnel Administrator/LOD Coordinator – phone: 518/786-4524 – jeff.harwood@us.army.mil
Time & Attendance MNHS Directorate MNHS Presentation 01 May 2011 • Laurie Romer – Sr. Personnel Administrator – phone: 518/786-4825 – laurie.romer@us.army.mil • Aimee Hommel – Principal Time and Attendance Clerk – phone: 518/786-4437 – aimee.hommel@us.army.mil • Holly Richardson – Time and Attendance Clerk – phone: 518/786-6051 – holly.richardson@us.army.mil • Robert (Bob) Schmit – Principal Clerk – phone: 518/786-4519 – robert.schmit@us.army.mil • Kim Badalucco – Sr. Awards Administrator – phone: 518/786-4539 – kimberly.badalucco@us.army.mil • George Encarnacion – Principal Awards Clerk – phone: 518/786-4589 – george.encarnacion@us.army.mil