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Severn Tidal Power Feasibility Study

Severn Tidal Power Feasibility Study. Call for Proposals Initial Assessment of Options Next Steps 19 September 2008 – Severn Estuary Partnership, Penarth Peter Kydd Director of Planning & Environment Parsons Brinckerhoff. PB BV Consortium.

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Severn Tidal Power Feasibility Study

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  1. Severn Tidal Power Feasibility Study Call for Proposals Initial Assessment of Options Next Steps 19 September 2008 – Severn Estuary Partnership, Penarth Peter Kydd Director of Planning & Environment Parsons Brinckerhoff

  2. PB BV Consortium • Consortium led by Parsons Brinckerhoff appointed by BERR on 28th April 2008 to undertake the Assessment of Options and Strategic Environment Assessment • The consortium is jointly managed by Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) and Black & Veatch (B&V) and includes over 10 different specialist engineering, cost and environmental consultancies.

  3. Route Map – Assessment of Options Call for Information SDC Report Long-List of Potential Options SEA Reasonable Alternatives SEA Scoping & Early Research Call for Proposals Strategic Locations SEA Scoping Report Fair Basis Estimation of Costs, Programme and Energy Yield Assessment Framework Public Consultation Optimised Designs, Detailed Assessment of Costs, Programme and Energy Yield Short-List of Potential Options SEA Research, Consultation and Assessment Preferred Option Environmental Report and Appropriate Assessment

  4. Route Map – Assessment of Options SDC Report Long-List of Potential Options Call for Proposals Strategic Locations Fair Basis Estimation of Costs, Programme and Energy Yield Assessment Framework

  5. Potential Options Ref Option Name B1 Outer Barrage from Minehead to Aberthaw B2 Middle Barrage from Hinkley to Lavernock Point (As B3 but lands at Hinkley) B3 Middle Barrage from Brean Down to Lavernock Point (Cardiff to Weston Barrage) B4 Inner Barrage (Shoots Barrage) B5 Beachley Barrage F1 Tidal Fence Proposal L2 Lagoon Enclosure on the Welsh Grounds (Fleming Lagoon) L3 General Tidal Lagoon Proposals R1 Tidal Reef Proposal U1 Severn Lake Scheme

  6. Initial Options – Minehead to Aberthaw Ref Option Name B1 Outer Barrage – 25TWh per year (conventional Barrage) F1 Tidal Fence Proposal – 3.5TWh per year (an array of tidal stream turbines proposed by Pulse Tidal)) R1 Tidal Reef Proposal – 20TWh per year ( a new technology – Rotating turbine modules using 2 m head) – proposed by Evans Engineering

  7. Initial Options – Cardiff to Weston (and variants) Ref Option Name B3 Lavernock Point to Brean Down – 17TWh per year (conventional Barrage) F1 Tidal Fence Proposal – 3.5TWh per year (an array of tidal stream turbines) B2 Variant of B3 that runs to Hinkley Point rather tha Brean Down (improved flood defence and grid connections) – proposed by Shawater U1 Variant of B3 that employs a 1km wide causeway and adds land, leisure and wave energy developments – Severn Lakes proposal

  8. Initial Options – Upper Estuary Options Ref Option Name B4 Shoots Barrage – 2.77TWh per year (conventional Barrage) B5 Beachley Barrage – smaller than B4 but avoids blocking the Wye L2 Welsh Grounds – 3TWh/a Tidal Impoundment proposed by Fleming Energy L3 Tidal Lagoons – various onshore and offshore locations including options proposed by Tidal Electric extending throughout the estuary.

  9. Initial Options – Combinations and Modes of Operation Potential Combinations Tidal Lagoons + Smaller Barrage Multiple Tidal Lagoons Tidal Fence + Smaller Barrage Others subject to further study Modes of Operation Ebb only Ebb and Flood Pump Assisted Multiple Basins

  10. Fair Basis Cost and Energy Estimates Application of same principles to all options • Costs • Breaks each option down into a set of Principal Quantities • Applies consistent rates to principal quantities across all options • Energy Yield • Applies a consistent energy yield methodology across all options • Construction Programme • Applies the same start date to each option and common assumptions on programme length • Operations • Common approach to operational costs, maintenance costs and “outage” assumptions.

  11. Assessment Framework for Initial Options Initial Screen • Technical Feasibility Quantitative • Energy Outputs and CO2 savings • Levelised Costs Qualitative • Environmental Effects • Social / Regional and Economic Effects Sensitivity Testing Iterative Approach • Review and Updating of Options during assessment

  12. Next Steps To confirm short-list of options: • Continued dialogue with Proposers to confirm technical data • Conclusion of technical analysis • Application of Assessment Framework • Submission of Conclusions for review by BERR • Ministerial Review and Public Consultation on Proposed Short-List

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