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HYPER V 3.0. David Hodap , Geodetski zavod Rijeka MC T MCS A : Server Infra structure MCITP, MCTS, MCSA ,. Hyper-V Release History. Windows Server 2008 – Hyper-V 1.0 Basic functionaliti only Windows Server 2008 R2 –Hyper-V 2.0 Live Migration Dynamic memory

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HYPER V 3.0 David Hodap, Geodetski zavod Rijeka MCT MCSA: Server InfrastructureMCITP, MCTS, MCSA,

  2. Hyper-V Release History Windows Server 2008 – Hyper-V 1.0 Basic functionaliti only Windows Server 2008 R2 –Hyper-V 2.0 Live Migration Dynamic memory Windows Server 2012 – Hyper-V 3.0 A lot of new features

  3. Hyper –V 2.0

  4. Hyper –V 3.0

  5. Scalability Improvements

  6. PowerShell Managment

  7. Dynamic Memory

  8. Live Migration

  9. Live migrations Beyond the Cluster Previusly it was only possible to live migrate a VM to a cluster mode Hyper-V 3.0 completely change philosophy. This is called Shared Nothing Live Migrations

  10. No Shared Storage Requirement Live Migration in Hyper –V 2.0 required the use of shared storage (Cluster Shared Volume) In Hyper – V 3.0 shared storage is recommended,but not required

  11. Storage Migrations Storage migrations is different from live migration.It is designet to move a virtual machine from one storage location to another,not from one host to another In Hyper – V 3.0 storage migrations occur without down time

  12. Hyper – V Replica Replicate a running virtual machine to an alternate host Hyper – V replica is not a fail over clustering solution. It is a disaster recovery solution

  13. Virtual Fibre Channel Virtual Fibre Channel allows VMs to conect directly to FC storage trough a virtual SAN Each Host Bus Adapter must be assigned two World Wide Names in order to facilitate Live Migration

  14. Snapshots Hyper – V 3.0 can perform snapshots merges while the VM is runing

  15. Hot Adding Resources Hot resource allocation is new to Hyper – V 3.0 Hot resource allocation is available for memory and disks

  16. Extensible Virtual Switch This means that the vendors can actually write code that plugs into the Hyper – V virtual switch Example 5nine Security Manager for Windows server 2012

  17. DEMO

  18. david@gzr.hr david@mscommunity.hr

  19. Hvala na pažnji

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