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D.B.Q. D ocument B ased Q uestion You find the answer to a question by analyzing a series of documents. You do not need to know the answer to the question off the top of your head, instead you are graded on your ability to read and understand different types of documents.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. D.B.Q. • Document Based Question • You find the answer to a question by analyzing a series of documents. • You do not need to know the answer to the question off the top of your head, instead you are graded on your ability to read and understand different types of documents.

  2. Step 1: Gather Background Information • You need to gather background information about the topic of the DBQ. • Indentify: • Key People • Time Period • Significant Issues • Political, economic, social, religious, geographic …

  3. Step 2: Identify and define the question. • Identify what question you are being asked about the topic. • Define any unknown terms in the question. • Rewrite the question so it includes your own words and definitions.

  4. Step 3: Organize documents into groups • “Bucketing” • Place the documents into groups that have a common theme. • For example documents that focus on economics, social issues, important people, geography… • 3 buckets or groups are usually best Doc. B Doc. C Doc. D Social issues People Skills

  5. Step 4: Analyze the Documents • Answer the questions that come with the document. • Find the main idea of the document. • Identify key facts, images, or quotes from the document that help you to answer the overall DBQ question.

  6. Step 5: Final Bucketing • Look over your document summaries and decide if you need to alter your first group of buckets. • Chances are that you will have to make some changes. • Some documents may not fit together like you first thought or some buckets may not be very relevant to your answer. • Some Documents may go in more than one bucket but make sure there is a very good reason for it.

  7. Step 6: Developing your Thesis Sentence • Your thesis is your answer to the question. It is your opinion and is therefore debatable. It is more important that you be able to support your answer from the documents than if you are “right” or “wrong” • To write the thesis sentence turn the question into a statement and add the bucket titles. • Example: • Question: What were the main causes of the Civil War? • Bucket Titles: Sectionalism, Slavery, and States Rights • Thesis Sentence: The main causes of the Civil War were Sectionalism, Slavery, and States Rights. • “Chicken Foot” Bucket 1 Title Bucket 2 Title Statement Bucket 3 Title

  8. Step 7: Write your response • Follow whatever directions your teacher gives you for your written response. • You may have to write a 5 paragraph essay, you may have to write a 1 paragraph summary, you may have to write a 3 page paper. • Just use the information from the documents to support your answer and make sure to cite the documents in your writing.

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