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Cleveland State University ESC 720 Research Communications

Learn about the effective paper structure, writing style, and title/authroship guidelines to improve your research communications. Includes tips on abstracts, paragraphs, and formatting.

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Cleveland State University ESC 720 Research Communications

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  1. Cleveland State UniversityESC 720Research Communications Lecture 7 – Writing Structure and Style Dan Simon

  2. Writing Structure and Style • Paper Structure • Paper Title and Authorship • Abstract • Paragraphs • Writing Style • Contractions, Voice, Tense, Connectors, Lists, Repetition, and Formatting

  3. 1. Paper Structure • Abstract (100–200 words, often with a different font) • Introduction: First numbered section • Background of paper • Related work • Overview of paper • Sections • Subsections • Paragraphs • Conclusion: Last numbered section • Summary • Future work • Acknowledgments (un-numbered section, or footnote on first page) • References: Un-numbered section • Appendices

  4. 1. Paper Structure Some Elements of a Good Introduction • Is the subject of the report clearly defined? • Why is the subject important? • Who are the important researchers? • What are their motivations for studying the subject? • What are the important definitions in the subject? • What is the basic history of the subject? • Does the first paragraph catch my interest? • Does the introduction motivate me to keep reading?

  5. 1. Paper Structure Sections • At the start of each section, give an overview of the material in that section. This is similar to the paper outline in the introduction. “In this section we discuss … Section 3.1 shows that … Section 3.2 derives … Section 3.2 provides simulation results …” • At the end of each section, summarize.“We have shown that … Furthermore, we have seen that …”Note that this is an exception to the rule of using a consistent tense.

  6. 1. Paper Structure Some Elements of a Good Conclusion • Has the report been summarized well? • Is there adequate discussion of future work? • Discussion of future work is the only new material that should be in the conclusion • Is the ending graceful? • Do not refer back to figures, tables, or equations in the conclusion

  7. Writing Structure and Style • Paper Structure • Paper Title and Authorship • Abstract • Paragraphs • Writing Style • Contractions, Voice, Tense, Connectors, Lists, Repetition, and Formatting

  8. 2. Paper Title and Authorship • Paper titles should be specific but not too long • Titles should not contain acronyms unless they are generally known • A Real-Time Markov Analysis of BBO with a Comparison to GAs and Application to Flux Capacitor Design in Time Machines • Markov Analysis of Biogeography-Based Optimization: Application to Time Machines

  9. 2. Paper Title and Authorship • Avoid meaningless words – i.e., be specific Real-world performance evaluation of a newly proposed novel optimization algorithm An immigration refusal approach for biogeography-based optimization with application to motor control A newly developed intelligent control algorithm for real world applications

  10. 2. Paper Title and Authorship The IEEE affirms that authorship credit must be reserved for individuals who have met each of the following conditions: (1) made a significant intellectual contribution to the theoretical development, system or experimental design, prototype development, and/or the analysis and interpretation of data associated with the work contained in the manuscript, (2) contributed to drafting the article or reviewing and/or revising it for intellectual content, and (3) approved the final version of the manuscript, including references. IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual

  11. 2. Paper Title and Authorship • Contributors who do not meet authorship criteria should be mentioned in an un-numbered acknowledgments section which appears just before the un-numbered references section. • Financial support can be mentioned in the acknowledgments section, or in an un-numbered footnote on the first page.

  12. 2. Paper Title and Authorship … blah blahblah … and this concludes our work. Acknowledgments This work was supported by NSF grant 9A453 in the Engineering Directorate. The authors gratefully acknowledge Albert Einstein for help with the relativity equations. The anonymous reviewers were instrumental in correcting the misuse of semicolons in the original version of this paper. References [1] A. Einstein, “On the Theory of Brownian Motion,” Annalen der Physik, 19, 371–381, 1906. ...

  13. Writing Structure and Style • Paper Structure • Paper Title and Authorship • Abstract • Paragraphs • Writing Style • Contractions, Voice, Tense, Connectors, Lists, Repetition, and Formatting

  14. 3. Abstract • The abstract must be self-contained. • Define acronyms that are used in the abstract. • The abstract must not contain references. • It is acceptable, although not common, to identify work by author. For example, "Our flux capacitor design is based on the work of Dr. Emmett Brown and Prof. Marty McFly." • Avoid saying "in this paper" in the abstract, unless you’re writing in the third person. • Avoid general motivation and background in the abstract. • Highlight the problem and main results. • Remember that the abstract may be the only part of your paper that anyone reads!

  15. 3. Abstract Sample Abstract: BBO is a population-based EA[1] that is based on the mathematics of biogeography. This paper presents a Markov analysis of BBO. The reason we do this is because general conclusions cannot be drawn from simulation results, so it is important to obtain analytical results about the behavior of BBO. Problems: Undefined acronyms References Use of the phrase “This paper” Too much motivation

  16. 3. Abstract Better abstract: Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a population-based evolutionary algorithm (EA) that is based on the mathematics of biogeography. We present a Markov analysis of BBO. Our analysis provides the probability of each population distribution for a given problem. Analytical comparisons on various types of simple problems (unimodal, multimodal, and deceptive) show that with low mutation rates, BBO outperforms other EAs. Corrections: Acronyms are defined The reference has been removed The phrase “This paper” has been removed Discussion about motivation has been removed Results have been summarized

  17. Writing Structure and Style • Paper Structure • Paper Title and Authorship • Abstract • Paragraphs • Writing Style • Contractions, Voice, Tense, Connectors, Lists, Repetition, and Formatting

  18. 4. Paragraphs • A paragraph should contain around 100 words • Shorter than 30 words is too choppy • Longer than 200 words is cumbersome, hard to read • Vary the length of your sentences and paragraphs • A paragraph must never have just one sentence • Does a sentence ever contain only one word? No. (Okay, there are a few exceptions.) • Does a section contain only one paragraph?(There are exceptions – like transitional paragraphs.) • Does a report contain only one section?

  19. 4. Paragraphs • A paragraph should contain: • Introductory sentence, also called topic sentence • The most general sentence in the paragraph • Middle sentences, also called body sentences or supporting sentences, which discuss one subject • Conclusion (linking) sentence • May be omitted if the paragraph is short

  20. 4. Paragraphs: Example In state estimation problems, we want to estimate the state x because it contains all of the informationabout the system. The problem is that we cannot measure x directly. Instead we measure y, whichis a function of x that is corrupted by the noise v. We can use y to help us obtain an estimate of x, but we cannot necessarily take the information from y at its face value because it is corrupted bynoise. We therefore need a way to properly balance our measurement information with our model information.

  21. 4. Paragraphs • Topic sentences need to be general but also need to be limited to a single topic. • Examples: • Our new controller is stable, converges quickly, and is low cost …(unless this sentence is in the conclusion) • Our new controller is stable under certain conditions …

  22. 4. Paragraphs • Topic sentences need to be general but also need to be limited to a single topic. • Examples: • Our new controller is stable if the gain is less than the infinity-norm of the noise-to-error transfer function, which in turn is less than unity … • Our new controller is stable under certain conditions …

  23. Writing Structure and Style • Paper Structure • Paper Title and Authorship • Abstract • Paragraphs • Writing Style • Formal Writing, Voice, Tense, Connectors, Lists, Repetition, and Formatting

  24. 5. Writing Style: Formal Writing Two kinds of writing: • Informal (magazines, newspapers, web sites) • Formal (academic, professional)

  25. 5. Writing Style: Formal Writing Informal writing: • Beginning sentences with conjunctions (And, But, …) • Contractions (can’t, won’t, doesn’t, …) • Use of the word you • Use of the imperative (should, need, …) • Abbreviations (a few are okay in formal writing: e.g., i.e., etc.) • Person shift (I, you, he, she, it, we) • Emotional content, personal stories • Short sentences and short paragraphs • Lack of references

  26. 5. Writing Style: Consistent Voice • Voice is a term that indicates if you are writing in the first person (I or we), second person (you), or third person (he, she, they, it). • In state estimation problems, we want to estimate the state x because it contains all of the informationabout the system. The problem is that you cannot measure x directly. Instead we measure y, whichis a function of x that is corrupted by the noise v. Engineers can use y to help us obtain an estimate of x, but they cannot necessarily take the information from y at its face value because it is corrupted bynoise. We therefore need a way to properly balance my measurement information with my model information.

  27. 5. Writing Style: Consistent Tense • Tense is a term that indicates if you are writing in the past, present, or future. Present is the preferred (but not required) tense. • In our state estimation problem, we want to estimate the state x because it contains all of the informationabout the system. The problem is that we could not measurex directly. Instead we measuredy, whichis a function of x that wascorrupted by the noise v. We will use y to obtain an estimate of x, but we cannottake the information from y at its face value because it is corrupted bynoise. We therefore will need a way to properly balance our measurement information with our model information.

  28. 5. Writing Style: Use Connectors • For example, … • For instance, … • One example is … • First, second, third, … • As another example, … • Another example is … • Finally, … • In conclusion, … • To summarize, … • On the one hand, … • On the other hand, … • However, … • But … • Also … • In addition, …

  29. 5. Writing Style: Use Connectors Each of the U.S. space projects had specific goals. The Mercury project was designed to test whether or not human beings could survive in outer space. The Mercury project tested rockets with a new space capsule which could hold one person. The Gemini project was intended to find out whether two people could work in weightlessness. Gemini astronauts took “spacewalks.” They floated outside their spacecraft in a spacesuit. Gemini astronauts tried out new flying skills. On some Gemini flights, astronauts linked two spacecraft together. This was a major goal of the Gemini program. The Apollo project had the goal of testing spacecraft that could fly to the Moon. We need some connectors!

  30. 5. Writing Style: Use Connectors Each of the U.S. space projects had specific goals. For example, the Mercury project was designed to test whether or not human beings could survive in outer space. In addition, the Mercury project tested rockets with a new space capsule which could hold one person. As another example, the Gemini project was intended to find out whether two people could work in weightlessness. One way of doing this was by having Gemini astronauts take “spacewalks.” That is, they floated outside their spacecraft in a spacesuit. Gemini astronauts alsotried out new flying skills. On some Gemini flights, astronauts linked two spacecraft together. This linking was a major goal of the Gemini program. Finally, the Apollo project had the goal of testing spacecraft that could fly to the Moon. Good use of connectors!

  31. 5. Writing Style: Lists • Avoid lists that are set apart from your text. • But lists can be embedded in the text. In this section we compare BBO with ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, artificial immune systems, and differential evolution. In this section we compare BBO with four other algorithms: (1) ant colony optimization, (2) particle swarm optimization, (3) artificial immune systems, and (4) differential evolution.

  32. 5. Writing Style: Avoid Repetition • Vary terminology for the sake of variety, as long as you don’t sacrifice accuracy. Computers control many aspects of our lives. Computers merge hardware and software, integrating the two and generating complex interactions. It is thus imperative that we construct computer software and computer hardware so they can evolve together. This paper discusses one approach to integrate computer hardware and computer software.

  33. 5. Writing Style: Avoid Repetition • Vary terminology for the sake of variety, as long as you don’t sacrifice accuracy. Computers control many aspects of our lives. Computingsystems merge hardware and software, integrating the two and generating complex interactions. It is thus imperative that we construct hardware and software so they can evolve together. This paper discusses one approach to accomplish this integration.

  34. 5. Writing Style: Formatting • For journal/conference submissions, use one column, double-spacing, and 12-point font. • For your “camera-ready” format, use the following: • Two columns for 10-point font (or smaller) • One column for 12-point font (or larger) • Include header and footer information on each page. • Exceptions: some journals and conferences include a template that you must use.

  35. 5. Writing Style: Formatting Note the footer information at the bottom of the page.

  36. Acknowledgments • lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/fwalters/toeflwrite.html • www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/etc/writing-style.html • www1.umn.edu/urelate/style/language-usage.html • Technical Communication, by Mike Markel

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