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DPAS II (R) Training

DPAS II (R) Training. Delaware Department of Education September 2012 Version 2 – 8/15/2012. Agenda. 8:00 – 8:05 Welcome 8:05 – 8:25 DPAS Component V Overview (DOE) 8:25 – 8:35 Questions (DOE) 8:35 – 8:50 Overview Continued (DOE) 8:50 – 9:00 Questions (DOE)

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DPAS II (R) Training

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  1. DPAS II (R) Training Delaware Department of Education September 2012 Version 2 – 8/15/2012

  2. Agenda 8:00 – 8:05 Welcome 8:05 – 8:25 DPAS Component V Overview (DOE) 8:25 – 8:35 Questions (DOE) 8:35 – 8:50 Overview Continued (DOE) 8:50 – 9:00 Questions (DOE) 9:00 – 9:45 Activity Follow-up with Q&A (DOE) 9:45 – 10:00 Break 10:00 – 10:15 Performance Plus Introduction (SunGard) 10:15 – 11:00 Comp V Scenarios Using P-Plus (Joint) 11:00 – 11:30 Scanning/Bubble Sheets/Tech (SunGard) 11:30 – 12:00 Synthesis and Questions (Joint)

  3. Understanding DPAS II (R): Components I-IV

  4. Understanding DPAS II(R): Component V • Purpose/Philosophy • Focus on building a school climate where everyone is focused on the improvement of student achievement. • Bringing back a focus on conferences and conversation between educators and administrators.

  5. Understanding policy and implementation for Component V. • What’s New? • Three Educator Groups • Three Measures

  6. Who are the educator groups? • Teacher of Record – The teacher of record is a full-time teacher, as defined in the DPAS II regulation 106A (revised), who has been assigned the primary responsibility for a student’s learning in a course/class, provided the student has been enrolled at least 85% of the time that the class is in session.

  7. Examples • I am a third grade teacher of record for 22 students – which group? • I am a ninth grade science teacher of record for 6 different classes – which group? • I am a fourth grade special education teacher in a TAM classroom – which group? • I am a second grade Music teacher who only reports “S” or “U” for students – which group?

  8. What are the three (3) types of Measures? • MEASURE A • MEASURE B • MEASURE C

  9. Measure A • Based upon DCAS instructional scale scores for reading and/or math in grades three (3) through ten (10)

  10. Measure B • Two (2) different assessments • External Assessment • DDOE approved, standardized assessments that can be used at the discretion of the district • DIBELS, STAR Math, STAR Reading • Internal Assessment • DDOE approved, educator developed assessments specific to subject and grade level • Pre/Post Student Assessments

  11. Measure C • Growth Goals • DDOE approved, educator developed goals • Specific to content area and/or job assignment • Includes a mix of: student growth and professional outcomes

  12. How do we match educator groups to the measures?

  13. Group I Educators and Measures • Group I Teachers: • MUST use a minimum of two (2) measures • MUST use Measure A for all students assessed by DCAS in reading and/or math for grades three (3) through (10) • MUSTuse at least one (1) Measure B • Measure A and Measure B weighted 50% each

  14. Group II Educators and Measures • Group II Teachers: • MUST use a minimum of four (4) measures • MUST use at least one (1) Measure B and one (1) Measure C • Measure B and Measure C weighted 50% each

  15. Group III Educators and Measures • Group III Educators: • MUST use a minimum of four (4) Measure C’s • Measure C weighted 100%

  16. Examples • I am a third grade teacher of record for 22 students – Group 1, which measures? • I am a ninth grade science teacher of record for 6 different classes – Group 2, which measures? • I am a fourth grade special education teacher in a TAM classroom – Group 1, which measures? • I am a second grade Music teacher who only reports “S” or “U” for students – Group 2, which measures?

  17. Questions?

  18. DPAS II Ratings • Remember… • Criterion Ratings • Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, Distinguished • Component I-IV Ratings • Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory • Component V Ratings • Exceeds, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory • Summative Ratings • Highly Effective, Effective, Needs Improvement, Ineffective • Component V acts as a gate-keeper

  19. How will Measure A be rated?

  20. How are Measure A Growth Targets set? • Growth Targets will be provided by the Department of Education • For the 2012-13 school years, Growth Targets will be determined based on DCAS instructional scale score growth achieved by “similar students” in 2010-11 and 2011-12 school years. • Similar students are: • Students in the same grade and subject • Same fall score • Same ELL (English Language Learner) • Same SWD (Student with Disability); or, • Non-SWD/ELL • Students who achieve PL4s in the spring will count as having met their growth targets for that school year.

  21. How will Measure B and C be rated?

  22. How are Measure B and Measure C Growth Targets set? • Based on professional conversations between the administrator and educator • Agree upon measures used • Agree upon a “satisfactory” target and an “exceeds” target

  23. Example for Measure B • In the Fall, administrator and educator agreed upon: • Grade 2 ELA pre/post assessment • 80% of the targeted group will show improvement in fluency within the last six weeks of the school year as compared to the first six weeks of the school year. • Achievement ranges: • Exceeds: 90% of all students received a 70 or higher on the spring post-test compared to 55% receiving a 70 or higher on the fall pre-test. • Satisfactory: 80% of all students received a 70 or higher on the spring post-test compared to 55% receiving a 70 or higher on the fall pre-test.

  24. Example for Measure C • In the Fall, administrator and educator agreed upon: • Standard 5 – Implementation (for access to learning) • Indicator – Absences Due to Illness • Students will demonstrate decreased absenteeism • Target Goal: 50% improvement – Number of students showing improvement at the end of selected time divided by total number of students in cohort • Achievement ranges: • Exceeds: 60% of targeted number of students showing improvement at the end of the selected time period compared to the beginning time period (i.e., current school year compared to previous school year or identified marking period) • Satisfactory: 50% of targeted number of students showing improvement at the end of the selected time period compared to the beginning time period

  25. Component Five Ratings

  26. Summative Ratings

  27. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessEducator Groups 1 & 2 ONLY: Roster Verification • Due to the nature of Measure A & B and their alignment with student growth, it is necessary to ensure valid class rosters. • Educator Groups 1 & 2 will be measuring student growth across all classes, a class and/or a cohort of students within a class. • To ensure an accurate account of the students an educator is responsible for, it is necessary to verify an educator’s roster.

  28. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessMeasures / Target Selection Form*Note: October 15th is a recommended date

  29. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessMeasures / Target Selection Form*Note: October 15th is a recommended date

  30. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessMeasures / Target Selection Form*Note: October 15th is a recommended date

  31. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessMeasures / Target Selection Form*Note: October 15th is a recommended date

  32. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessMeasures / Target Selection Form*Note: October 15th is a recommended date

  33. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessMeasures MUST be approved by evaluators prior to using any measure!*Note: October 15th is a recommended date

  34. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessTarget Selection Process

  35. DPAS II(R) Component V Process Activity: What does a good Student Growth Target look like?

  36. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessStudent Growth Target Guiding Principles

  37. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessWhat is a Student Growth Target? • A Student Growth Target is a measurable goal for student achievement over a given period of time. • Strong student growth targets share three key characteristics: High-Quality Evidence Assessment provides data from the beginning and end of students’ time with teacher and is based on a common assessment when available. Priority Content Focuses on learning content that is aligned to state and/or common core standards (when applicable). Rigor Represents an appropriate amount of student learning (challenging, yet attainable) for the specified interval of instruction and specified set of students.

  38. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessWhat Do Strong Student Growth Targets Look Like? Goal Statement: Increase the percentage of students who are proficient (above 70%) in Integrated Mathematics I from 33% in September, 2012 to 75% in June, 2012, as measured by the Department of Education Internal Measure B: Integrated Mathematics I. • A good goal statement is one that is… • Specific • Measurable • Appropriate • Realistic • Time-bound

  39. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessWhat Do Strong Student Growth Targets Look Like? During the school year, my sixth grade physical education students will improve performance by 20% on each of the Presidential Fitness Test sub areas. • Specific: Focused on physical education, specifically the Presidential Fitness sub areas • Measurable: Identified Presidential Fitness Test to be used to assess goal • Appropriate: The teacher teaches the content and skills contained in the Presidential Fitness Tests. • Realistic: The goal of increasing student performance by 20% is realistic. It is not out of reach and yet not too easy. • Time-bound: Goal attainment can be addressed by the end of the year with the final Presidential Fitness Test.

  40. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessTarget Selection Process

  41. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessSCENARIO: Hypothetical Classroom Data Suppose you’re teaching mathematics to a class of 20 fourth grade students. You know that students from this school have had trouble with measurement items on the state test in previous years, and you’re wondering whether you need to do more teaching in this area. After reviewing Measure B for fourth grade mathematics, you discover that the assessment targets the Domain: Measurement and Data. You received approval from your evaluator to use the Internal Measure developed by educators to identify the strengths and/or weaknesses of your students in measurement, and administered the assessment to your entire class. Your students obtained the scores shown in Table 1.

  42. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessSCENARIO: Hypothetical Classroom Data

  43. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessFall Conference • The teacher and administrator will meet (Fall Conference) to discuss the growth expectations for students. • Using the Measures / Target Form, the teacher and administrator will agree upon the identified areas of need and focus for the school year.

  44. DPAS II(R) Component V ProcessFall Conference • Group 1 • Measure A targets will be provided by the Department of Education: Student Growth Tables • Finalize targets for Measure B assessment • Record in Data and Evidence Collection Procedures Chart. • Group 2 • Set targets for Measure B assessment(s) • Record in Data and Evidence Collection Procedures Chart. • Finalize targets for Measure C Growth Goals • Record in Data and Evidence Collection Procedures Chart. • Group 3 • Finalize targets for Measure C Growth Goals • Record in Data and Evidence Collection Procedures Chart.

  45. DDOE Resources DDOE Website: http://www.doe.k12.de.us/csa/dpasii/default.shtml Hotline Numbers: eSchool Plus - 302-735-4140 Sungard - perfplus@sungardps.com DPAS-II policy – 302-735-4179

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