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Prior Art Search in USA | Prior Art Search Services

Prior art search services involves a series of steps designed to extract the most relevant references for a specific situation. This situation may range from a novel invention to invalidating a patent or obtaining clearance prior to a product launch. A good place to start looking for relevant prior art would be in the patent databases. Pitch Scientific has the acquired skill of conducting a detailed Prior Art Search in USA and then provide a report specially customized to the end user. Such reports were well received by the requesters who have given their appreciation in a number of different ways- including pleasing words of praise as well as repeating requests for more studies. <br>Visit for Services: http://pitchscientific.com/<br>

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Prior Art Search in USA | Prior Art Search Services

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  1. Pitch Scientific Prior Art Search in USA Presented By Karan Anand P.HD www.pitchscientific.com

  2. ABOUT US Pitch Scientific has the acquired skill of conducting a detailed Prior Art Search in USA and then provide a report specially customized to the end user. Such reports were well received by the requesters who have given their appreciation in a number of different ways- including pleasing words of praise as well as repeating requests for more studies.

  3. Prior Art Search Services | Prior Art Search in USA Prior art search services involves a series of steps designed to extract the most relevant references for a specific situation. This situation may range from a novel invention to invalidating a patent or obtaining clearance prior to a product launch. A good place to start looking for relevant prior art would be in the patent databases. Pitch Scientific has the acquired skill of conducting a detailed Prior Art Search in USA and then provide a report specially customized to the end user. Such reports were well received by the requesters who have given their appreciation in a number of different ways- including pleasing words of praise as well as repeating requests for more studies.

  4. A typical prior art searching process involves several easy to perform steps: • Obtaining a keen understanding of the subject matter at hand, • Identifying the relevant field(s) to be searched in an appropriate data source • Constructing suitable search strings based on the chosen field(s), and running them on the data source, • Scrutinizing the results to judge the appropriateness of the search strategy. Fields of search include: Date Fields (a) Priority Date (c) Filing Date (b) Filing Date (e) Grant Date etc. (d) Publication Date Assignee/ Applicant Inventor Title Abstract Claim Classification Codes

  5. Prior art search Details Quite often, multiple fields are used to search and arrive at most relevant prior art quickly and efficiently. Also, typically, ensuring the results showing from a search is relevant or not would involve scanning through at least a handful of some of the hits to see if they match the search criteria. However, an easier way would be to have a seed reference available, and then ensuring that the seed reference is part of the result set. Seed references need to be chosen carefully to ensure that they are of high relevance and as close to the point as possible to the subject matter. Figure 1 shows an exemplary flowchart with an example of searching using the text fields, such as claims, title, abstract or detailed description as the case may be.

  6. FLOWCHART Figure 1. An exemplary flowchart for a search process A seasoned patent search professional would understand that while one exemplary embodiment has been shown herein, other suitable modifications and additional aspects will become apparent to one skilled in the art and is considered to be within the scope of the description given herein.

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