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Implementation of State Elimination Using Heuristics

Implementation of State Elimination Using Heuristics. Author : Jae- Hee Ahn , Yo -Sub Han Publisher: CIAA 2009 Presenter: Li- Hsien , Hsu Data: 5/9/2012. I ntroduction. Introduction. Introduction.

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Implementation of State Elimination Using Heuristics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Implementation of State Elimination UsingHeuristics Author: Jae-HeeAhn, Yo-Sub Han Publisher: CIAA 2009 Presenter: Li-Hsien, Hsu Data: 5/9/2012

  2. Introduction

  3. Introduction

  4. Introduction The size of a regular expression from state elimination depends on the state removal sequence. 2 -> 4 4 -> 2

  5. Heuristics for State Elimination • The Decomposition Heuristic • vertical decomposition • horizontal decomposition • The State Weight Heuristic

  6. Vertical Decomposition • Definition 1. We define a state q in an FA A to be a bridge state if it satisfies the following conditions: 1. State q is neither a start nor a final state. 2. For each string w ∈ L(A), its path in A must pass through q at least once. 3. State q is not in any cycle except for the self-loop.

  7. Vertical Decomposition

  8. Horizontal Decomposition • For horizontal chopping of a given FA A = (Q,Σ, δ, s, f), we have to identify subautomataof A such that all subautomata are disjoint from each other except s and f.

  9. The State Weight Heuristic

  10. The State Weight Heuristic In = 1 Out = 2 (1*2)+(1*1+1*1)+5*(1*2) = 14

  11. C-I Eliminate states in order. • C-II Using VC & HC, and eliminate States in order. • C-III Using SWH only once. • C-IV Using VC & HC, and eliminate States with SWH only once. • C-V Using SWH in every steps. • C-VI Using VC & HC, and eliminate States with SWH in every steps.

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