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Project DaHar 3rd TG Meeting and 2nd Project Coordination Team Meeting 7 and 8 March, 2012, Ennshafen. DaHar PP : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Engineering and Port of Novi Sad, AD Prof. Dr.-Ing. Milosav Georgijevic, VDI, BVL, ASIM. Project DaHar Sanja Bojić, Dipl.-Ing.-Master
Project DaHar 3rd TG Meeting and 2nd Project Coordination Team Meeting 7 and 8 March, 2012, Ennshafen DaHar PP: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Engineering and Port of Novi Sad, AD Prof. Dr.-Ing. Milosav Georgijevic, VDI, BVL, ASIM Project DaHar Sanja Bojić, Dipl.-Ing.-Master WP4 – A2 3rd TG Meeting and 2nd Project Coordination Team Meeting Enns - 7 and 8 March, 2012
Project DaHar 3rd TG Meeting and 2nd Project Coordination Team Meeting 7 and 8 March, 2012, Ennshafen DaHar PP: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Engineering and Port of Novi Sad, AD Prof. Dr.-Ing. Milosav Georgijevic, VDI, BVL, ASIM STRATEGIC LEVEL Strategic framework The Master Plan for the Danube Inland Harbour Development represents a key document for the establishment of the future direction of the Danube ports development in the 20 years time horizont. Its main purpose is to: Clarify the Port’s own strategic planning for the medium and long term; Assist regional and local planning bodies, and transport network providers, in preparing and revising their own development strategies; Inform port users, employees and local communities as to how they can expect to see the port develop over the coming years. Master Plan OPERATIONAL LEVEL ACTION PLAN Investment Plan Bussines Plan Budget
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK LONG AND MEDIUM-TERM: 10 to 20 years Reviewed every 5 to 10 years • Analysis of the DaHar countries national strategies related to: • Economy development • Sustainable development of transport • Spatial development • Level of RIS introduction • in the form of : SHORT ECONOMICAL ELABORATION, • STATE OF THE ART STUDIES, IWT LABS , SWOT • ANALYSIS, Status quo reports • Development of the Master Plan has to be made based upon the • elaborated results gathered within the privious WPs, in the form of • a Strategic framework, complemented with the Rine experience, • Master Class reports, cargo flows forecast and development • alternatives. • Master Plan (MP) will be focused on the 5 following pillars: • Ports logistical infrastructure including ports operational models; • Hinterland connections development; • Ports integration with an aim of introduction and development of container and Ro-Ro services on the Danube; • RIS related cargo transport management; • Navigability and environmental protection on the Danube. MASTER PLAN LONG AND MEDIUM-TERM: 10 to 20 years Reviewed every 5 to 10 years ACTION PLANS SHORT-TERM: 5 years Reviewed every year Definition of activities, required to reach the targets defined within the Master Plan, including definition of the required time frame, resources and parties involved for their realization.
MASTER PLAN STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK has to comprehend: Analysis of current economical conditions: GDP, internal trade, external trade, main external trading partners Analysis of the actual EU, national, regional and local strategies related to: spatial development, infrastructural development, sustainable development of traffic, introduction of liner services and integration of RIS State of the art of the port including: capacities, equipment, services, hinterland connections and liner services SWOT analysis of the port besed on the results of the above mentioned analysis GATHERING AND ANALYSING EXPERIENCES FROM THE RINE (results of benchmarking) CARGO FLOWS FORECASTING DEFINING THE NEEDS TO ADJUST SUPPLY AND DEMAND, FOLLOWED BY THE DEFINITION OF POSSIBILITIES AND REQUIREMENTS TO IMPROVE EXISTING PERFORMANCE HARMONIZATION OF THE MASTER PLAN WITH THE DANUBE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT AND INTRODUCTION OF THE ACTION PLAN
Project DaHar 3rd TG Meeting and 2nd Project Coordination Team Meeting 7 and 8 March, 2012, Ennshafen The Master Plan beneficiaries
Project DaHar 3rd TG Meeting and 2nd Project Coordination Team Meeting 7 and 8 March, 2012, Ennshafen Promotion of the Master Plan • According to the WP 2 all DaHar PPs are in charge of promotion of the Master Plan, particularly, the following target groups should be included: • Partners involved in the project • Local, international and EU professional networks, institutions, knowledge centers • Primary decision-makers of port development (authorities of ports and waterways, municipalities), politicians • Port owners, transportation enterprises, representatives of the industry • Ports not involved in the project • Local residents • through: • conferences, • events, • publications, • newsletter, • electronic newsletter, • Website, • Media appearances, • and particularly the DaHar Support Forums
Project DaHar 3rd TG Meeting and 2nd Project Coordination Team Meeting 7 and 8 March, 2012, Ennshafen DaHar PP: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Engineering and Port of Novi Sad, AD Prof. Dr.-Ing. Milosav Georgijevic, VDI, BVL, ASIM Thank you for your attention University of Novi Sad Faculty of Technical Sciences E – Mail: s_bojic@uns.ac.rs Tel : + 381 63 10 34 227