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The Office of State Revenue in Queensland, Australia introduced SAP Tax Insights Machine Learning to predict future debtors for improved taxpayer outcomes. Enhance experiences, predict non-payment, design treatment strategies, and improve services using data-driven solutions.
Intelligent Tax Office: Enhancing Taxpayer Experiences and Services Office of State Revenue, Queensland Treasury, Australia
Queensland Office of State Revenue, Queensland Treasury, Australia • In 2017, OSR began a journey to provide next generation tax and revenue management capabilities that are client centric, digitally enabled and data driven, to improve outcomes for taxpayers, staff, government and the Queensland community. • A key solution from the transformation is the SAPTax Insights Machine Learning solution which has delivered OSR the capability to predict which taxpayers (i.e. identify WHO) are likely to become future debtors - to a 71% accuracy level. • The next iteration of this solution focuses on understanding the influencing factors for WHY taxpayers fail to pay their tax on time. This will deliver deeper insights into specific taxpayer behaviours and sentiment. This will enable OSR to design treatment strategies for individuals or cohorts, deliver new and improved service offerings that address taxpayer’s individual needs. • The Forrester Analytics Customer Experience Index Online Survey 2017 shows that delivering a positive experience can improve the citizen voluntary compliance, make the delivery of services more cost effective, and improve trust in government.1 • The benefits to OSR from this PoC are: • Understanding taxpayers’ experiences in dealing with the Office from three dimensions – Experience, Service Offerings and Brand • Improving taxpayers’ experiences, which may in turn lead to more taxpayers paying on time • Adjusting current, or creating new, service offerings to address influencing factors (key words/ sentiment). This will improve the taxpayer experience and increase the likelihood of them paying their tax obligations on time • Call centre operators can use the Machine Learning Customer Journey to understand customer sentiment from current and past contacts • Intelligent Tax Office: Enhancing Taxpayer Experiences and Services • SAP Intelligent Taxation products • SAP Qualtrics • SAP Data Hub • SAP Cloud Platform (CEPA) - ML Foundation (NLP and Speech to Text) • SAP Tax Insights Machine Learning • SAP HANA Enterprise Data Warehouse • SAP Analytics Cloud • SAP Public Services • Understand WHY taxpayers may choose not to pay on time • Merge Experience (X) data with Operational (O) data to provide new insights into taxpayer behaviour and sentiment • Enable data driven intelligent taxation by orchestrating data across the enterprise
Office of State Revenue, Queensland Treasury • Intelligent Tax Office: Enhancing Taxpayer Experiences and Services • The Office of State Revenue (OSR), part of Queensland Treasury, is a public sector agency in Queensland, Australia. • OSR plays a critical role in delivering simple, efficient and equitable revenue management services for State taxes, mining and petroleum royalty revenue, and revenue from fines and penalties. OSR also delivers initiatives that support economic growth and job creation, through personal and business tax exemptions, concessions and grants. • Revenue of A$15 billion per annum administered by OSR helps fund essential services required by the Queensland community, such as health, education and infrastructure. • OSR prides itself on providing expert, insightful and trusted stewardship of Queensland revenue. • Operating on a SAP Tax and Revenue Management platform since 2009, with an upgrade to a digital SAP HANA core in 2015, OSR has been recognised by SAP (2018 SAPPHIRE Innovation Award) as a world leader in embracing innovation. OSR is an early adopter of SAP solutions, which are enabling OSR’s digital transformation. • https://www.treasury.qld.gov.au • Public Services
In the digital age, traditional ways of providing revenue services are no longer acceptable. Expectations are changing, and the ecosystem that OSR operates in is rapidly changing. Taxpayers now expect services that are personalised, transparent, seamless and timely. Staff expect improved processes and systems that will drive greater efficiencies. In parallel, OSR still needs to deliver on its revenue commitments to the government and the community. • To ensure that OSR remains effective and relevant in this changing environment, in 2017 OSR commenced a three-year Digital Transformation Program. The program will provide next generation tax and revenue management capabilities that are customer centric, digitally enabled anddata driven to improve outcomes for taxpayers, staff, government and community. • OSR partnered with SAP to deliver a proof of concept to build a Next Generation Intelligent Taxation solution powered by SAP Qualtrics, SAP Data Hub and using SAP Cloud PlatformMachine Learning foundation capabilities. The Next Generation Intelligent Taxation solution proof of concept objective was to provide OSR deep insights into the reasons WHY some taxpayers choose not to pay their taxes by the due date while others do. • The solution was planned and built using an 8-week innovation sprint. The initial focus for the proof of concept was land tax debt, due to the high rates of payment default experienced in this particular tax line. As part of the proof of concept, OSR designed a targeted taxpayer survey and collected responses via SAP Qualtrics. Surveys were sent to two cohorts of land taxpayers, one which missed the due date for payment of their land tax but subsequently paid and the other (a control group) which paid on time. The data from these surveys (X data) was then merged with 10 years of operational data (O data). The merged data was used to provide new insights into the factors that led to the reasons why certain taxpayers did not to pay on time. The data was also used to enhance the 2018 Sapphire Innovation award winning Tax Insights Machine Learning model. OSR will also be able to understand taxpayer sentiment and rate OSR from 3 dimensions – brand, taxpayer interaction experience and service offerings. • The power of the proof of concept is that it can be used to establish new or enhanced models for future revenue service delivery. It can be used by on-the-ground staff to provide taxpayer profiling, segmentation and earlier intervention in a taxpayer’s journey. These capabilities willtransform the interaction and engagement that taxpayers have with OSR in the future. • The proof of concept project helps OSR realise it’s transformation goals to become more customer centric, provides an enhanced capability to treat taxpayers with empathy based in individual circumstances and collect the right amount of tax at the right time which will lead to better revenue outcomes to fund essential services for Queenslanders.
SAP Qualtrics • Taxpayer cohort surveys to identify taxpayer sentiment and rate OSR from 3 dimensions - brand, taxpayer interaction experience and service offerings • Use Qualtrics of iQ advanced analytics to determine sentiment and key word information from surveys • SAP Data Hub • SAP Data Hub pipeline (HANA EDW -> SAP Qualtrics -> HANA EDW) orchestrates the X-data and O-data to build the data driven intelligent enterprise foundation • SAP Cloud Platform • Use SAP ML Foundation Speech to Text capability to convert call centre recordings to text • Use SAP ML Foundation Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities to determine sentiment from text • SAP Analytics Cloud • Provide OSR and Treasury executive (e.g. Under Treasurer, Commissioner and executives) deep insights into taxpayer behaviour and sentiment using free text queries • Tax Insights Machine Learning and HANA EDW • Provide new operational insights from Machine Learning models enhanced with experience data.
Business Value • Intelligent Tax Office will enable identification of reasons taxpayers at risk of becoming debtors may choose not to pay on time —before they default—therefore allowing us to implement proactive intervention strategies, such as personalised payment plans for those in financial difficulty, while treating those who deliberately avoid paying on time differently. • OSR will be able to understand the taxpayer experience in dealing with the Office from three dimensions – Experience, Service offerings and Brand • OSR can adjust their current service offerings or create new service offerings to address non payment influencing factors. This should improve the taxpayer experience and increase the likelihood of them paying their tax obligations on time. • Call centre operators can use the Customer Journey to understand customer sentiment in relation to OSR service offerings • Machine Learning enhanced with taxpayers’ experiences, together with SAP Analytics Cloud – Search to Insights will provide new insights on the reasons why taxpayers may default enabling OSR to take proactive action via targeting individuals and cohorts • Increase in the amount of tax collected by engaging taxpayers across the entire tax cycle • Intelligent Tax Office will provide insights to enable our staff to better understand individual taxpayer’s circumstances and needs. • Intelligent Tax Office will also allow staff to be engaged in more interesting and value-adding activities, which will make a real difference to staff satisfaction, taxpayer engagement and revenue outcomes. Social Value • Intelligent Tax Office will allow OSR to distinguish between taxpayers who have the capacity to pay but choose not to and those taxpayers who may be suffering genuine financial hardship and therefore require additional support. Each of these types of taxpayers require different approaches, and being able to know when to apply one approach over another is critical to our aim of being client-centric. • A more responsive and tailored approach to individual taxpayers will lead to more timely collection of revenue and reduction in debt across all tax lines, and additional revenue to fund essential services for Queenslanders. Human Empowerment
“SAP Qualtrics, Data Hub and Machine Learning are enabling OSR to seamlessly integrate our transactional data with customer experiences, allowing us to provide improved taxpayer services that are insights driven, proactive and personalised”. Simon McKee Deputy Commissioner Digital Transformation SRO, Queensland Office of State Revenue
Video of Simon McKee, Dy. Commissioner speaking about the Intelligent Tax Office PoC co-innovation with SAP: • https://sapvideoa35699dc5.hana.ondemand.com/?entry_id=0_3izvf0co • Video OSR Intelligent Tax Office PoC solution overview • https://sap.sharepoint.com/:f:/t/TaxManagementSapphire2019PoC/Eolgm_MtYslBki0YaLr5A0UBSKP-AyqL90dVHghK2VZsiw?e=UdPHur