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The Global Challenge for Higher Education

The Global Challenge for Higher Education. Jean Goodnow William McGinnis Mary Spangler Paul Seidel. The World Is Flat!. by Thomas Friedman. Running with Gazelles, Eating with Lions.

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The Global Challenge for Higher Education

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  1. The Global Challenge for Higher Education Jean Goodnow William McGinnis Mary Spangler Paul Seidel

  2. The World Is Flat! by Thomas Friedman

  3. Running with Gazelles, Eating with Lions • Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. • Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. • It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the suns comes up, you better start running.

  4. Talent Trumps Geography • 30 years ago a chances of a prosperous life with just average talent were far greater in U.S. than for the genius in India. • Today people from just about any country can compete in the global job market. “Now I would rather be a genius born in China than an average guy born in Poughkeepsie.”

  5. The World vs. the USA • The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development recently found: • The US is 10th in the world in high school graduation • The US is 13th in the world for entry rate into a 4 year degree institution • The US is 10th in the world for entry into a community college

  6. Major Challenges • Increase the number of students in higher education. • Improve the education of such students. • Graduate more students. • Graduate the students faster, and • Provide the graduates with a global vision

  7. Graph of student performance

  8. Trustee’s Perspective • Improve Student Learning & Success. • Infuse Global education into every program. • Take advantage of Global opportunities – exchange of students / faculty, etc. • Understand the Global challenge to our college and community. • Continuous education for Trustees to understand the future.

  9. The Lessons • The following lessons from the corporate world involved in global competition are also appropriate for colleges and universities as we also compete globally. • The University of Phoenix and DeVry Institute may soon be joined by The British Open University and other foreign universities delivering courses in the United States.

  10. Lesson #1 • “When the world goes flat -- and you are feeling flattened – reach for a shovel and dig inside yourself. Don’t try to build walls.”

  11. Lesson #2 • “The small shall act big…One way small institutions can flourish in the flat world is by learning to act really big. And the key to being small and acting big is being quick to take advantage of all the new tools for collaboration to reach farther, faster, wider, and deeper.”

  12. Lesson #3 • “The big shall act small…One way that big institutions can learn to flourish in the flat world is by learning how to act really small by enabling their customers to act really big.”

  13. Lesson #4 • The best organizations are the best collaborators. In the flat world, more business will be done through collaborations within and between companies, for a very simple reason: The next layers of value creation – whether in technology, marketing, biomedicine, or manufacturing – are becoming so complex that no single firm or department is going to be able to master them alone.”

  14. Lesson # 5 • “In a flat world, the best companies stay healthy by getting regular chest x-rays and then selling the results to their clients.”

  15. Lesson # 6 • “The best companies outsource to win, not to shrink. They outsource to innovate faster and more cheaply in order to grow larger, gain market share, and hire more and different specialists – not to save money by firing more people.”

  16. Lesson # 7 • “Outsourcing isn’t just for Benedict Arnolds. It’s also for idealists.”

  17. Wanted: Knowledge Workers • America will be able to compete as it starts to churn out knowledge workers who are able to produce idea based goods sold globally and able to fill the knowledge jobs that will expand as our economy goes more global. • Can our colleges and universities produce the needed knowledge workers?

  18. Summary of Challenges Educational Issues: More Students into Higher Education More Graduates Out of Higher Education In Less Time In Math & Sciences and with a Global Vision

  19. Closing Thought. • Once our country loses its ability to offer those at the bottom of the economic ladder the ability to climb up and achieve a higher standard of living, our progress will cease and our nation will begin to diminish as a world power! • Contact: Bill McGinnis mcginnisbi@butte.edu

  20. How Will Community Colleges Respond to the “Flat World”? Mary Spangler Oakland Community College

  21. National Perspective • AACC Strategic Action Area #5 • Global Education • Define globally literate student • Develop support from key constituencies for global perspective

  22. From a Chancellor’s Perspective • Successful Programs in Globalization of Curriculum • Strategic Plan Goal 5: Promote a Global Perspective To ensure students understand global dynamics by providing relevant educational experiences that address the relationships of people, cultures, and nations in an interconnected world. • Strategic Objectives • Expansion • Infusion • New approaches

  23. OCC Global Programs • The Salzburg Seminar Experience • The Oaxaca Exchange • Task Force Proposals

  24. OCC Workforce and Economic Development • Oakland County Emerging Sectors Initiative • Concept • Objectives • Outcomes • OCC’s Emerging Sectors Educational Consortium • Concept • Objectives • Components • Outcomes to date

  25. WELCOME! Paul SeidelDelta College AACC Convention April 24, 2006

  26. Overview • Delivery Model • Corporate Services Background • Financial Model • Capabilities • “The World is Flat” = Global Reach

  27. Delta College Delivery Model Credit Academic Services Academic Services Lifelong Learning Open Enrollment Closed Enrollment Workforce Development Center Corporate Services Non-Credit

  28. Corporate ServicesBackground • Founded in 1984 • Self-supporting division of the college • A global, multi-million dollar business • Clients include Fortune 500 companies • Rated “Top 20 Training Outsourcing Company” in 2005

  29. Financial Model Supports “The World is Flat” No Tax Support • Services can be provided outside the community • We support our clients globally No General Fund Approvals Needed • Quick response time to business demands • Complete autonomy in the development of programs to meet unique learning solutions

  30. Integrated Capabilities Organizational Effectiveness Technology Training Administration Training Design and Development Training Delivery

  31. Technology = “The World is Flat” • Real World Simulations • Wireless Connection Satellite/Telecast • Cell Phone On-line Manuals • Web-based Training • Internet Web Meetings Computer-based Training Blackberry • E-mail • Web-cast Training

  32. Clients

  33. Established Relationship w/European Training House Established Israel Training Network for GM Established Beijing Training Center for GM North America (3) Europe (16) MiddleEast (8) Caribbean (10) Asia (7) Central America (4) Established & Operated Puerto RicoTraining Center for GM Africa (11) Established Dubai Training Center for GM South America (6) 65 - Countries47 - States Served - Dow Chemical Delta College Global Reach - GM + Others - Saturn Training Centers

  34. “The World is Flat” = Results Ranked Top 20 Training Outsourcing Company for 2005 “We are delighted to include Delta College to this year’s list of prestigious companies. We are amazed at what your organization has been able to accomplish in a very competitive marketplace. Delta College is the only community college recognized and one of only two educational institutions selected to the list…Delta College has demonstrated that small, and even not for profit, organizations can make a huge impact on an international market.” Doug Harward Founder TrainingOutsourcing.com

  35. WELCOME! Thank You!

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