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Reducing Complexity Assumptions for Statistically-Hiding Commitment

This paper presents a protocol for a statistically-hiding bit commitment, where the sender commits to a bit value without revealing it to the receiver. The protocol is based on the use of approximable-size one-way functions and provides computational binding guarantees. The implementation relies on the concept of balanced one-way functions on range and the construction of universal hash functions.

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Reducing Complexity Assumptions for Statistically-Hiding Commitment

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  1. Reducing Complexity Assumptions for Statistically-Hiding Commitment Iftach Haitner Omer Horviz Jonathan Katz Chiu-Yuen KooRuggero Morselli Ronen Shaltiel

  2. Bit-Commitment (BC) A two-phase protocol between the sender, S,and the receiver, R. Commit-phase – Scommits to a bit value, b, without revealing its value to R. Reveal-phase – Sreveals bto R and proves that this is the value he had committed to (in the commit-phase).

  3. Bit-Commitment cont. Commit-phase S R b

  4. Bit-Commitment cont. Reveal-phase R S b

  5. Bit-Commitment cont. Hiding – Rdoes not learn the value of b during the commit-phase. Binding – Scannot prove (in the reveal-phase) that he had committed to a different value than the one he had really committed to.

  6. Different Types Of Bit-Commitment. Computationally-hiding perfectly-bindingBC: Rdoes not get (through the commit-phase) any computational-knowledge about b. Scannot(whatsoever) “cheat” in the reveal-phase. Statistically-hiding computationally-bindingBC: Rdoes not get anynoticeable information about b. A computationally-boundedScannot “cheat” in the reveal-phase. Perfectly-hiding computationally-bindingBC:Rdoes not get anyinformation about b. …

  7. Different Types Of Bit-Commitment (comparison). In order to break the Computationally-hiding perfectly-bindingprotocol,R needs to get super-polynomialpowers anytime after the commit-phase. In order to break the Statistically-hiding computationally-bindingprotocol,S needs to get super-polynomial powers before the end of the reveal-phase.

  8. The importance of stat. – hiding comp. binding BC • Building block in constructions of Statistically Zero-Knowledge arguments. • Other cryptographic applications(e.g., Coin-flipping protocols).

  9. Previous Implementations • What are the minimal general hardness assumptions that yield Statistically-hiding computationally-binding BC? • Do one-way functions suffice? • Number theoretic assumptions* (BKK, BCC). • Claw-free permutations* (GK). • Collision resistance hash functions (DPP, HM). • One-way permutations* (NOVY). * : Perfectly-hiding.

  10. Our Result Statistically-hiding computationally-binding BC usingapproximable-sizeone-way functions. Approx.-size OWF – a OWF f is an approx.- size if we can efficiently approximate the number of pre-images of any y2Im(f). Anyregular OWF is an approx.- size one. Regular OWF - a OWF f is regular if there exists a constantr s.t. the number of pre-images of any y2Im(f) is r.

  11. The NOVY protocol A BC protocol based on an underlying function f:{0,1}n!{0,1}n • If f is a permutation then the protocol is perfectly-hiding. • If fis a permutation and one-way then the protocol iscomputationally-binding. Perfectly-hiding computationally-binding BC based on one-way permutations.

  12. One–Way Functions • One–way function (OWF):f:{0,1}n!{0,1}mis a OWF if for any ppt A, PrxÃ{0,1}n[A(f(x)) 2f-1(f(x))] = neg(n) • One–way function on range:for any ppt A, PryÃImage(f)[A(y)2f-1(y)] = neg(n) • Any regular-OWF is also one-way on range.

  13. (,)-balanced Distribution. D is (,)-balanced • For all zBad : |PryÃD[y = z ] - 1/2n| ·/2n. {0,1}n • |Bad| ·2n. • PryÃD[y2Bad] ·. Bad f:{0,1}n!{0,1}m is(,)-balanced if f(Un) is (,)-balanced.

  14. {0,1}n {0,1}n Bad D Example… • D is (1/4, 1/3)-balanced

  15. -hiding Bit-Commitment -hiding BC: A BC is -hiding iffrom R’s point of view, after the commit-phase, the statistical-difference between the cases when b=0 and b=1 is at most . • Astatistically-hiding BC is a neg-hiding BC (negis a negligible function of n).

  16. The NOVY protocol (restated) A generic scheme of BC protocol based on an underlying function f:{0,1}n!{0,1}m • If f is a one-way function on rangethenthe protocol is computationally-binding. • If fis (,)-balancedthen the protocol is(+)-hiding. • The task: Implementing a balanced one-way function on range using approximable-sizeOWF.

  17. Universal-Hashing Let Hbe a family of functions from {0,1}n!{0,1}m. His a k-universal hash family, if the output of a uniformly chosen h2H over kdistinct elements in {0,1}n,are k independent random variables in {0,1}m.

  18. {0,1}n h-1(z) z S Hashing Lemma h {0,1}m Each element in {0,1}m has about the expected number of pre-images w.r.t. h(i.e., |S|¢2-m) in S. Where the estimation gets better as k and |S| get bigger and m gets smaller. • hÃH, where H isk-universal

  19. {0,1}l(n) {0,1}n {0,1}m g-1(z) Im(f) h-1(z) h-1(z) z z Danger! Balanced One-Way Function On Range From Regular OWF g(h,x) ≡ h(f(x)),h f h m=? m=n-log(r)–log(cn) • 3n-universality of H - each z2{0,1}m has about the same number of pre-images, w.r.t. h, in Im(f). • r-regularity of f - each z2{0,1}m has about the same number of pre-images, w.r.t. g, in {0,1}n. • g is “rather” balanced.. • hÃH where H • 3n-universal • r-regular OWF If m is too small g is not guaranteed to be one-way. g(Un) g is (2-n,1/2)-balanced one-way on range function. m = n-log(r) (|{0,1}m| = |Im(f)|) m m m • universal constant {0,1}m

  20. Claim: g is (2-n,1/2)-balancedone-way on range function. • g is (2-n,1/2)-balanced. • g is one-way – (by our choice of m) a given output element in {0,1}m does not have “too-many” (up to polynomially many) pre-images, w.r.t. h2H, in Im(f). We can reduce the hardness of g to the hardness of f. • g is one-wayon range- there are about the same number of pre-images per output element. Similar to the regular OWF case.

  21. Getting Statiscally–Hiding Computationally-Binding BC When using g with the NOVY protocol we achieve 1/2-hidingcomputationally-binding BC. The amplification into statistically-hidingcomputationally-bindingBC is done through a standard secret-sharing technique.

  22. f x f(x) h(x)1…D(f(x))+2 h 0(n-D(f(x)-2) h Balanced One-Way Function On Range From Approx.-Size OWF The following construction was given by [Häastad, Impagliazzo, Levin & Luby]. Let f:{0,1}n!{0,1}m be an approx.-size OWF and let for y2{0,1}m, D(y) ≡ log(|f-1(y)|). g(h,x) ≡ f(x),h(x)1...D(f(x)),h,0(n-D(f(x)))

  23. From Approx.-Size OWF cont. Thm [HILL]:g is “almost” 1-1 one-way function. Hence by plugging g in the construction for regular OWF we get (2-n,1/2)-balancedone-way functionon range. Usingsecret-sharing we get statiscally–hiding computationally-binding BC.

  24. Open Problems • Stat-hiding comp.-binding BC from any OWF? It suffices to give a construction for semi-honest R. • Black-Box separation between Stat-hiding comp.-binding BC and OWF? • Efficient round complexity?

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