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Welcome to the 7 th IPUMS-International workshop Accomplishments, plans and challenges https://international.ipums.org/international * * * Robert McCaa, Professor of population history University of Minnesota rmccaa@umn.edu for additional details, please see : www.hist.umn.edu/~rmccaa/ipumsla.
Welcome to the 7th IPUMS-International workshopAccomplishments, plans and challenges https://international.ipums.org/international* * *Robert McCaa, Professor of population historyUniversity of Minnesotarmccaa@umn.edufor additional details, please see:www.hist.umn.edu/~rmccaa/ipumsla
1. Introductions, organization and program • Introductions • Doña Carmen Miró, director and founder of CELADEthanks to your vision: the world’s largest microdata archive • Don Evelio Fabbroni, technical secretary of IASI • Don Dimas Quiel, Director General of DEC-Panamá, and your staff • Delegates of the National Statistical Institutes of Latin America • Minnesota Population Center: 9 members of the team • Organización • Dinner per-diem for Tuesday • All activities are in the Hotel Crowne Plaza • Program (please see the workshop folder): two intensive days • Invited speakers: INEs, CELADE, CED (Barcelona) • MPC: • Listen and learn • Demonstrate what has been accomplisted: recovery, confidentiality, integration, dissemination • Show the website and how to make good use of it • Discuss plans and innovations for the 2nd five-year plan of IPUMS-AL: 2009-2013
Outline of the presentation no. of slides 1. Introduction 5 2. Accomplishments—celebrate a success far beyond… • Censuses and documentation recovered 9 • Censuses integrated (see map and inventory) 3 • Confidenciality and security 5 • Methods and procedures 3 3. Plan and challenges 2 • Censuses to integrate, 2010 round, tabulator (REDATAM?), GIS, laboratories of high security
IPUMS – Latin America: past, present and future • Past: Thank you! • All the statistical institutes of Latin American are cooperating with the IPUMS project. • Present: Samples of 9 countries (43 censuses) of the American continents integrated in the IPUMS system https://international.ipums.org/international • 2002-8: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panamá, y Venezuela • Future: 2009-13: • The remaining Latin American countries • Censuses of the 2010 round, entrusted before 2013 • Tabulator, GIS, Laboratories of high security
Some members of the IPUMS team (2008) Steven Ruggles, inventor of IPUMS, Professor of History, and Director of the Minnesota Population Center (Not present: computer gurus, some researchers, and others who were too busy to make time for taking a photo!)
The objectives of IPUMS Preserve census microdata and documentation for all the countries in the world Integrate microdata and metadata Disseminate--without cost--extracts of samples with the corresponding documentation to researchers
IPUMS Milestones • 1995: IPUMS-USA first release of integrated microdata IPUMS-USA continues: 1850-2000 + ACS samples • 1999: IPUMS-International funded • 2002 - 1st International release: 7 countries, including Colombia and Mexico • 2006 release: 20 countries, 63 censuses, • 2008 release: 35 countries, 111 censuses • ~263 million person records • Two thousand users • 2013 release: ~60 countries, ~200 censuses Note: microdata are already entrusted to MPC
Workshop goals • Evalute the integrations to date (9 countries, 43 censuses) • Discuss plans to complete the remaining integrations (12 countries, 43 censuses) • Consider the incoporation of electronic boundary files corresponding to the microdata • Study the obstacles and challenges in the harmonization of census samples for the 2010 census round. • Discuss methods and procedures of the IPUMS project to improve them • Respond to doubts, questions, or concerns regarding any aspect of the project
6 presentations on IPUMS Introduction: past, present, and future – Bob McCaa Metadata: The IPUMS dynamic system – Toni López How to make an extract (to obtain microdata) – Miguel Ricaurte How Integration is accomplished – Matt Sobek Complementing microdata with GIS: the example of NHGIS – Petra Noble The REDATAM tabulator of integrated microdata implemented by IECM (CED, Barcelona) – Toni López
2a. The Americas: The global vanguard in preserving microdata • 1959: CELADE began the grand project OMUECE (Operation of Census Samples). • Only CELADE, of all the UN demographic centers, • Began a project to archive microdata • Stimulated an archival program for both data and documentation • Already, in 1977, CELADE was entrusted with 61 sets of microdata encompassing 20 countries. • Principal goal: special and comparative tabulations • Comparative demographic research of many countries • Standardization of basic codes to attain a minimal level of comparability.
Census Microdata: 1950sfew countries archived microdata (a country in green indicates microdata exist for the decade)see: www.hist.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IUMSI/country6.htm Mollweide projection
Census Microdata: 1960sThe Americas: in the vanguard for encouraging the preservation of microdata Mollweide projection
Census Microdata: 1970salready in the Americas, the preservation of microdata is almost universal and is becoming widespread in Europe, Africa and Asia Mollweide projection
Census Microdata: 1980sThe preservation of microdata became generalized Perú: Can the tapes for the census of 1981 be recovered? Mollweide projection
Census Microdata: 1990smany countries preserved microdata(or are disposed to recover them) Rep. Dom.: ¿can the data for the census of 1993 be recovered? Mollweide projection
Inventory of census microdata archived by region and decade (% of censuses conducted) • Note: cases confirmed by the corresponding official statistical institute. Some datasets remain to be certified. Some countries have not responded to the invitation to inventory their stocks of data. Source: http://www.hist.umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMS/country6.htm
The CELADE archives~3000 microdata tapes preserved with the corresponding documentation
For the entire region, manuals are lacking for only 10 censuses: • 1. El Salvador: 1992 2007 • Guatemala: 1973 1994 2002 • Honduras: 1974 • Nicaragua: 1995 2005 • Rep. Dom.: 2002 • Perú: 2007 Los Archivos de CELADE~3000 cintas de microdatos preservadas con su documentación correspondiente
2b. Integration: IPUMS-Latin America in global context dark green = already integrated(35 countries, 111 censuses, 263 millon person records)green = to be integrated (39 countries, 103 censuses, 150 mill.) Mollweide projection
Census documentation assembled for the microdata of Colombia Standard: UNSD Principals and recommendations... Photos from the first integration project: Colombian microdata, February-March, 2000:4 experts from DANE +7 academics (3 universities)
IPUMS-Latin America • Samples currently available in IPUMS • 9 Latin American countries, 43 censuses: average = 4.8 censuses per country • 26 countries for other regions, 68 censuses: average = 2.6 censuses per country • In 2013, is all goes well: • 21 Latin American countries, 86 censuses • 60 countries for other regions, 120 censuses.
2c. Statistical Confidentiality and security • Cited by UN-ECE as “good practice” • On-site inspection: the Dennis Trewin Report
Why was IPUMS cited as “good practice” by the UN-ECE (2007, Annex 23, pp. 98-103)?http://www.unece.org/stats/documents/tfcm.htm
Good practices (see annex 23): • High level of confidence and transparency between the researchers (users) and the national statistical institutes • The conditiions of use are well defined • Sanctions for mis-use are clearly spelled out • Good use is assured by both juridical and administration mechanisms to prevent violations • Sanctions are imposed no only against those who misuse the data but also against their institutions. • The data are anonymized by highly efficient technical means
The standard agreement between National Statistical Institutes and the University of Minnesota
Statistical confidentiality and security:see the Trewin Report • “The best practice for an international repository of microdata” • “The security of IPUMS is first class…the standard of the best national statistical offices” • “in full compliance with the principles and recommendations of the ECE”
2d. IPUMS methods and procedures • Dissemination by internet • Comprehensive documentation, including • Data dictionaries and codebooks • Complete original source documentation in the official language: questionnaires, manuals, etc. • All translated to English and converted into metadatabase for each census • Integration ≠ standardization • Composite codes (11, 12, 21, 22…) ≠ serial codes (1, 2, 3, …) (see next slide)
IPUMS—Integration method: composite codes (multiple digits)retains not only significant distinctions but also integrates comparable concepts
In addition… • Microdata: new high precision samples not only for contemporary censuses but also for historical ones (before the 90s) • Systematic metadata for all variables • Universes • Definitions • Comparability • Dynamic System—facilitates comparing the wording of questionnaires and instructions for any combination of countries and censuses
3. IPUMS-Latin America II, 2009-13: objectives Objectives • Conclude the integration of the censuses of the remaining countries in the region • Incorporate samples for the 2010 round • Add digital boundary files at the second administrative level • Facilitate pre-analysis with an on-line tabulator • Construct a laboratory of high security Invitation: • Confirm participation in IPUMS-AL II • Facilitate copies of digital boundary files • In time, make available census microdata and documentation for the 2010 round • Discuss participation in the high security laboratory
Appreciation, reflections and invitation • Appreciation: • To the founders (and current members) of CELADE for having had the vision and ability to assemble and preserve microdata • To the official statistical institutes for, first, cooperating with CELADE, and second, for participating in the IPUMS project • Reflections • Latin America: a model for statistical cooperation • IPUMS: already the world’s largest microdatabase • Invitation: • Participate in IPUMS-AL II • Entrust microdata and documentation • Consider: Tabulator, GIS, laboratory of high security