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Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Teach Online

Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Teach Online. Dissertation Defense Randy Graff July 23, 2008. Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Teach Online. Problem. What do faculty feel they need in order to be ready to teach online?

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Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Teach Online

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  1. Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Teach Online Dissertation Defense Randy Graff July 23, 2008

  2. Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Teach Online

  3. Problem • What do faculty feel they need in order to be ready to teach online? • Self-efficacy theory helps explain beliefs that faculty need in order to be willing and ready to teach online.

  4. Research Questions

  5. Participants n=10 Criterion based sampling Two interviews each

  6. What Factors Support Faculty Self-Efficacy in Readiness to Teach Online?

  7. Literature Benefits to Faculty • Grading • Student access to materials Confirmed • Intrinsic - Intellectual challenge - Improved working conditions - Faculty development w/peers Maguire, 2005 Grant, 2004 Covington, et al., 2005

  8. Literature Technical hurdles Confirmed Agee et al., 2003 J. Bennett & Bennett, 2003 Grant, 2004 Howell et al., 2004 King, 2002

  9. Key Findings Based on depth of response by participants

  10. New findings Graff, 2008

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