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Welcome and Introductions. Dana Martin – Kings Local Director of Special Education Lee Vincent – Springboro Director of Special Education Kim Northgard – Springboro Elementary Special Education Coordinator Christine Daniel – Springboro Secondary Special Education Coordinator.
Welcome and Introductions • Dana Martin – Kings Local Director of Special Education • Lee Vincent – Springboro Director of Special Education • Kim Northgard– Springboro Elementary Special Education Coordinator • Christine Daniel – Springboro Secondary Special Education Coordinator
SST Special Ed. Personnel Linda DiMarco Vikki Miller – early childhood Deb McGraw Sharon Rieke- family and compliance Sean Riley Patrick Wong – secondary transition
HQT for Intervention Specialists for students taking AASCD 7-12th grades • 6/7/2014 • Starting in 2016-2017, intervention specialists of students eligible for the Alternate Assessment for students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities in grades 7-12 will need to comply with new requirements to meet highly qualified teacher status. These intervention specialists provide instruction for students with significant cognitive or low incidence disabilities. The changes affecting intervention specialists relate to their need to show evidence of content knowledge in the core academic subjects of their teaching assignments.
HQT Requirements • IS’s Grades 7-12 they will need to annually document how they meet HQT on Form E • They must show evidence by completing one of these options in EACH core academic subject of their teaching assignment. 1. Taking and passing an Ohio Assessment for Educators exam, e.g. the Middle Grades Math Assessment; or 2. Showing evidence of having completed 30 college semester hours (an academic major); or 3. Having a master’s degree in the core academic subject, e.g. master’s degree in reading; or 4. Completing 90 clock hours of professional development (post-initial licensure).*
HQT PD Requirement • Teachers must complete at least 45 unique clock hours of professional development related to the content of each subject area they teach. • To meet the 90 clock-hour minimum, teachers also can count up to 45 clock hours of pedagogy (universal or content-specific) toward the requirement • 90 clock-hours must be completed post-initial licensure as an intervention specialist • Pedagogy clock hours may relate specifically to the subject area instructed, or may be described as universal pedagogy focusing on content integration. For example, Balanced literacy is specific to the subject of English language arts and would represent pedagogy specific to the subject; and FIP is pedagogy that is used across all content areas and would represent content integration. These can be used for multiple subject areas. • Some of the PD taken in the last 2 years may count toward earning HQT
HQT Requirement • Schools must keep the documentation for each teacher completion of hours • Resources and tools are posted at http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/School-Improvement/No-Child-Left-Behind/Highly-Qualified-Teacher-HQT-Toolkit-2013-2014/HQT-Requirements-for-Grades-7-12-Intervention-Spec. For more information, please direct any questions regarding the requirements to hqt@education.ohio.gov.
HQT Training Opportunities • HCESC will be developing some blended/online training to meet the 45 hr. requirement for each of the 4 content areas…. • Blend of content specialists, special ed, instructional tech and assistive tech • Starting in October
New Legislation • 180 Days to 910-1001 hours depending on grade level http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Finance-and-Funding/Finance-Related-Data/Guidance-on-Schedule-Change-from-Days-to-Hours • Religious Credit • House Bill 171 permits public school students to attend and receive credit for released time courses in religious instruction.
New Graduation Requirements • House Bill 487 -Class of 2017 (10th-graders in the 2014-2015 school year) will be the last students to take the current Ohio Graduation Tests. • The new requirements (College and Work Ready Assessment System – End of Course and Nationally Standardized Assessment) take effect with the class of 2018 (ninth graders in Fall 2014). • Additionally, every student will have the opportunity to take a nationally-recognized college admission exam free of charge in the 11th grade. • The honors diploma remains another option for students.
New Graduation Requirements Students must meet one of the following options: • (1) Score at “remediation-free” levels in English, math, and reading on the nationally standardized assessment; • (2) Obtain a minimum cumulative performance score on end-of-course exams; or • (3) Obtain a passing score on a nationally recognized job skills assessment and obtain either an industry-recognized credential or a state agency- or board-issued license for practice in a specific vocation. http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Testing/News/New-High-School-
Graduation Requirements • This year probably everyone will be taking (data collection) • OGT, • College and Work Ready Performance Based Assessment (PARCC) and • End of Course – to collect data. It won’t count for this years report card. • No end of course for AASCD
Q and A – Wendy Stoica • 1. With the inception of the new graduation requirements for new freshmen this year, what is the expectation for SWDs? Will SWD's continue to have the four pathways to graduation as indicated in the attached documents (published April 2013)? If not, how will this change and when can the field anticipate further guidance on the matter? • All students including students with disabilities must participate in state assessments. New graduation options that include End of Course exams, college admission exam, industry credential and/or job skills assessment are pathways for students with disabilities and we are discussing how they impact SWD. The IEP team may exempt a student with disabilities from consequences of being proficient on End of Course exam(s). The 4 pathways in April 2013 documents continue to be pathways for students in grades 10+.
Q and A – Wendy Stoica • 2. With the new (PARCC) assessments, can taking the paper/pencil assessment (as opposed to the online assessment) be written in the IEP as an accommodation? • For 2014-15 spring testing, districts (by building) may request online or paper/pencil assessments as long as it is consistent across subject and grade level, i.e., all 5th grade mathematics is online. If there are specific IEP testing accommodations that require paper/pencil assessment the test coordinator may order to meet that requirement.
New Legislature • Online Administration of Assessments (PARCC)- • For the 2014-2015 school year, school districts are not required to administer assessments through an online format. • School districts have the option to administer the assessments in any combination of online and paper format. • College and Career • If a Board of Education decides not to provide career-technical education for students enrolled in grades 7-8 in a particular school year, the Board must adopt a resolution and submit it to ODE by September 30thof that school year.
Ohio Means Jobs • Online career interest/planning inventory- Free • Build a backpack with various inventories • Resource for secondary transition planning- for all students https://jobseeker.ohiomeansjobs.monster.com/home.aspx
Diabetes Care Signed 6/12/14 • Effective 9/11/2014- Requires districts to: • Provide “appropriate and needed diabetes care in accordance with an order signed by the student’s treating physician”; • Provide parents of children with diabetes notice that their children may be eligible for a Section 504 plan within 14 days of receipt of an order signed by a treating physician; • Allow students with diabetes to attend their home school; • Allow students to provide self-care(with parent and physician authorization), including providing a private area for care and the ability to carry supplies on the student’s person. • Report information on students with diabetes to ODE annually
Diabetes Care • HB 264 permits school districts to do the following: • Provide staff training for the purpose of authorizing staff to provide diabetes care; • Provide training to school employees and bus drivers with primary care responsibilities for students with diabetes on the signs of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and responses to take in emergency situations; and • Store diabetes medications in an easily accessible location. • HB 264 also prohibits school districts from requiring parents to come to school or a school-event to provide diabetes care.
Epi Pen • HB 296- Epi-pens Revised ORC 3313.7110 schools are allowed to have epi-pens to use if a student has an allergic reaction at school and does not have their own epi-pen. • School policy and guidelines for use must be coordinated with a physician and follow certain procedures/training. A sample policy from the Ohio Assoc. of School Nurses and Ohio Department of Health is available at: http://www.oasn.org/files/resourcesmodule/52699483011a1/OASN_ODH_Epinephrine_Template.pdf • Google epipen donations for free
Third Grade Reading Guarantee • Allows school districts to submit an alternative staffing plan for the 2014-2015 or 2015-2016 school yearsif the school district is unable to provide the number of teachers who meet the criteria needed to teach 3rd grade students below grade level. • Establishes the English-language arts assessment (OAA) to be administered to 3rd graders during the 2014-2015 school year: • Requires chartered non public schools with Ed choice students to comply with the 3GG
Testing Dates 2014-15 Thank you CCESC for the “condensed” version!!!
SST AASCD Training Coming Dec/Jan AASCD Dates Oct. 27– Jan. 23: Window for submitting pre-ID data in order to receive second rater assignments in advance of the test windowDec. 1-12: On-time order window open in the Test Information Distribution Engine for online administrationFeb. 9-Apr. 15: Additional order window open in the Test Information Distribution Engine for online administrationsFeb. 9: Materials due in districtFeb. 9: Additional orders begin shippingFeb. 23-Apr. 17: Spring 2015 Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities administrationFeb. 23-Apr. 17: Resets and invalidations window open in the Test Information Distribution Engine for online administrationsApr. 17: Deadline for submitting scores in the online Data Entry System
AASCD The Offices of Curriculum and Assessment and Exceptional Children have determined that only teachers (TE-Alt)*, test administrators (TA-Alt)* and second raters (SR) who will be administering the alternate assessment for the first time will be required to attend training this year. TE-Alts, TA-Alts and SRs who have previously been trained and administered the AASCD are no longer required, but are encouraged to attend a refresher AASCD training.
New ODE Regulations • Preschool – • all teachers must be trained to give Early Learning Assessment (all state funded preschoolers must take 9/15-11/21). • Soft roll out this fall 2014 – students assessed in only 4 domains. Next fall will be the full roll out. • will be administered and reported fall and spring (teachers can administer it more but only must report scores fall & spring ) • Ages and Stages questionnaire will only be completed this fall and then it will be discontinued. • There is no Get it Got it Go (GGG) • Early Childhood Outcomes summary will still be required and reported on the SPP report card
New ODE Regulations • Kindergarten – • All kindergarten students must be assessed with the KRA by November 1st. • Teachers must be trained and pass a test to give this training. • All training is online
LRE Decisions for Preschool Only consider where the child is receiving special education and related services.
LRE Decision Guidance • A classroom in which the enrollment is composed of at least 50% typically developing children is considered to be an early childhood education setting. • Examples include: • a) 8 children who are typically developing and 8 children with IEPs, • b) 6 children who are typically developing and 6 children with IEPs, • c) 14 children who are typically developing and 2 children with IEPs. • Many Early Childhood Education Entitlement or Head Start funded classrooms are comprised of a majority of children who are typically developing and a very small number of children who have IEPs. • For EMIS, children participating in classrooms described in this section are coded IE51.
LRE Decision Guidance • A preschool special education setting is one in which less than 50% of the children enrolled are typically developing. A class in which there are more children with IEPs than those who are typically developing is considered a special education setting. • One example of this model is 8 children with IEPs, and 4 typically developing children. For EMIS, children participating in classrooms described in this section are coded IE60. • A child, who receives itinerant teacher and related services at home, for medical reasons, family preference, or other reasons, has a separate code: IE70.
LRE Decision Guidance • A separate school is one in which all or nearly all the children enrolled have IEPs. • One example is a preschool class for children with autism, located in a school for children with autism. For EMIS, children participating in classrooms described in this section are coded IE62.
New Operating Standards • In effect July1, 2014 • Intellectual Disability vs. Cognitive • No reevaluation required for preschool to school age (unless DD) • Language updates (DD vs. MRDD, Scholarship, initial eval. Team vs. IEP team, eye exam…) • Transition to Work endorsement/or possess skills and knowledge… (handout) • Hearing and Visual Impairments (no numbers) • Guidance is being revamped (will be searchable), then forms will be changed
ODE Changes • Dispute Resolution formally known as procedural safeguards (Chrissy Cline-OEC) • Creation of a collaboration process starting with mediation and facilitation • Mediation – led my mediator • Facilitation – led by person who normally runs team meetings, facilitator only steps in if meeting isn’t moving forward • New list of professional mediators (1/2- from feedback) • Revamping brochures
EMIS Changes • Eye exam will be reported in EMIS at year end. • Related services will no longer be reported. This will eliminate the ongoing confusion about the translation to EMIS service codes when a specific service is considered specialized instruction, or a or support for a teacher on the IEP form. • Districts no longer will need to differentiate between an RIEP code and an FIEP code when an annual review is held immediately prior to a student’s graduation. Changes for next year include, but won’t necessarily be limited to: • The federal Child Count will NOT be taken on December 1, but will occur on October 31 which aligns with other child counts required by state and federal law. • Dates and outcomes for manifestation determinations will be part of the special education event record.
What’s New • Will be more closely monitoring: • Progress reports (directly related to goals) • EMIS data to see if student is getting what they need • SPP – closing the gap • OGT and next year end of course tests at least 1x before graduation • New Onsite Review Process
New Onsite Review 3-4 year process • 1st year – Self Review -work with SST to do self review and identify areas that need improvement • Compliance checks using rubrics items like before – Child Find, Delivery of Service, LRE, Discipline • Progress monitoring of IEP goals (reports and data) • Verification of services (walkthroughs)- is the student getting what they should be • Data collection analysis, SPP review • 2nd year – implement the plan for improvement • 3rd year – ODE comes to review Focus will be on results- when ODE comes will not look at all areas on rubric only those that focus on RDA • 4th year – prong 2 systemic checks
SPP Data Framework to help improve SPP data
ODE Approved Trainings for SST • IEP • ETR • Secondary Transition All with Livebinder resources • SST will be required to use these and not add/delete. All should be saying the same things around the state. • There is a committee to review materials and none can be used if not reviewed.
SST Upcoming Trainings Clarification Coming from ODE….this may change… stay tuned
What was reinforced for IEP • PLOP should be a single specific need not a laundry list • Goal should match PLOP and have the 3+ elements • Accommodations and Modifications should be specific and defined – not a laundry list, and linked to goals • Any Assistive Technology should be in that section and not Accommodations • LRE should be individualized • “Reasonable attempts” to get parents there – not 3 attempts for the same date • Needs, Preferences, Interests and Strengths and Age appropriate Transition Assessment for Secondary Transition
What was reinforced for ETR • Need to say why they are doing a re-evaland not just because the law requires it….relate it to the child. • On planning form you can mark both that you have data and you need more • Attempt to get parents input into the planning (doesn’t have to be a meeting) • If you have a planning form and change it- document with a PR-01 – do NOT get another consent for the new testing – which would mess up EMIS • Document the intervention process (who, what, intensity, frequency, results and the decision made as a result) • Medical is often weak – if the child has leg braces it should be somewhere on the ETR
What was reinforced for ETR • New tightening of • Summary of assessment results should be a summary of needs – not copy and paste, how the results of testing is tied back to instruction- what does it look like. Need specific measurable baseline (how does Sally struggle in math – what can she do and not do) • Description of Educational Needs tied directly to implications for instruction – what the needs are and the instruction the child needs to be successful– (i.e. can’t say the “sh” sounds, needs to be able to say all sounds) • Implications for instruction and progress monitoring (supports services and SDI needed)
Where we were…. Where we are going…. IEP must be what the instruction is focused on daily (ODE will be checking) Goals will be met or revised Goals will be different or baby steps clearly defined (progress evident) Closing the gap for SWD’s ODE focus will be RDA and will use a proactive onsite model • IEPs developed and shelved • Goals weren’t always met • Goals were the same from year to year • No changes in gap closing for SWD’s • ODE’s focus was on compliance, and in a reactive manner
Four County PPD Meeting • January/April – What would you like us to target?