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March SEPTAR Meeting

Stay informed on eligibility process, assessments, and future planning for special education services. Find information on meetings, referrals, and eligibility criteria. Understand the transition process and how to support students with disabilities effectively.

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March SEPTAR Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. March SEPTAR Meeting Ambassadors for our students with Disabilities

  2. Agenda • Introductions • Planning for Our Future Update • Eligibility for Special Education Services • Assessments to Determine Eligibility • Medical vs. Educational Model

  3. Planning for Our Future Access to RSP, Speech, & Auxiliary Services will continue at all sites. These services will transition with children during the merger/consolidation process. We are monitoring School of Choice Placements to determining staffing at school sites for next year. We are not going to reduce programs. Our programs will continue at other schools.

  4. Planning For Our Future We have arranged for Meet and Greets for the SDC teachers at their new school sites. • Meet the principal • See the new campus. • See the classrooms. • Ask questions and start planning for next year. • We will continue to work with principals and teachers to ensure we have a smooth transition.

  5. Eligibility for Special Education

  6. Referral Process Initiated by Referral Parents may request in writing for testing for special education services or the District may receive a referral from an outside provider or agency. After receiving the written parent request or referral, the district has 15 calendar days to respond to a request in writing. SST - Student Study Teams School sites hold SST (Student Study Teams) meeting to discuss student progress, concerns, and interventions to support the student. SST meetings can be initiated by any stakeholder: example: teacher, parent, administrator. One of the possible outcomes of an SST meeting is for the team to discuss the possibility of an evaluation for special education services as well as to learn more about the child.

  7. Eligibility - Assessment Plan An assessment plan will be generated that outlines the proposed assessment. The assessment plan must be signed by the parent to initiate the evaluation process. After the assessment plan is signed and received, the team has 60 calendar days to complete the evaluation and hold a meeting to review the results of the evaluation.

  8. Eligibility Process There are 13 eligibility categories for special education services.

  9. Eligibility Process The IEP team members who are listed on the assessment plan will conduct various assessments and collect information for their reports. Different forms of data collection will be used. • Observations • Interviews • Records review • Language sample (Speech and Language assessment) • Surveys/checklists • Normed referenced assessments in the areas indicated on the assessment plan

  10. Normed Referenced Assessments These are not tests that are given in the classroom. The results do not go on the report cards and are not counted for grades Normed referenced tests are based on how a child does compared to other children of the same age. Determine rate of learning.

  11. Example of Assessment Questions

  12. Example of Assessment Questions

  13. Example of Assessment Questions

  14. When the Assessments are Finished…. When the assessments are completed then the individuals who conducted the assessments will write reports. The reports will consist of the following: • Background information • Information about the types of assessments used • The results of the assessments • Discussion of eligibility for special education services as defined by California Education Code • Recommendations

  15. Meeting to Review the Assessments A meeting will be set to review the assessments. The members of the meeting include but are not limited to the child’s teacher, the individuals who conducted the assessments, an administrator, and the parent. The assessment reports will be reviewed and discussed. Eligibility for special education services will be reviewed and discussed.

  16. Eligibility Process Each of the 13 eligibility categories has criteria listed in the California Education Code. The assessor uses the results of the assessments as well as the criteria for eligibility in California Education Code to make a recommendation to the IEP team. This is part of the discussion at the meeting.

  17. If a Child is Eligible? If a child is eligible for special education services, then the team will develop an IEP (Individualized Education Program). The IEP document will have several parts: • Information/Eligibility • Present Levels • Special Factors • Statewide Assessments • Goals • Services • Educational Placement

  18. If a Child is Not Eligible The team would refer the child to the SST (Student Study Team) to determine a referral for 504 referral. The team may review the recommendations and discuss how those recommendations can be used to support the child. The team may discuss other interventions that can be provided outside of special education services.

  19. Educational Model vs. Medical Model Educational Model FERPA - Family Educational Rights Privacy Act 1974 - privacy of records Educational model DOES NOT diagnose. Assessments are used to determine eligibility. Services related to educational need Services related to the accessing educational program outlined in the child’s IEP. Documented in the IEP with the focus on best practice Needs determined by an IEP team No cost to family Medical Model HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act 1996 - privacy of health information, security of electronic records, There is a diagnosis determined by a medical team. Services support as a whole Needs are determined by medical professionals Focus is on medical terminology Costs depends on insurance coverage plan

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