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Changing Economy of the South / Rise of Labor Pages 551-562

Changing Economy of the South / Rise of Labor Pages 551-562. Southern Industry Labor vs. Management Knights of Labor Haymarket Riot American Federation of Labor. Shifting South. “Coffin nails” – automation changes South from raw material producer to horizontal integrator

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Changing Economy of the South / Rise of Labor Pages 551-562

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Changing Economy of the South / Rise of Labor Pages 551-562 • Southern Industry • Labor vs. Management • Knights of Labor • Haymarket Riot • American Federation of Labor

  2. Shifting South • “Coffin nails” – automation changes South from raw material producer to horizontal integrator • Shift in textile manufacturing • Why? • Blessing or curse? • Long term impacts

  3. The Changing American Labor Force

  4. Management vs. Labor “Tools” of Management “Tools” of Labor • “scabs” • P. R. campaign • Pinkertons • lockout • blacklisting • yellow-dog contracts • court injunctions • open shop • boycotts • sympathy demonstrations • informational picketing • closed shops • organized strikes • “wildcat” strikes

  5. Knights of Labor Terence V. Powderly An injury to one is the concern of all!

  6. Goals of the Knights of Labor • Eight-hour workday. • Workers’ cooperatives. • Worker-owned factories. • Abolition of child and prison labor. • Increased circulation of greenbacks. • Equal pay for men and women. • Safety codes in the workplace. • Prohibition of contract foreign labor. • Abolition of the National Bank.

  7. Haymarket Riot (1886) McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.

  8. Haymarket Martyrs

  9. Governor John Peter Altgeld

  10. The American Federation of Labor: 1886 Samuel Gompers

  11. How the AF of L Would Help the Workers • Catered to the skilled worker. • Represented workers in matters of national legislation. • Maintained a national strike fund. • Evangelized the cause of unionism. • Prevented disputes among the many craft unions. • Mediated disputes between management and labor. • Pushed for closed shops.

  12. Why the Unions didn’t get Equality • Union members viewed as anarchists • Easy and available replacements for unskilled labor • Emergence of craft specific unions weakened national groups • Small ‘real’ numbers of members (less than 5% of workforce in 1900) • Congressional issues – impact of influence?

  13. Closing the Western FrontierPages 598-608 • “Indian ‘Wars” • “Buffalo Wars” • Reservations and assimilation • Growth of mining

  14. Treaty of Ft. Laramie (1851) ColoradoGold Rush (1859)

  15. Colonel John Chivington Kill and scalp all, big and little!Sandy Creek, CO MassacreNovember 29, 1864

  16. Capt. William J. Fetterman 80 soldiers massacredDecember 21, 1866

  17. 2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie (1868) Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek (1867)

  18. The Battle of Little Big Horn1876

  19. Chief Joseph I will fight no more forever! Nez Percé tribal retreat (1877)

  20. Arapahoe “Ghost Dance”, 1890

  21. Destruction of the Buffalo Herds The near extinction of the buffalo.

  22. Helen Hunt Jackson A Century of Dishonor (1881)

  23. Dawes Severalty Act (1887):Assimilation Policy Carlisle Indian School, PA

  24. Prospecting

  25. Mining Centers: 1900

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