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Praying For Others. Teach Us To Pray Luke 11:1. Intercession is the act of carrying another person before your Father to be blessed by His will. It is an act of love on our part that we recognize the needs of others and go before God on their behalf. Intercession.
Praying For Others Teach Us To Pray Luke 11:1
Intercession is the act of carrying another person before your Father to be blessed by His will. • It is an act of love on our part that we recognize the needs of others and go before God on their behalf. Intercession
We pray for others not only because we love and care for them but also because we believe they need the help which God can still give them. • How do we talk to God on behalf of others? Intercession
Being a disciple, Jesus told Peter, was not going to be pleasant in this life - John 15:18-20 • Peter’s past of denying Jesus was well behind him and he was a powerful evangelist - Acts 2-3 • It was not long before there was opposition to their preaching, just like Jesus had said. Peter & Apostles Persecuted
Opposed by the Jews, Peter and John were arrested and warned not to preach of the resurrection - Acts 4:23-31 • They kept right on and then all the apostles were arrested - Acts 5:17-18 • Still, they kept at it and the Lords church continued to grow. Peter & Apostles Persecuted
Persecution spread and Stephen died preaching and praying for his killers - Acts 7 • Saul began to wreak havok on the church - Acts 8:3 • King Herod persecuted the church and had James, brother of John, killed - Acts 12:2 Peter & Apostles Persecuted
This pleased the Jews so Herod had Peter arrested - Acts 12:3 So Peter was kept in prison, but earnestprayer for him was made to God by the church- Acts 12:5 Peter & Apostles Persecuted
Things are looking bad for the church, James is dead, and Peter was in danger of losing his life. • But prayer, no matter how bad things may look, could definitely change things. • The brethren were making intercession for Peter and the rest of the Apostles. • The results: Acts 12:6-19 Prayers For Peter
God heard and sent an angel to release Peter. • The people doubted, yet when they saw Peter they were amazed. • The people prayed, God answered by sending Peter back to them. • Clearly, praying for others can change things. Prayers For Peter
Abraham on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah - Gen. 18:22-33 • Job praying for his friends - Job 42:7-10 • Moses on behalf of the people following the golden calf incident - Ex. 32:30-33 • Jesus prayer for the Apostles and believers - John 17 Biblical Examples Of Intercession
First,I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you,because your faith is proclaimed in all the world. For God is my witness,whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son,that without ceasing I mention you always in my prayers, asking that somehowby God’s will I may now at last succeed in coming to you Romans 1:8-10 Paul Prayed For Others
We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantlymentioning you in our prayers, remembering beforeour God and Father your work of faith and labor oflove and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thess. 1:2-3 Paul Prayed For Others
I thank Godwhom I serve, as did my ancestors,with a clear conscience, as I remember youconstantly in my prayers night and day. As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy 2 Tim. 1:3-4 Paul Prayed For Others
Paul often thanked God for the brethren in these places. • He prayed for their spiritual health. • These prayers should encourage us to pray for our brethren. • We should be specific in our requests on their behalf. Paul Prayed For Others
It is God’s command - 1 Tim. 2:1-2 • It would be wrong not to. • Intercession focuses on the needs of others. We can only ask God to help them when we are aware of their trials and sufferings. • It keeps us looking for opportunities to teach others. Why Pray For Others?
All people everywhere - 1 Tim. 2:1-2 • Kings, leaders, rulers, world powers • Our enemies - Matt. 5:44-45 • Stephen’s prayer - Acts 7:60 • Open doors of opportunities - Col. 4:2-4 • The harvest is plentiful - Matt. 9:38 What & Whom Should We Pray For?
For the saints - Eph. 6:18-20 • In a battle together - Eph. 6:10-18 • For the wayward - 1 John 1:8-2:2 • Pray for and with brethren who have sinned • How may we pray for others? • Weep with them - Rom. 12:15 • Cast the cares upon God - 1 Pet. 5:5-6 • Be a tool of God to help others - Gal. 6:2 What & Whom Should We Pray For?
Who among our number is physically sick? • Who among our number are suffering in their relationships? • Who among us is battling with the world? • Who among us is standing firm spiritually? • Who among us are giving watchful care for our souls? • Who among does not need our prayers? Who Needs Our Prayers?