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The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary. A place set a part. The Hearth. The place to keep the fire The place to gather The place to come to learn and understand The place where you feel warm and safe When we look at the concept of hearth, we can see the void left. Who takes care of the hearth?

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The Sanctuary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Sanctuary A place set a part

  2. The Hearth • The place to keep the fire • The place to gather • The place to come to learn and understand • The place where you feel warm and safe • When we look at the concept of hearth, we can see the void left. Who takes care of the hearth? • who keeps the fire burning? • Who gathers? • Who teaches? • Who embraces?

  3. Translating Hearth into Sanctuary Community hearth, Where, Who, When?

  4. The Temple • The place to keep the fire • The place to gather • The place to come to learn and understand • The place where you feel warm and safe • When we look at the concept of hearth, we can see the void left. Who takes care of the hearth? • who keeps the fire burning? • Who gathers? • Who teaches? • Who embraces?

  5. Chartres Cathedral • The Nave • The Choir • The Sanctuary • apse

  6. Pillared Temple HallTamil Nadu, India, 1550 AD • Creating mystical places to teach about the holy, what sacred is to God and human beings.

  7. Reserving places in which to encounter the sacred • A place, like Sinai, in which we take off our shoes • No longer a place where we do ordinary things

  8. A place set apart by the People of God to perform the Sacred Rites • How do we prepare to enter? • Each piece in its place

  9. Saint John Vianney took special care of the Sanctuary at Ars because It was the gift of his People to God • He gave the best to God

  10. The Sanctuary • Consecrated (sealed with Chrism) • Altar of Sacrifice • Predella • Altar • Mensa • Altar of the Word • Tabernacle

  11. The Lamp • Represents the new hearth place; the fire tended to by the priests of the Sanctuary

  12. How do we teach sacredness? • What are special places? • Domestic Shrines • Local Shrines • What role does the kitchen play in families? • Sacred Cycle of Liturgical Calendar

  13. The Holy of Holies • Who enters the Sanctuary? • Theater • Auditorium • Stadium • What is appropriate in our Sanctuary? • Genuflection v. Bow (profound and simple) • Altar v. Tabernacle • Purifying the vessels (communion plates) and the use of the Corporal

  14. Sanctuaries are personal & intimate • Within the Divine Liturgy of the Hours and the Mass • The Altar is Christ • The Priest is Christ • The Word is Christ • Outside the Divine Liturgy • The reserved Sacrament is Christ • The Sanctuary is not diminished • The Altar as the ‘footstool of God,’ the Sanctuary is where God dwells.

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