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Leveraging INL to Catalyze Economic Development. Points of Discussion: INL’s Mission and the Impact on Idaho INL Technology Deployment INL Technology-Based Economic Development. Presented by: Steven T. McMaster, Director of Technology Deployment. A Refresher Course on INL.
Leveraging INL to Catalyze Economic Development • Points of Discussion: • INL’s Mission and the Impact on Idaho • INL Technology Deployment • INL Technology-Based Economic Development Presented by: Steven T. McMaster, Director of Technology Deployment
A Refresher Course on INL INL overview: • 890 square miles • (perspective: District of Colombia is 69 square miles and the state of Rhode Island is 1,045 square miles) • 111 miles of electrical transmission and distribution lines with a peak load of 45 MW • (perspective: enough to power22,000 homes) • 332 buildings (3.1 million ft2) with an average age of 29 years • Abundant water • (perspective: Snake River Plain Aquifer approximately the size of Lake Erie) • 177 miles of paved roads • 14 miles of railroad lines • Full complement of utilities and services
National & Homeland Security Energy & Environment • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Work • Grid Reliability and Security • Cyber Security • Wireless Communications • Nuclear Nonproliferation • Armor, Explosive Blast Protection A leader in critical infrastructure protection and homeland security • Hybrid Energy Systems • Clean Energy and Water • Bio-fuels and Synfuels • Battery Technology • Non-traditional Hydrocarbon use A leader in developing solutions to energy, resources and infrastructure challenges in the State, Region and Nation Programs of National Importance Nuclear Energy • Fuel Cycle R&D • Light Water Reactor Sustainability R&D • Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) • ATR National Scientific User Facility • Space Nuclear U.S. National Nuclear Energy Laboratory and an International leader Technologies that benefit our Communities, State, Region and Country
INL’s Contribution to the Idaho Economy A major employer INL is responsible for a total of 24,000 jobs (direct & indirect) in Idaho An engine of economic growth Total economic impact on the state of Idaho of $3.5B Responsible for increasing personal income in Idaho by nearly $2B An economic stabilizer and major contributor to civic and charitable causes Directly and indirectly paid more than $135M in taxes Purchased more than $296M in goods and services from Idaho companies Employees donated more than 240,000 hours of their time to community groups and associations “The stabilizing effects of INL … allow for more effective functioning of state and local governmental services.” BSU Impacts Report, Fall 2010
Economic Impact in Idaho Fiscal year 2005 - 2010 Idaho Contract Awards Total $640M 2010 Goal of $102M -- 2010 Attainment of $120M (projected) Feb. 2005 through FY10 projected
Technology Deployment – A Link to Industry Ensure the nation’s energy security with safe, competitive, and sustainable energy systems and unique NHS capabilities. INL Mission “The value of an idea lies in the using of it” Thomas Edison
Critical Areas Need Leadership and Partnering Federal Laboratories,Universities (Gov. Funding) Joint Efforts / Collaboration(Gov. and Private) Private Industry (Private Funding) Stock Owners Gov. R&D Investments Early Investors Venture Capitalists Typical Funding Pattern Valley of Death Funding MarketAcceptance Maturation Funding Research – Discovery – Design – Development – Deployment
Technology-Based Economic Development – 2010 and Beyond Lead efforts to create an environment where new companies/industries can take root and traditional industries can access growth-enabling technology. This approach includes:
Collaborating with Technology-Based Economic Development Resources • Idaho TechConnect • Kickstand Idaho • Science on Tap and Science Café • Idaho Economic Development Association • Idaho Rural Partnership • Idaho TechLaunch • Idaho Ideas to Market • Idaho Internship and Entrepreneurial Program Idaho Governor Otter (center) accepts INL check usedto establish Idaho TechConnect’s regional offices
INL’s Technical Assistance Program (TAP) • 2005 - 2010 • Supported 153 TAP projects, providing technical expertise • 2010: 23 projects, including: • Idaho Department of Environmental Quality • Boise Biologics • University of Idaho • Idaho Department of Water Resources • Melni Group • Meter Insulator • Good Earth Bio-Solutions, and more • TAP is designed to: • Provide assistance not commercially available in the region • Provide support, with up to 40 hours without charge • Provide technical support (not certification or recommendations) • Assist technology-based businesses in overcoming difficult barriers to advance enterprises for business retention, expansion, or creation
Conclusion INL exists for the national interest INL is reinventing how it manages Technology Deployment INL is a great resource not fully leveraged by Idaho INL is open to opportunities to strategically partner
Antibody Profiling Identification • A rapid (two-hour), inexpensive method to identify forensic evidence based on unique individual antibody patterns. • Principal applications: • Forensic sampling at crime scenes • Two-four hour results, speed investigations • Reliable, accurate, field ready • Effective with small samples (1/20th drop of blood) • Complements DNA testing Auto-antibodies: Human body produces unique antibodies after age two to eliminate unwanted proteins or antigens, usually foreign to the body. These antibodies protect us from disease and rid the body of cellular debris.
Supercritical Solid Catalyst (SSC) • SSC produces ASTM-quality B-100 biodiesel from waste fats, oils, andgreases at the site of waste generation. • Principal applications: • Revolutionizes biodiesel production • Single-step, continuous process • Validated in demonstration producing of greater than 100K gallons • Converts fats, oils, greases to energy • Uses current industry’s heat pressure capabilities • Avoids toxic solvents and excessive capital investment SSC: By coupling supercritical fluid solvents and solid catalysts, SSC’s patented, continuous-flow offers a single-step process that overcomes the polar liquid phase inherent in conventional biodiesel production. It eliminates multiple phases and processing time, while reducing capital costs and offering transportability with a micro-refinery not larger than two semi-trailers.
Compact High Efficiency Natural Gas Liquefier • A new, patented process to make liquefied natural gas directly from pipeline gas without pre-treatment for CO2 removal at prices competitive with large-scale LNG plants. • Principal applications: • Replaces diesel and gasoline fuels for vehicle fleets • Supports peak load shaving/stand-by for gas utilities and industry • Offers ability to develop local resources in developing countries • Potential for other applications – methane from coal mines and landfills, coal bed methane sources, and un-purified natural gas sources. CNG/LNG: The compact liquefier is powered mainly by energy from the pressure drop between the gas transmission line and a distribution line that branches off at this location. The process consumes no natural gas and liquefies 8-10% of the gas flow. 10,000 gallon per day Compact High Efficiency Natural Gas Liquefaction Plant, 15,000 gallon storage tank, and a 10,000 gallon delivery truck (PN02-261-2-8)