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Status of XSD Projects and Offline CMI

Status of XSD Projects and Offline CMI. Orlando 18 June 2009. Projects. Offline CMI Discussed earlier this week. Final edits for document to be complete next week, then distributed. Bill hopes for a vote in August Discuss AGR in Stuttgart XSD for CMI Course Description

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Status of XSD Projects and Offline CMI

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  1. Status of XSD Projectsand Offline CMI Orlando 18 June 2009

  2. Projects • Offline CMI • Discussed earlier this week. Final edits for document to be complete next week, then distributed. • Bill hopes for a vote in August • Discuss AGR in Stuttgart • XSD for CMI Course Description • XSD for AICC Metadata

  3. XSD for Course Structure - Purpose • Represent AICC Course Structure Files in one XML File • Course description (.CRS) file • Descriptor (.DES) file • Assignable Unit (.AU) file • Course structure (.CST) file • Objective relationships (.ORT) file • Prerequisites (.PRE) file • Completion Requirements (.CMP) file • Augment the information to use this file as the “super manifest” of a content package. AICC, Hamburg

  4. Data Model Based on SCORM 1.2 SCORM Information (Info we left out) Metadata Course Structure Files Completion Requirements (to complete sequencing) Objective Relationships Assets (to complete the manifest) AICC, Hamburg

  5. Structure of the File AICC, Hamburg

  6. Status of XML Course Description • Option 1: continue • Document and presentation describing data model exists • Build an XSD • Option 2: IMS/ISO Content Packaging • Evaluate how to use with AICC • Document how to get all of AICC Course Description into a content package • Build and XSD

  7. XSD for AICC Metadata • Status of AICC Metadata • Approved document (June 2007) • LOM based • Some differences Italy

  8. AICC vs LOM AICC Metadata is a superset of LOM AICC Metadata LOM Metadata LOM elements not used by the AICC: general.coverage educational.semantic density educational.typical age range Italy

  9. LOM Support • All LOM elements have the same name • All LOM elements have the same data type • All LOM elements include the same vocabulary with some elements containing additional vocabulary tokens • All LOM elements and vocabulary tokens have the same definitions (to the best of our understanding) • Where ambiguous, missing or incomplete, the AICC attempted to expand the definitions for better clarity and interoperability. • We did not attempt to change the definitions. Italy

  10. Future for AICC MetadataProposed June 2007 • Use guidelines – provide feedback • Refine the document • Develop an AGR • What should we recommend • There are multiple use cases for this guideline • Develop and XML binding • Develop best practices guide • Identify new co-lead (Bill Shook current lead) Italy

  11. Develop XML Binding Options • LOM binding is extremely complicated • Multiple XSD files • Many complex data-type checking features • IMS has developed simplified version of the binding • Rob Able said that we are free to base our binding on the IMS binding • He sent me a copy • Develop our own binding

  12. XSD Projects Summary • Both projects have stalled out (2007) • Both projects have an XSD component • Jack Hyde has volunteered to build XSDs before the Stuttgart meeting • Need tools – an XSD tool • Questions: • Do we need to proceed? • Can AICC provide Jack the tools? • Are there other volunteers/options?

  13. The end

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