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This is my book

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  1. Microsoft Azure->sign in->​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, Marginalrevolution19, menu->Portal, go to portal. Where it says “businessesaccount,” press that. Press Containers. Press mybiz. Press upload. Upload the file. Wait. Then press the file. It says “URL” at the top. Copy that. Then you can just x out, it saves automatically. Do the htm here, not for the other Should cost a little bit per month, but I’m storing so little that it’s really not bad--check back in a couple of weeks Documentcloud.adobe.com: log in, ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, EcholakE19, press “Upload a File,” upload the file, then hover over the file with the cursor, press “Share,” press “Create Link,” then copy link, then paste it Google Drive: ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, EcholakE19, New, File Upload, three dots, share, Get Shareable Link, copy that Amazon Web Services: ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, EcholakE19, go to Services, Storage, E3, Create Bucket, press mybusinessesbucket, upload, drag and drop, next, under “Manage public permissions” press “Grant public read access to this object(s),” next, upload, press it in the menu, copy the link. Do html here. Github: log in, ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, ECholaKE95!, if it’s not in My-Businesses, then press karpfy19 and then navigate there, press create new file, name it whatever, copy and paste the entire thing in. ONE THING: the link should look like this: [text](URL). So for instance, it looks like [Google](​www.google.com​). Might have to pay a little for this Dropbox: ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, EcholakE19, upload, choose the file, then upload it, don’t put it in any folders. Then go to Files, hover over it, then press share, create link, copy link Do html here Issuu: ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, EcholakE19, press add content on left, upload file, press publish now, add a title, can be anything really, press publish, press the link Scribd: sign in with Google: ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, ECholaKE95!, press upload, choose the file, anything for description really, copy link Archive.org: Box: ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, EcholakE19, upload, file, choose the PDF, then press the paper clip for the link

  2. Evernote: ​akgmbusiness@gmail.com​, EcholakE19, new note, copy and paste EVERYTHING--make sure link shows up. You do this by pressing enter in front of the link. Then press Share, it should give Shareable link. Google Cloud: log in with ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, EcholakE19, go down to storage, hover on storage, press browser, choose gmbnewbucket, upload files, choose the html, copy the link Diigo: ​alexkarpf16@gmail.com​, EcholakE19, press the plus, PDF, upload it, get shareable link

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