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Mark Hollands Principal ITR. Whitebox buying beliefs of Australian SMBs. The Price is. White. Strategies to Differentiate. Mark Hollands, Principal. The Whitebox Market. What do we mean by ‘whitebox’ 1 Custom-built computer with name-brand internal components
Mark Hollands Principal ITR
Whitebox buying beliefs of Australian SMBs The Price is . . . White Strategies to Differentiate Mark Hollands, Principal
The Whitebox Market • What do we mean by ‘whitebox’ • 1Custom-built computer with name-brand internal components • 2Generic computer systems that don't carry any mainstream brand names • 3Sometimes called clones, not major brands such as IBM, Dell etc. • Research on whitebox in Australia is thin • Estimates of Market size • IDC 46% • Gartner 44% • AMD internal figures - 50+% • We interviewed Small Businesses and Government agencies • To find 100 companies that use whitebox computers, we had to ring 251 organisations
Opportunities & Challenges in the Whitebox Market • Competitive Challenge: • Price, Price Price • Making brand name computers more affordable • Move from PCs to Notebooks • Organisations embracing wireless and mobile computing • Differentiation & Advantage • Service, Service Service • Customers looking to differentiate beyond price • Flexibility • Major attraction to generic brands
‘Whitebox’ incidence among 251 organisations This chart shoes the penetration of whitebox computers among 251 Australian organisations. From this sample, 40% of organisations are currently running some whitebox systems. PCs or workstations 37 Servers 22 Notebooks or laptops 7 None 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of Respondents; All Contacts (n=251)
How common are whitebox computers? Q.5. Within your organisation, are all of your computers whitebox, most of them, some of them or very few of them? Business Size: Number of Employees Don’t know All are 1% >20 20-99 100-250 whitebox 17% All are Whitebox 21% 18% 12% Very few are whitebox 44% Most are Whitebox 18% 12% 24% Most are Some are Whitebox 18% 24% 18% whitebox 18% Very few are Whitebox 42% 42% 47% Some are whitebox Don’t know - 3% - 20% Base: Total Respondents (n=100) Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Recency of purchasing a whitebox computer 50 Purchase within the last year = 53% Purchase within the last 3 years = 77% 40 36 30 % of Respondents (n=100) 22 20 17 17 10 7 1 0 Within the last 6 Up to 1 year ago Up to 2 years ago Up to 3 years ago More than 3 years ago Don’t know months Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Where organisations buy whitebox computers? Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
100% 3 3 4 3 9 5 9 3 13 15 80% 21 42 60% 45 % of Respondents 39 53 40% 52 20% 33 33 15 0% Total < 20 Employees 20-99 100-250 (n=100) (n=33) (n=33) (n=34) Very Satisfied Satisfied Very Disatisfied Ambivelant Overall satisfaction with whitebox purchase
Very Reliable Reliable Unreliable Don't know Perceptions of whitebox computer reliability 100% 1 3 3 3 8 18 80% 48 67 56 60% % of Respondents 53 40% 48 20% 35 30 26 0% Total < 20 Employees 20-99 Employees 100-250 Employees (n=100) (n=33) (n=33) (n=34) Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Are businesses loyal to whitebox vendors? Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Do they specify build or rely on advice? Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
56 8 8 6 5 4 4 3 1 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 Price is driving organisations to purchase ‘whitebox’… Price Specification Performance Reliability/Quality/Guarantee Support/Maintenance Not my choice Customer Service Local purchase Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers Speed of delivery Other % of Respondents (n=100)
Influences on the PC purchasing decision 100 % Highly Important [Extremely / Very Important] 80 68 64 60 59 60 52 52 % of Respondents (n=100) 45 43 40 21 20 0 Support/ Customer Specification Price Replacement Purchase Purchase Speed of Brand name Maintenance Service policy from regular from local delivery distributor supplier Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Highly Important {1-2} Moderately Important {3-4} Not Important {1-2} Don't know Influences on the PC purchasing decision Support/ Maintenance 68 22 9 1 Customer Service 64 29 6 1 Specification 60 31 8 1 Price 59 36 5 Purchase from reg dist 52 38 10 Replacement Policy 52 35 12 1 Purchase from local supplier 45 31 23 1 Speed of Delivery 43 48 9 Brand name 21 42 37 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of Respondents (n=100) Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Perceptions of whitebox computer prices More expensive 1% Don’t Know 7% No difference in price 24% Less expensive 68% Base: Total Respondents (n=100) Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Are brand-name systems preferred over whitebox? Don’t Know 5% No 39% Yes 56% Base: Total Respondents (n=100)
Reasons for brand-name system preference • 38% Better Customer Service • 27% Better Warranty/Guarantee • 27% Trusted Brand Names • 21% Reliability • 9% Maintenance and Support • 9% Quality/Better Product/Performance • 20% Other
Processor Preference AMD Other 2% 5% No preference 34% Intel/ Pentium/ P4 59% Base: Total Respondents (n=100)
50 40 30 20 20 17 14 10 10 9 9 10 8 3 0 Less than $5,001- $10,001- $20,001 - $5,000 $10,000 $20,000 $40,000 Claimed annual PC spend Average Spend = $36,000 Median Spend = $18,375 % of Respondents (n=100) $40,001 - $50,001 - $70,001 - $90,000 + Don’t know $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Expected trends in PC spend over the next 12 months Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
100 80 74 60 40 20 10 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 No increase 1-10% 11-20% 21%-30% 31-40% 41%-50% 51%-60% More than 100% Percentage increase expected over the next 12 months Average Increase in PC Spend = 5.86% % of Respondents (n=100) Don’t know Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Don't Know Decrease 1% 15% Increase 29% Remain The Same 54% Large Company and Govt. agencyDesktop Buying intentions See rating colours % Respondents (n=300)
Average desktop spend increase ‘Average % spend increase’
Notebook Buying Intentions See rating colours % Respondents (n=300)
Average notebook spend increase ‘Average % spend increase’
Likelihood of vendor loyalty through price guarantee 100% 36 38 80% 42 51 60% 9 18 % of Respondents 14 15 40% 55 44 44 20% 33 0% Total < 20 Employees 20-99 Employees 100-250 Employees (n=100) (n=33) (n=33) (n=34) Total likely Total Unlikely Don't know/Makes no difference to me
Usage of the Internet to purchase Q.14 Have you or someone in your organisation used the Internet to purchase a “whitebox” computer for the organisation? Q.14a. Would you consider using the Internet to purchase “whitebox” computer in the future? Yes 13% No 87% Base: Total Respondents (n=100) Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Interest in on-site PC evaluation Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Importance of PC disposal policy Base: Organisations with ‘whitebox’ computers
Meeting new challenges • Exploit flexibility and expertise • 57% spec their own systems • 17% want help • Specs are 2nd highest criteria for buyer • Price • Key competitive advantage in this market - don’t lose sight of that! • 39% would go to brand name if budget permitted • 44% want price guarantee - only 7% say ‘no’ • Emphasise support • Brands do badly here, especially cheaper end • Lay-out strong replacement policy & on-site evaluation (48% want this service)
Meeting new challenges • Market still spending • PC growth projected at 10+% • 1:4 say they will increase spend • 65% to maintain spend • Only 7% to decrease • Loyalty weak - no ‘80-20 Rule’ • 52% buy from regular distributor • 45% from local supplier • Increase marketing in niche / SMB areas to exploit lack of loyalty • Strategise offers aimed at loyalty - eg price guarantee etc. • Exploit lack of brand value equity of competitors • Drive Internet purchase • Take cost out of your own business to keep prices low