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800-700 BC

Delve into the rich realm of Ancient Greek literature spanning from epic poetry like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey to the profound works of Hesiod and the lyrical verses of Sappho and Alcaeus. Explore the birth of Presocratic philosophy, the glory of Greek tragedy with Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, and the comedic genius of Aristophanes. Unveil the timeless philosophical musings of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, and witness the advancements in medicine, science, and mathematics by Hippocrates, Euclid, and others. Dive into the vibrant world of Hellenistic poetry, historiography, and philosophy, and travel through the Imperial Era and Late Antiquity, encountering prominent figures such as Plutarch, Galen, and Neoplatonists. Discover the early foundations of Christianity and Byzantine theology, history, and hymnography, leading you to the evolution of Greek literature through the Early Modern, 19th Century, and 20th Century periods.

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800-700 BC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 800-700 BC • Epic Poetry • Homer Iliad, Odyssey, Homeric Hymns (Demeter, Apollo, Hermes…) • Didactic Epic • Hesiod: Theogony, Works and Days

  2. Early Greek Lyric 7th-6th c. • Early Greek Lyric • Kallinos: Elegy • Tyrtaios: Patriotic Elegy • Archilochos: Iambic poetry: Revolution of themes and meters • Simonides: Epigram • Stesichoros: Myth • Theognis: Aristocratic Poetry • Hipponax: Famously biting verses

  3. Mature Greek Lyric (6th century) • Sappho: The first woman poet whose work partially survives • Alcaeus: Drinking songs, hymns, love songs, and political odes • Pindar and Bacchylides: Epinician Songs • Alcman: Choral poetry • Anacreon: Playful love poetry

  4. Presocratic Philosophy & Science • Thales: Water is the principle of all things • Anaxagoras • Anaximenes • Xenophanes • Empedocles: The four elements • Parmenides

  5. Tragedy (5th c. BC) • Greek Drama: Tragedy: • Aeschylos: Persians, Oresteia, • Sophocles: Oedipus Rex, Antigone, Electra, Ajax • Euripides: Bacchae, Andromache, Alcestis, Medea, Helen

  6. Comedy • Old Comedy (5th c): • Kratinos • Pherecrates: Savages • Aristophanes: Birds, Clouds, Frogs, Lysistrata • New Comedy (Late 4th c.) • Menander • Diphilos

  7. Historiography (5th-4th c.) • Historiography: • Herodotos • Thucydides • Xenophon: Anabasis, Hellenica, Education of Cyrus, Spartan Constitution (essay and monograph)

  8. Philosophy • Philosophy: • Socrates • Plato, Dialogues • Aristotle • Democritus

  9. Medicine and Sciences • Medicine: • Hippocrates • Diocles of Carystus • Mathematics and other sciences • Pythagoras • Aristotle

  10. Oratory/Rhetoric (4th c.) • Oratory • Antiphon • Lysias • Isaios • Isocrates • Demosthenes • Hypereides • Literary Criticism and Rhetoric • Gorgias • Aristotle

  11. Hellenistic Poetry and Historiography (3rd -2nd c. BC) • Poetry: • Theocritos (bucolic) • Apollonios (epic) • Kallimachos (lyric) • Historiography: • Polybios • Dionysios Halicarnasseus

  12. Philology • Philology: • Aristophanes Byzantios • Dionysios Halicarnasseus • Dionysius Thrax • Aristarchus • Didymus Chalcenterus • Harpocration

  13. Medicine and Anatomy • Medicine/Anatomy: • Herophilos, • Erasistratos • Rufus of Ephesos • Asclepiades • Soranos • Pharmacology • Theophrastus (4th c.) • Dioscorides

  14. Science and Mathematics • Science and Mathematics: • Euclid • Ptolemy • Archimedes • Hippodamos

  15. Hellenistic Philosophy • Philosophy: • Epicurus • Chrysippos • Zenon • Cleanthes • Cynics • Sceptics

  16. Imprerial Era/Late Antiquity • Historiography/ • Biography • Plutarch • Humor: • Lucian • Medicine: • Galen • Philosophy: • Neoplatonics: • Proclus • Porphyry

  17. Early Christianity (1st-4th c. AD) • Early Chrisian authors: • Dionysius Areopagites • Irenaeus • Justin • Clement of Alexandria • Origen

  18. Byzantine Theology • Theology: • Basil • Gregory Nazianzenus • Gregory of Nyssa • John Chrysostom • Kavasilas • Gregory Palamas

  19. Byzantine Historiography • Historiography: • Procopius • Agathias • Emperor Constantine VII, Porphyrogennetos • Michael Attaliates • Michael Psellos • Anna Komnene • Niketas Choniates • Emperor John VI Cantacuzene • Chalkokondyles

  20. Chronicle • Chronicle: • Malalas • Theophanes Confessor • Zonaras

  21. Philology/Scholarship • Philology: • Hesychius • Patriarch Photius • Arethas • Eustathius, • Suda • Byzantine Scholia and Lexica (e.g. Etymologicum Magnum) • Triklinios • Maximos Planudes • John Tzetzes

  22. Byzantine Hymnography • Poetry/Hymnography: • Romanos Melodos • Akathist Hymn • Kassiane • Andrew of Crete • John Damaskenos • Kosmas Melodos (of Hierosolyma)

  23. Early Modern Greek Literature • Byzantine Epic Poetry (vernacular) • Digenes Acritas • Cretan Literature: • George Chortatzis • Vizentzos Kornaros • Ottoman Period: • Regas Ferraios • Adamantios Koraes • Demotic Poetry

  24. The 19th Century • The Ionian School: • Solomos • Kalvos • Valaorites • Laskaratos • The Old Athenian School • Soutsos • Rangavis

  25. The New Athenian School • The New Athenian School • Palamas • Drosines • Krystalles

  26. 20th century poetry • 20th century Poetry: • Konstantine Kavafis • Karyotakis • Seferis • Elytis • Ritsos • Karelli • Angelaki-Rooke

  27. 20th c. Fiction • 20th century Fictional Prose: • Papadiamantis • Delta • Myrivilis • Venezis • Kazantzakis • Tachtsis • Ioannou

  28. Modern Greek Theater/TV • Modern Greek Theater/TV • Xenopoulos • Psathas • Melas • Pretenteris

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