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African Civilizations 1500 BC – AD 700 Chapter 8

African Civilizations 1500 BC – AD 700 Chapter 8. World Studies Summer School. Africa: Diverse Geography. Coastal Plains Snow capped Mountain Peaks Desserts and Constant Drought Rain Forrests w/200+ inches of rain per year Many unique cultures and societies 4600 Miles East to West

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African Civilizations 1500 BC – AD 700 Chapter 8

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  1. African Civilizations1500 BC – AD 700Chapter 8 World Studies Summer School

  2. Africa: Diverse Geography • Coastal Plains • Snow capped Mountain Peaks • Desserts and Constant Drought • Rain Forrests w/200+ inches of rain per year • Many unique cultures and societies • 4600 Miles East to West • 5000 Miles North to South

  3. Adapting to the Environment • Nomadic Lifestyles • Hunter-Gatherers • Men Hunt/Woman Gather • Movement based on where the food is • Herders • Kept cattle, sheep, goats • Drove their animals where they could eat and find water • Agriculture begins around 6000 BC • Allows for groups to settle and build first

  4. Early Societies – South Sahara • Societies share common element of Family. • Extended families were part of one large family or clan. • Religion: some form of god or creator • Animism: religion where spirits play role of regulating life. Spirits are present in animals plants and other natural elements. Take the forms of souls of their ancestors. • History • Few written languages. Traditions passed down orally by Griots or storytellers.

  5. Early West African Cultures • West Afican Cultures jumped right into Iron Age. • The Nok • Lived in Nigeria between 500 BC and AD 200 • First to Smelt Iron • Vast overland trade routes • Djenne-Djeno • Oldest African City South of the Sahara • Over 50,000 residents at its height • Reed round huts plastered w/ mud • Later enclosed houses made of mud brick • Fished Niger river, herded cattle, and raised rice

  6. The Kingdom of Aksum AD 300 – AD 700 • Located on the Red Sea in present day Ethiopia and Eritrea. • Traded heavily with Arabs, Persians, and Egyptians • Massive trade and seaport at Adulis on Red sea • Very diverse cultural heritage due to trade and mixing with many different cultures. • Great Leader Ezana: Expands Empire and Converts to Christianity

  7. Aksum Continued • One of the first large Empires to convert to Christianity • Spread fast through society • Ethiopia still home to millions of Christians today • Innovations • First State south of Sahara to mint own coins • Developed own written language • Terrace Farming • Canals and channels for irrigation • Dams to store water

  8. Aksum’s Decline • Islamic invaders destroyed Adulis in 710. • Without port, they became isolated. • Move capital further into Ethiopia to avoid spread of Islam and become more isolated and decline as power. • Although they reached great heights and achievements, Aksum never really spread out of their relatively small geographic area.

  9. Assignment • Complete Questions: • p. 219 # 1-7 • p. 229 # 1-7

  10. African Societies 800-1500 Summer School – 2011 Chapter 15

  11. North and Central African Societies • The Efe (AY-Fay) • Hunting and Gathering Society living in the forests of present day Congo. • Small groups of 10-100 people • Social Structure based on Lineage • Society not governed by formal laws

  12. North and Central African Societies • The Igbo • Southern Nigeria in 9th Century. • Also Hunter Gatherers • Ruled by Lineage • Patrilineal vs. Matrilineal • Age-Set System

  13. North and Central African Societies • Muslim States • Northern African Mediterranean coast (Maghrib) • Spreads between 670-1000 • Ruled by Islamic Law • Almoravid and Almohad Empires • Unite Northern Africa 11th and 12th centuries

  14. West African Civilizations • Empire of Ghana • Area grew rich by 700s with increased trade across Sahara due to use of Camels. • Gold and Salt most important trade items • Until 1350, 2/3 of worlds gold came from West Africa. • West Africa needed Salt. • Due to trade, slowly influenced by Islam • Conquered by Almoravids 1076

  15. West African Civilizations • Empire of Mali • Emerges around 1235 • Built on Gold • Sundiata • First great leader • Takes over old Ghana kingdom • Expands East • “The world knows no other master but Sundiata” • Goes Muslim • Declines in 1400s

  16. West African Civilizations • Empire of Songhai • Break away from Mali and move further east. • 2 great Muslim Rulers • Sunni Ali • Askia Muhammad • Both were powerful military leaders • Both could not expand further due to the lack of modern weapons. • 1591 Moroccans defeat Songhai warriors ending nearly 1000 years of powerful west African empires.

  17. Southern Empires • Great Zimbabwe - first great city • Shona People settle around 1000 • Fertile soil • Along two major trade routes leading to sea • Gold and Ivory trade were greatest • 1450 City abandoned • No one knows why!

  18. Assignment • Complete Questions: • p.412 #1-7 • p.419 #1-5 • p.427 #1-5

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