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Ralf Beerens MSc. VU University Amsterdam The Netherlands Institute for Safety Science

Urban Search and Rescue: Preparedness and Coordination When Structures Collapse An analysis of Preparedness and Coordination for receiving USAR-assistance in The Netherlands, Sweden and Estonia. Ralf Beerens MSc. VU University Amsterdam The Netherlands Institute for Safety Science

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Ralf Beerens MSc. VU University Amsterdam The Netherlands Institute for Safety Science

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  1. Urban Search and Rescue: Preparedness and CoordinationWhen Structures CollapseAn analysis of Preparedness and Coordination for receiving USAR-assistance in The Netherlands, Sweden and Estonia Ralf Beerens MSc. VU University Amsterdam The Netherlands Institute for Safety Science Fire Services & Crisis Management Academy

  2. Agenda • Rationale and Scope • Literature Review • Methodology • Results and Analyses • The Netherlands • Sweden • Estonia • Conclusion and Recommendations • Discussion / Q&A

  3. Rationale and Scope (1) Rationale: • Significant increase in events that might cause structural collapse and/or entrapment (EM-DAT 2007) • United Nations GA Res. 57/150 • UN “Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015” • National and International focus on Disaster Response Preparedness

  4. Rationale and Scope (2) Aim: • “To compare the coordination mechanisms and related preparedness measures of three European countries” Countries compared: The Netherlands Sweden Estonia

  5. Rationale and Scope (3) International Level National Level Operational/ Local Level

  6. Rapid Response Mechanism National Disaster System USAR-Response System Literature Review Definitions used: • “Locating, reaching, (medically) treating, and safely extricating deeply entombed survivors of collapsed structures” • “…distinguishes from other emergency rescue entities by its unique capability to overcome the impediments caused by steel, reinforced concrete and other heavy construction to locate victims and effect rescue” (Barbera and Macintyre 1996)

  7. Literature Review Effective and Efficient International Coordination: • Important issues: • Time • Management • Communication • Media • Resources/Technology/Capacity • Knowledge/Understanding • Situational/Disaster Dynamics (Bäckström and Christofferson 2006, Chiu et al 2002, De Ville de Goyet 2002, Erdogan 2006, Katoch 2006, Macintyre, Barbera and Smith 2006, Morris 2006, Perry 2003, Romundstad et al 2004)

  8. Literature Review International Coordination: • Political Environment: • United Nations: UN GA Resolutions (46/181, 57/150) • INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology 2006 • European Union: Community Civil Protection Mechanism (Council Decisions 2001, 2003 and a recast of those in 2007) • National Political Disaster Preparedness and Response Structures

  9. Methodology (1) • Desk Research: • INSARAG guidelines and methodology (2006) • European Union Council resolutions (2001 and 2003)

  10. Methodology (2) • Conceptual Framework and Model Development

  11. Methodology (3) • Diagrammatic Modelling • Using various complex research modelling processes • Showing logical linkages between the various mechanisms on a local/field, national and international level, with an emphasis on: • Chain of Command & Control • Planning • Flow of Information • Request for assistance • Granting for assistance • Coordination

  12. Methodology (4) EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  13. Methodology (5) • Expert Interviews • The Netherlands (Van der Weide) • Sweden (Norlin) • Estonia (Teder, Salong and Paju) • Analysis of the Interviews using diagrammatic modelling in order to develop a practical “country model” • Compare the three National Country Models with the “International/EU USAR Model” using “pattern matching” (Trochim 1989)

  14. EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR Results and Analysis

  15. EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR The Netherlands

  16. RDC RDC OSOCC LEMA The Netherlands EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC International USAR Teams UNDAC Disaster Act (WRZO) Ministry of the Interior & Kingdom Relations/NCC Other Ministries/ DCC LOCC INSARAG National Focal Point USAR.NL Provincial Coordination Plan Queeen’s Commissioner/PCC Regional Policy Team (RBT) / RCC Disaster Plan Mayor Municipal Policy Team (GBT) Fire Services Operational Leader (COPI/OT) Disaster Relief Plan Police Force Medical Services GRIP-Procedures Public and Private Bodies

  17. EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR RDC RDC OSOCC LEMA The Netherlands EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC International USAR Teams UNDAC Disaster Act (WRZO) Ministry of the Interior & Kingdom Relations/NCC Other Ministries/ DCC LOCC INSARAG National Focal Point USAR.NL Provincial Coordination Plan Queeen’s Commissioner/PCC Regional Policy Team (RBT) / RCC Disaster Plan Mayor Municipal Policy Team (GBT) Fire Services Operational Leader (COPI/OT) Disaster Relief Plan Police Force Medical Services GRIP-Procedures Public and Private Bodies

  18. EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR Sweden

  19. RDC RDC OSOCC LEMA Sweden EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC Swedish USAR (SRSA) International USAR Teams UNDAC Civil Protection Act 2002 Ministry of Defense Government INSARAG National Focal Point SRSA Specific Disaster Plans (county) Rescue Leader / Rädnningsledaren (municipal or county level) Fire Services Plan of Action (municipality) Police Force Medical Services Public and Private Bodies

  20. EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR RDC RDC OSOCC LEMA Sweden EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC Swedish USAR (SRSA) International USAR Teams UNDAC Civil Protection Act 2002 Ministry of Defense Government INSARAG National Focal Point SRSA Specific Disaster Plans (county) Rescue Leader / Rädnningsledaren (municipal or county level) Fire Services Plan of Action (municipality) Police Force Medical Services Public and Private Bodies

  21. EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR Estonia

  22. RDC RDC OSOCC LEMA Estonia EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC International USAR Teams UNDAC Emergency Preparedness Act 2002 Emergency Situation Act 1996 Governement (Crisis Com.) Ministries Rescue Board INSARAG National Focal Point EDRT/USAR Crisis Management Plan (National) Emergency Situation Response Coordinator Rescue Work Coordinator County Governement (Crisis Com.) Local Governement (Crisis Com.) Crisis Management Plan (County) Regional Rescue Center Fire Services Emergency Center Crisis Management Plan (Municipalities and Cities) Police Force Medical Services Public and Private Bodies

  23. EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR RDC RDC OSOCC LEMA Estonia EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCSS / V-OSOCC International USAR Teams UNDAC Emergency Preparedness Act 2002 Emergency Situation Act 1996 Governement (Crisis Com.) Ministries Rescue Board INSARAG National Focal Point EDRT/USAR Crisis Management Plan (National) Emergency Situation Response Coordinator Rescue Work Coordinator County Governement (Crisis Com.) Local Governement (Crisis Com.) Crisis Management Plan (County) Regional Rescue Center Fire Services Emergency Center Crisis Management Plan (Municipalities and Cities) Police Force Medical Services Public and Private Bodies

  24. Conclusions & Recommendations EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCCS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  25. Conclusions & Recommendations EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCCS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  26. Conclusions (Field/Local & National) Recommendation 1: Embed USAR Teams in Local/Regional Preparedness and Respons Structures to enhance familiarity and coordination. Also link USAR to the country’s risk profile. EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCCS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  27. Conclusions (Field/Local & National) Recommendation 2: USAR knowledge on a National level among emergency responders should be mapped and procedures should be developed to increase their awareness in cooperating with international USAR responders EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCCS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  28. Conclusions (National & International) EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCCS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) Recommendation 3: Compare National Mechanisms with their international counterparts and explore (partially) integration of the mechanisms to assist incoming international USAR teams. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  29. Conclusions (National & International) EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCCS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA Recommendation 4: - Use the operational USAR structure as a blueprint for other national rapid specialist emergency teams. - Increase international cooperation and enhance understanding. EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  30. Conclusions (National & International) EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCCS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) Recommendation 5: USAR response team capabilities should be mapped incl. cooperative international training and exercises through National Focal Points within the Government DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  31. Conclusions (National & International) EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCCS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme Recommendation 6: The definition of USAR should be opened for further discussion with a broader prospect for its operational use within the urban and built environment e.g. more emphasis on standard LEMA-procedures INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  32. Conclusions (International) EU-MIC / CECIS EU Council Resolutions INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology UN OCHA / FCCS / V-OSOCC EU of Pooling Capabilities International USAR Teams UNDAC RDCRDC OSOCC EU Training Programme INSARAG NATIONAL FOCAL POINT LEMA EU Civil protection Modules (USAR) Recommendation 7: Outline similarities between EU and UN and establish an agreement in order to strengthen effective and efficient coordination and response DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Domestic USAR

  33. Areas for further Research • Research should be carried out to explore preparedness and coordination approaches during (USAR) disasters benefiting efficient and effective (inter-)national (USAR) assistance saving time, lives and money. • Academic research comprises and stresses the pratical experiences. • It helps to establish an effective and efficient organisational coordination on all levels. • Academic research can easily cross (political) borders … a Challenge for INSARAG ?!

  34. Future PhD Research Project My areas of interest and future research: • Effectiveness and Efficiency in Disaster Management • Instrument/Tool development for effective and efficient preparedness and response mechanisms based on e.g. risk analysis and cost-benefit-analysis

  35. Internet: E-mail: RJJ.Beerens@fsw.vu.nl or ralf.beerens@gmail.com Websites: www.ralf-online.tk www.usar.nl Virtual OSOCC Discussion/Q&A Contact Information Address: VU University Amsterdam Faculty of Social Sciences Crisislab T.a.v. Ralf Beerens De Boelelaan 1081 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands

  36. In cooperation with: Special thanks to:

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