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General University Committees Advisory Committees Advisory Boards Hearing Panels

Student Government Association. General University Committees Advisory Committees Advisory Boards Hearing Panels Student Positions for 2010-2011. SGA: Shared Governance – Shared Voice. Time Commitment.

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General University Committees Advisory Committees Advisory Boards Hearing Panels

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  1. Student Government Association General University Committees Advisory Committees Advisory Boards Hearing Panels Student Positions for 2010-2011 SGA: Shared Governance – Shared Voice

  2. Time Commitment • The time commitment varies with the workload of the committee during particular times of the year. Some committees only meet once per month; however, some meet more frequently. Special Note: A committee may not schedule any meetings if they do not have issues to discuss within the parameters of their charge. At this time, we have no way of knowing which, if any, may not meet in 2010-2011. However, the following is an average time commitment per month that one might expect: • 1-2 committee meetings – 2-4 hours total • Meeting preparation (reading/soliciting SGA and student body input) - 4 hours total • Monthly reports to SGA - 1/2 hour total • Total = 6 ½ - 8 ½ hours per month (approximate) MANDATORY ORIENTATION All students elected and/or appointed to a committee are required to attend an orientation session. Dates and times to be determined at a later date. Overview DEADLINE TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION The University of Houston-Clear Lake offers students the opportunity to serve as voting or active members on various committees and advisory boards that help shape the direction and focus of this institution. The positions are elected by the Student Government Association (SGA) or appointed by the SGA Executive Council or the dean. Each person elected and/or appointed is expected to attend all scheduled and specially called meetings. Each person is also expected to be committed to the work of the committee or board for the full term of office. Through committee service, the student has an opportunity to: Open Until Positions Filled Turn completed applications in to the SGA Executive Council or the Student Life Office . • be an advocate for student concerns • gain valuable experience in organizational decision-making • network with faculty and top-ranking administrators throughout the institution • put into practice a variety of skills • develop new skills that can be used in one’s career Decisions on appointment to positions will be made upon submission of application. No elections will be held for positions. Appointments will be made from available applications at the discretion of the SGA Executive Council.

  3. To Apply for a Committee Position Check this out! Term of Office for All Committees Student representatives to university committees serve a one-year term of office, September to August, with the exception of the two two-year representatives to Student Life Council. Very few committees meet during the summer months, but may do so if pressing business cannot be completed by the end of the spring semester. Students must apply for these committee positions, and election by written ballot will be conducted. Should an unexpected vacancy occur in any committee during the year, applications will be accepted and the Student Government Association Executive Council shall make an appointment from among interested candidates to fill the remainder of the term of office. Task Forces and Ad hoc committees are formed throughout the year, and appointments to fill these additional positions shall be made from among interested candidates. An application form is enclosed with this brochure. Additional copies are available in the SGA Office (Student Services/Classroom Building, Room 1.205), in the Student Life Office (Student Services/Classroom Building, Room 1.204), or at various locations throughout campus. The application must be typed or printed neatly and returned to the SGA Office or the Student Life Office by the stated deadline. A student may apply for and be elected to a maximum of one Shared Governance Committee and one General University Committee. Under no circumstances will a student be permitted to serve on more than two committees during an academic term. The deadline to apply for a General University Committee and/or an Advisory Committee is noon on Wednesday, September 1, 2010. Who is eligible to apply for these committee positions? All UH-Clear Lake students who are in good academic standing (not on academic probation) are eligible to apply to serve on university committees. Students are expected to be registered for classes at UH-Clear Lake for the entire term of office. In accordance with University policy, students are elected and/or appointed to committees through the Student Government Association. Student representation on committees is open to all UHCL students and is not limited to those students who are members of UHCL student organizations or the UHCL Student Government Association. “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” - Theodore Roosevelt FOR MORE INFORMATION Rebecca Smith 2010-2011 VP - Committee Coordinator smithr@uhcl.edu SGA Executive Council SS/CB 1.205, (281) 283-2556 SGA@uhcl.edu Andrew Reitberger, SGA Advisor Student Life Office, SS/CB 1.204, (281) 283-2560 Reitberger@uhcl.edu

  4. Student Government Association 2010-2011 Executive Council Rebecca Smith VP-Committee Coordinator Amanda Schoolcraft VP-Student Outreach & Communications Clare Leonard VP-Administration SSCB 1.205 PH. (281) 283-2556 FAX (281) 283-2566 SGA@uhcl.edu www.uhcl.edu/SGA Any student requiring an accommodation for a disability in order to complete the committee application, participate in elections, or serve in office should contact the Assistant Director of Student Life-Student Government & Student Organizations at (281) 283-2560 to arrange for the needed accommodation. To Apply for an Advisory Board or Hearing Panel Students have the opportunity to serve on various advisory boards, which are very important in shaping the direction of this institution. Serving on an advisory board or hearing panel provides opportunities to serve the campus and to build your skills and networks but without as much of a time commitment as required for committee service. Most advisory boards meet two to three times per semester; each advisory board will set its own meeting schedule. Hearing panels will meet as needed. An application is required and is included in this brochure. Additional copies are available in the Student Life Office or at various locations throughout campus. A student may apply for more than one board or panel. Return the completed application(s) to the Student Life Office before the stated deadline. Applications will be reviewed by the appropriate director and the Student Government Association Executive Council. Those appointed and/or recommended for a position will be contacted by the SGA VP-Committee Coordinator. Appointments/Recommendations will be announced on an as needed basis

  5. General University Committees Piper Award Committee The Piper Award Committee selects teaching excellence awards through a campus-wide nomination process. The committee meets frequently throughout the fall semester, but does not meet in the spring. December graduates are eligible to serve on this committee. Positions: 1 student representative from each school: SOE - open Space Allocation and Utilization Sub-Committee A standing sub-committee of the Facilities and Support Services Committee (FSSC), this committee oversees space allocation and utilization, including the construction of new space. The sub-committee makes recommendations to FSSC on issues involving academic space or a reallocation of space between schools or component authorities. Positions: 1 student representative - open Graduation Planning Committee This committee meets and assists in various aspects regarding the development and execution of the university ‘s graduation commencement. Positions: 1 student representative – open Parking/Traffic Safety Sub-Committee This committee is a standing sub-committee of the Facilities & Support Services Committee (FSSC), and the responsibility shall be to coordinate, with the administration and related units of the university, oversight of the planning, maintenance, and correction of parking and traffic safety matters at the university including parking-related fees. The sub-committee makes recommendations to the Facilities and Support Services Committee and is responsible for widely informing and involving all affected constituents in its deliberations and approved actions. This sub-committee does not deal with traffic citation appeals. Positions: 1 undergraduate student representative - open 1 graduate student representative - open Traffic Appeals Committee The committee reviews university citations that are sent to them for consideration from those believing that the citation is unwarranted. Citations encompass traffic and parking violations issued by the University Police. Their decision is then forwarded to the Director of University Police for dissemination to the appropriate appellants. Positions: 1 graduate student representative – open

  6. Your Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Application for General Committees Vacancies for 2010-2011 Application Deadline: Open until positions filled Turn in your completed application to the SGA Executive Council (SSB 1.205) or Student Life Office (SSB 1.204). Note: You may only serve on 1 Shared Governance and 1 General committee or 2 General and/or Advisory Committees. Please refer to the Committee Brochure for a description of each committee. ____ Parking/Traffic Safety Sub-Committee(1 Grad & 1 Undergrad Student Rep) ____ Undergrad _____Grad ____ Piper Award Committee (1 Rep from SOE) Please indicate school: ___________ ____ Space Allocation and Utilization Sub-Committee ____ Traffic Appeals Committee (1 Grad Student Rep) _____Grad Please complete the following information. LIMIT YOUR INFORMATION TO THE SPACE PROVIDED; ATTACHMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. List any organization or committee leadership roles you have held (at UHCL, other colleges or universities, or in the community) that demonstrate your leadership skills and attitude toward service to the community. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you feel that you are the best candidate for this committee position? (You may want to discuss your experience, talents, skills, interests, motivation for serving on a committee, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following information is required to make application for a committee; failure to provide all requested information may delay your application and may result in your name being removed from the ballot if the information cannot be obtained within the stated timeline. To protect your privacy, we will cut off this part of your completed application before copies of the form are distributed to SGA Representatives for voting. Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Phone (Day) _________________ (Evening) _________________ E-mail Address ______________________________________________ Major _____________________________________________________ ___ Undergraduate Student ___ Graduate Student ___ Post-Bac Number of credit hours completed at UHCL __________ Employment Status: ____ Full-time ____ Part-time ____ Not Employed Anticipated Graduation Date __________________________________ Id Number: ________________

  7. Advisory Committees Advisory Committees do not set policy. Instead, they provide advice and input to the office or area of interest. Students serving on these advisory committees will represent the student voice in providing advice and input. Therefore, they function much as a general university committee, but members may or may not actually vote on issues. Book Store Advisory Committee The committee is responsible for providing feedback and recommendations to the Book Store Manager on the products and services offered by the UHCL Book Store. In addition, the committee will act as a liaison between faculty and Book Store staff in regard to textbook orders. Positions: 2 student representatives – open Food Services Advisory Committee The committee is responsible for providing feedback and recommendations to the Director of Campus Dining Services and to the Executive Director of Operations on the products and services offered by the food service contractor, including the cafeteria, vending machines, and catering services. Positions: 1 student representative – open Library Advisory Committee This committee is a standing advisory committee for the Facilities and Support Services (FSSC). The committee is responsible for providing feedback and recommendations to the FSSC and the Executive Director of the Neumann Library on issues pertaining to the Library. Positions: 1 student representative from each school: BUS, SOE, HSH, SCE - all open

  8. Hearing Panels • Hearing panels are called when disciplinary cases arise in a variety of areas of campus life. Students, faculty and staff serve in a pool of interested candidates for service on an actual hearing panel. Should the need arise, pool members are notified and a panel is formed to hear the case. Students who are interested should complete an application to serve as potential panel members in the three areas listed below. Appointments will be made and training conducted as needed. • Non-Discrimination Grievance Hearing Pool • Number of students appointed: 6 • Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault Hearing Pool • Number of students appointed: 5 • Academic Honesty Pool • Number of students nominated (appointments are made by • the academic dean of each school from among nominees): • at least two students from each of the four schools: • BUS – 1 open, SOE – 2 open Advisory Boards The SGA Executive Council makes direct appointments to the following boards from among interested applicants. Each Advisory Board shall set its own meeting schedule. Art Acquisition Advisory Board The UHCL Art Acquisition Advisory Board (AAAB) has been formed to advise the President of UH-Clear Lake to aid in the building of a distinguished collection of art for the institution and the community at large. The AAAB will develop policies and procedures concerning the acquisition of art, loans and de-accessions of artwork, placement and/or display of artwork, and art restoration and conservation. The AAAB will work under the auspices and procedures of the University of Houston System Wide Art Acquisition Committee. Number of students appointed: 1 Associate Vice President for Student Services Advisory Board Students serve in an advisory capacity to the Associate Vice President for Student Services/Dean of Students on student services issues and concerns. A luncheon meeting is scheduled for each semester. Number of students appointed: Unlimited Intercultural Advisory Board Students will have an opportunity to work with various constituents from the university, including current students, alumni, faculty, staff and administrators. The purpose of this board is to provide a voice for the university’s diverse community, addressing issues associated with a culturally diverse population, such as support services, student needs, recruitment and retention issues, and sensitivity training. Number of students appointed: 10

  9. Application Deadline: Open until positions filled Note: You may only serve on 1 Shared Governance and 1 General committee or 2 General and/or Advisory Committees. Please refer to the Committee Brochure for a description of each committee. Advisory Committees (Voted Positions) Advisory Boards (Appointed Positions) ____ Book Store Advisory Committee ____ Art Acquisition Advisory Board ____ Food Services Advisory Committee ____ AVP/Student Services Advisory Board ____ Library Advisory Committee ____ Intercultural Advisory Board Your Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Application for Advisory Committees/Advisory Boards for 2010-2011 Refer to the information in the Committee Brochure for descriptions, time commitment, requirements, etc. Completed applications must be returned to the Student Life Office by the stated deadline; late applications will not be considered. Please complete the following information. LIMIT YOUR INFORMATION TO THE SPACE PROVIDED; ATTACHMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. List any organization or committee leadership roles you have held (at UHCL, other colleges or universities, or in the community) that demonstrate your leadership skills and attitude toward service to the community. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you feel that you are the best candidate for this position? (You may want to discuss your experience, talents, skills, interests, motivation for serving on an advisory board, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following information is required to make application for a committee; failure to provide all requested information may delay your application and may result in your name being removed from the ballot if the information cannot be obtained within the stated timeline. To protect your privacy, we will cut off this part of your completed application before copies of the form are distributed to SGA Representatives for voting. Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Phone (Day) _________________ (Evening) _________________ E-mail Address ______________________________________________ Major _____________________________________________________ ___ Undergraduate Student ___ Graduate Student ___ Post-Bac Number of credit hours completed at UHCL __________ Employment Status: ____ Full-time ____ Part-time ____ Not Employed Anticipated Graduation Date __________________________________ Id Number: ________________

  10. Application Deadline: Open until positions filled You may apply for more than one of these positions, even if you have been elected to a committee. Your Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Application for Hearing Pools for 2010-2011 Refer to the information in the Committee Brochure for descriptions, time commitment, requirements, etc. Completed applications must be returned to the Student Life Office by the stated deadline; late applications will not be considered. You may apply for more than one of these positions, even if you have been elected to a committee. Hearing Pools (appointed positions): _____ Non-Discrimination Grievance Hearing Pool _____ Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault Hearing Pool _____ Academic Honesty Pool ___ BUS ___ SOE Your Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please complete the following information. LIMIT YOUR INFORMATION TO THE SPACE PROVIDED; ATTACHMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. List any organization or committee leadership roles you have held (at UHCL, other colleges or universities, or in the community) that demonstrate your leadership skills and attitude toward service to the community. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you feel that you are the best candidate for this position? (You may want to discuss your experience, talents, skills, interests, motivation for serving on an advisory board, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following information is required to make application for a committee; failure to provide all requested information may delay your application and may result in your name being removed from the ballot if the information cannot be obtained within the stated timeline. To protect your privacy, we will cut off this part of your completed application before copies of the form are distributed to SGA Representatives for voting. Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Phone (Day) _________________ (Evening) _________________ E-mail Address ______________________________________________ Major _____________________________________________________ ___ Undergraduate Student ___ Graduate Student ___ Post-Bac Number of credit hours completed at UHCL __________ Employment Status: ____ Full-time ____ Part-time ____ Not Employed Anticipated Graduation Date __________________________________ Id Number: ________________

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