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MASSIVE BLACK HOLES: formation & evolution

MASSIVE BLACK HOLES: formation & evolution. Martin Rees Cambridge University. Themes of this symposium. 1*. Radiation, ,accretion jets, winds, etc --- phenomenology and models. 3C31:. Optical. Radio. Themes of this symposium.

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MASSIVE BLACK HOLES: formation & evolution

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  1. MASSIVE BLACK HOLES:formation & evolution Martin Rees Cambridge University

  2. Themes of this symposium 1*. Radiation, ,accretion jets, winds, etc --- phenomenology and models.

  3. 3C31: Optical Radio

  4. Themes of this symposium 1*. Radiation, ,accretion jets, winds, etc --- phenomenology and models. 2*. Do ‘holes’ obey the Kerr metric (testing strong-field GR, etc)? * straightforward scaling laws between stellar-mass and supermassive holes

  5. Themes of this symposium 1*. Radiation, ,accretion jets, winds, etc --- phenomenology and models. 2*. Do ‘holes’ obey the Kerr metric (testing strong-field GR, etc)? • Population and demography of supermassive holes: how do they form and evolve? * straightforward scaling laws between stellar-mass and supermassive holes

  6. Observational progress in demography and evolution of holes (I) Ubiquity of holes in galaxies

  7. Massive black holes? Giant Ellipticals/S0s Spirals Dwarfs Globular Clusters Yes Yes but black hole mass scales with bulge mass not total mass Some at least Maybe

  8. Is this really tighter? Kormendy 2003 bulge mass stellar velocity dispersion of the bulge black hole mass scales with

  9. Observational progress in demography and evolution of holes Ubiquity of holes in galaxies Feedback from hole to galaxy

  10. New clues from deep Chandra observations of Perseus Fabian et al 03a,b

  11. Observational progress in demography and evolution of holes Ubiquity of holes in galaxies Feedback from hole to galaxy Objects discovered at z > 6 .

  12. A very early assembly epoch for QSOs The highest redshift quasar currently known SDSS 1148+3251 at z=6.4 has estimates of the SMBH mass MBH=2-6 x109 Msun(Willott et al 2003, Barth et al 2003) As massive as the largest SMBHs today, but when the Universe was <1 Gyr old!

  13. THE HIGHEST-REDSHIFT QUASARS Becker et al. (2000)

  14. Brief History of the Universe Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier Hot Dense Smooth Cool Rarefied Clumpy (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team)

  15. First ‘seed’ black holes? Hierarchical Galaxy Formation: small scales collapse first and merge later to form more massive systems BARYONS: need to COOL First ‘action’ happens in the smallest halos with deep enough potential wells to allow this (at z~20-30) courtesy of M. Kuhlen

  16. MBH~103-106 Msun Viscous transport + supermassive star (e.g. Haehnelt & Rees 1993, Eisenstein & Loeb 1995, Bromm & Loeb 2003, Koushiappas et al. 2004) Efficient viscous angular momentum transport + efficient gas confinement Bar-unstable self-gravitating gas + large “quasistar” (Begelman, Volonteri & Rees 2006) Transport angular momentum on the dynamical timescale, process cascades Formation of a BH in the core of a low entropy quasistar ~104-106 Msun  The BH can swallow the quasistar First black holes in pregalactic halos z≈10-30 MBH~100-600 Msun PopIII stars remnants (Madau & Rees 2001, Volonteri, Haardt & Madau 2003) Simulations suggest that the first stars are massive M~100-600 Msun (Abel et al., Bromm et al.) Metal free dying stars with M>260Msun leaveremnant BHswith Mseed≥100Msun (Fryer, Woosley & Heger)

  17. Supermassive holes grow from seedpregalactic BHs. These seeds are incorporated in larger and larger halos, accreting gas and dynamically interacting after mergers. All models for first BHs predict a biased formation: in the HIGHEST PEAKS OF DENSITY FLUCTUATIONSat z~20-30

  18. Descendant Mh= 2 x 1015M Quasars end up in cD galaxies at centres of rich galaxy clusters today Mh= 21015M Dark matter Galaxies Quasar host Mh= 5 x 012M Mh= 51012M M*= 1011M SFR = 235 M/yr MBH= 108M

  19. Formation and evolution of supermassive binaries 1. Dynamical friction t  a 2. Binary hardening due to stars or accretion of gas 3. Gravitational radiation t  a4 Do they merge?

  20. LISA Will see mergers of 105 –107 Msol black holes 2011?

  21. Lisa sensitivity to massive black hole binaries

  22. Dependence of merger rate on mass of minihalos in which first holes form

  23. Gravitational rocket binary center of mass recoil during coalescence due to asymmetric emission of GW (e.g. Fitchett 1983, Favata et al 2004, Blanchet et al 2005, Baker et al 2006) vrec ≤ 250 km/s GR SIMULATIONS ELLIPTICAL GALAXIES 1000 «vesc from today galaxies 100 Vrecoil (km/s) Vesc (km/s) ≈vesc from high-z ones 10 DWARF GALAXIES/ MINIHALOS mass 1013 109

  24. at z >10 more than 80% of merging MBHs can be kicked out of their halo (Volonteri & Rees 2006) the gravitational rocket effect is a threat at the highest redshifts, when host halos are small and have shallow potential wells Can the merger process start early enough to Allow build-up of supermassive holes?

  25. Build-up of holes by accretion (a) Is there a continuous gas supply from host halo? (b) When supply is super-critical:, is ’excess’ radiation trapped and/or? accretion inefficient, allowing rapid growth in hole’s mass ? Or is there a radiation-driven outflow?(spin?).

  26. NOTE; Classic argument of Soltan (1982), which compares total mass of holes with total radiative output, implies that most of the mass is gained via ‘efficient’ accretion. But most ot the ‘e-folds’ (eg first 10% of mass) could be gained rapidly via inefficient accretion rqso(0)=2.1x105[0.1(1-e)/e]M Mpc-3 rSMBH=2.5-3.5x105M Mpc-3 ~0.2 @ z<5 Elvis, Risaliti & Zamorani 2002 from Yu & Tremaine 2002

  27. super-Eddington accretion Eddington accretion ε=0.2

  28. Are massive black holes rapidly spinning? (affects maximal accretion efficiency, minimum variability timescale, importance of Blandford-Znajek energy extraction, etc) Spin is modified by BH mergers and the coupling with the accretion disc mergers can spin BHs either up or down; alignment with the disc spins up

  29. spin evolution by BH mergers only spin evolution by BH mergers AND accretion

  30. 1. Mass of the BH seed PopIII stars remnants MBH~100-600 Msun Gas collapse via Post-Newtonian instability MBH~105-106 Msun 2. BH mergers Positive contribution: build-up of high masses Negative contribution (gravitational rocket) 3. Accretion rate Eddington-limited (continuous or intermittent) Super-Eddington (Excess swallowed or expelled?)

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