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This presentation contains more than one hundred and thirty quiz questions and answers about friends and friendship. It also contains questions about the famous Sitcom "Friends". So I highly recommend this quiz if you are really serious in friendship
Friends Trivia Trivia questions and answers are one of the best ways to get knowledge and to learn about different things. These questions will give you an opportunity to analyze your IQ level and knowledge as well. It is not only a good way of learning infect it is a great way of entertainment as well as enjoyment. You can get trivia question on different areas such as movies, music, games, sports, history, science, friends trivia and many others as well. Here we are going to talk about the friend’s trivia questions. Friendship is one of the best relationships that you may find ever in your life. Do you think that you know your best friend very well or you have known about everything about friendship if yes then you are definitely going to enjoy this game? It will help you a lot to make your relationship best with your friends and get an opportunity to know more about your friend. You may ask some funny, emotional or challenging questions to your friends. Friends Trivia Questions: Q1. What is the name of the band that sings the song of opening credits? A. The Rembrandts Q2. In Monica's Apartment, what is the color of Ottoman? A.Green Q3. In the pilot episode which food was shared by the Ross And Rachel? A.An Oreo Q4.what was the number of Monica's apartment? A.15 Q5. Joey's Cabbage Patch Kid is known as? A. Alicia May Emory Q6. 'Morning's Here...' What are the complete lyrics of this song? A.Morning is here Q7. What is the name of the only actor who never hosted an SNL’s episode? A. Matt Leblanc Q8. Which number of the season is only one without an episode of Thanksgiving? A.2
Q9. What was the name of two British boys with whom Ross Plays Rugby? A. Liam and Devon Q10. What was originally Monica really want to call her kids? A. Emma and Daniel Q11. In which car the Phoebe Briefly live? A. A Buick Lesabre Q12. How many roses send to Emily by the Ross? A.72 Q13.what was the job of Susie Moss? A. Makeup artist Q14.Which type of business has Emily's Parents? A. Interior Designing Q15. The Imaginary Friend of Joey is known as? A. Maurice Friends Trivia Questions Hard: Q1. What is the name of the person who said that I'm Not Very Fond Of New York'? A. Charles Q2. What was the name of Laundry Detergent that Ross used just to impress the Rachel? A. Oberweis Q3.In the Central Perk what color of the couch was used? A.Orange Q4. What was the name of Phoebe’s twin sister? A. Ursula Q5. What is the name of the pairing who never kissed on the show? A. Chandler and Rachel Q6.What was the number of Monica’s apartment? A.20
Q7.What was the name of bedtime penguin pal of Joey? A. Hugsy Q8.What was the middle name of Phoebe? A. She doesn’t have any middle name Q9.Which is the favorite food of Joey? A.Sandwiches Q10.Who said that "Stupid British snack food”? A. Ross Q11. What was the name of the place where Chandler go to hide with cold feet? A. His Office Q12. What is the name of the person who said that ‘We could eat the wax? It's organic’? A.Phoebe Q13.What tattoo was the Phoebe gets? A. The world from far away Q14. What was the name of a female paleontologist who was dated by both Joey and Ross? A. Charlie Q15.What is the middle name of Chandler? A. Muriel Friends Trivia Buzzfeed: Q1.What was the thing from which the Ross was not allergic to? A.Banana Q2. What is the full name of Joey? A. Joseph Francis Tribbiani Q3.At which place the very first scene was taken place? A. Central Park Q4.What is the name of the character who speaks first? A.Monica
Q5. What are the sisters’ names of Joey? A. Tina, Angela, Dina, Maria, Gina, Maria Theresa, Cookie and Veronica. Q6. What is the biggest pet peeve of Monica? A. Animals dressed as humans Q7.Who said that ‘Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.’? A. Chandler Q8. At Ralph Lauren what is the name of an executive who interviews Rachel? A. Mr. Zelner Q. In the pilot episode what was the name to whom Rachel supposed to marry? A. Paolo Q10. At Monica's apartment to whom Rachel was talking to on phone? A. Her Father Q11. What was the name of the place where Rachel was going on her honeymoon? A.Aruba Q12.What was the name of the person who helped the Ross to set up a new apartment? A. Chandler and Joey Q13.What was the name of Ross' bald girlfriend? A.Bonnie Q14. What is in the locked closet of Monica? A. A whole bunch of junk Q15.Which character was delivered the final line of the episode? A. Chandler Best Ever Friends Quiz: Q1. The Ross monkey’s name was? A.Marcel Q2. The pocking device of the giant was made of? A. Chopsticks
Q3. What is the name of a Friends cast member who never hosted Live on Saturday night? A. Matt LeBlanc Q4.What day is Thursday according to Joey? A.Third Day Q5.What is the name of a person who sings the theme song? A. The Rembrandts Q6.What is the middle name of Ross? A. Eustace Q7.What is the name of a friend who has a tattoo? A.Rachel Q8. What was the name of the person who said that ‘Could I be wearing any more clothes’? A. Joey Q9. What is the favorite drink of Dr. Green? A. Scotch Neat Q10.Who was not on the ‘List’ of Ross? A. Isabella Rosellini Q11. What is the name of a friend who has been kissed by all other friends? A. Rachel Q12. To give the money of Joey what game the Chandler was made? A. Cups Q13. In the early show seasons what was the job of Chandler? A. IT procurements manager Q14. When Monica was getting stung by jellyfish who peed on her leg? A. Children Q15.At Phoebe and Rachel’s apartment which thing became a cause of the fire? A. Hair straightener of Rachel Random Friends Trivia:
Q1. What is Joey’s special? A. Ordering two pizzas at the same time Q2. About which famous person was the Phoebe believe is her grandfather? A. Albert Einstein Q3. To thanksgiving which dessert Rachel try to make? A. Trifle Q4.What is the name of Dr. Drake Ramorey’s twin brother? A. Striker Ramorey Q5.Which song the Ross was singing when Emma starts to cry? A.Baby got back Q6.Which toy is always on the door of Joey and Chandler? A. A Magna Doodle Q7. What was the porn film of Ursula is called? A. Buffay the vampire layer Q8. Melanie works in which industry? A. Fruit basket business Q9. From which thing the Monica was allergic? A.Cat Hair Q10.From where the duck and chick come from? A. First Joey buys a chick for Chandler and then Chandler buys a duck Q11.What is the name of a friend who has only nine toes? A. Chandler Q12. Where the boyfriend of Phoebe did move? A. Minsk Q13.What thing was Monica Receives from her father? A. Porsche Q14.In Final season the Phoebe changed her name to?
A. Princess Consuela Bananahammock Q15.Where was the official first date of Ross and Rachel? A. The Planetarium Hardest Friends Quiz: Q1.What is the favorite flower of Rachel? A. Lily Q2. Where the Rachel, Monica, and Ross did attends their high school? A. Lincoln High Q3. What was the name of twin children of Monica and Chandler? A.Jack and Erica Q4. For towels, Monica has how many categories? A.11 Q5.What is the name of the youngest friend? A. Rachel Q6.What name was Joey give to his recliner? A. Rosita Q7.The show of Chandler’s dad is known as? A. Viva Las Gaygas Q8.What is the name of a person who speaks the last ever line in friends? A. Chandler Q9.What was the name of Chip Matthews’s motorcycle? A. The Chipper Q10.In Ross Apartment what insect was in the painting? A. Dragonfly Q11.What was the address of Phoebe’s apartment? A. 5 Morton St., Apartment 14 Q12. About which country the Chandler tell Janice where he’s moving to?
A.Yemen Q13.The Stuffed animal of Joey is known as? A. Huggsy Q14.How many sisters have the Joey? A.7 Q15.Who steals the watch of Ross? A. Chloe Friends Quotes Quiz: Q1. Who said that “On second thought, Gum would be perfection?”? A. Chandler Q2.”They don't know that we know they know we know” said by? A. Phoebe Q3. Who said that “You were my first kiss ever”? A.Monica Q4. Complete the quote “"______-seven, ______-seven, ______-seven . . . seven."? A. Four, Five and Six Q5. "Girls tend not to like me" said by? A. Rachel Q6. Who said that "You are over me? When you were under me?" A.Ross Q7. What is the name of the person who said: “Here come the meat sweats..."? A.Joey Q8. The memorable line "Pivot" was said by? A. Ross Q9. “Joey Doesn't Share”? A. Food Q10. Who said that “Just take off your shirt and tell us”?
A. Phoebe Q11. "Who serves steak when there's no place to sit" said by which character? A. Jack Q12. Who said, “Oh My Gawd”? A. Janice Q13. “Pick up the sock. Pick up the sockkkkk” said by which character? A. Phoebe Can You Beat The Hardest Friends Quiz: Q1.What was the name of the Ross comic book that Phoebe stole? A.Science Boy Q2.When was the birthday of Chandler Bing? A. April 8, 1968 Q3.In which plays the Joey and Kate played the role of a star? A. Boxing Day Q4. Tell the name of Phoebe Ex who ate a calk? A.Carl Q5. What was the color of coffee cup magnet of Monica? A.Green, Blue, and Yellow Q6. Which character was in most episodes? A. Susan Bunch Q7.In the theme tune, how many claps are there? A.4 Q8. What is the name of the magazine that was sent to 'Miss Chanandler Bong? A.TV Guide Q9.What was the last name of Amanda? A. Buffamonteezi Q10. On the wall of Joey’s bedroom which poster was hung?
A. Scarface Q11. Rachel spells which word wrong on her Resume? A.Computer Q12. Tell the name of Ursula’s fiancé? A.Eric Q13.What is the fake name of Joey? A. Ken Adams Q14.In which episode the Joey Explain “Moo Point”? A. The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs Q15. With which name the Amy mistakenly keep calling the Emma? A.Ella Friends Trivia Board Game: Q1.How many years old board game is the Trivial Pursuit? A.40 years old Q2. Are there any versions of Trivial Pursuit board game? A Yes Q3.When Trivial Pursuit was released? A.1979 Q4.Which friendship game was won multiple awards? A.Wits & Wagers Q5.Wits & Wagers first released in which year? A.2005 Q6. Which game has sold the copies of more than 2.5 million? A.Smart Ass Q7.The Smart Ass board game was released by which company? A.University Games Q8. Can you get Friends TV show trivia board game?
A. Yes Q9. Which Australian trivia game is best to play with family as well as with friends? A.OZ Quiz Q10.Which game won the award for game of the year? A.Wits End Q11. When the Wits End was released? A.In 1995 Q12.How much rating the Matter of Fact board game has on Amazon? A.4.1 star Q13.Matter of Fact is invented by which company? A.Game Development Group Q14.Balderdash has been around from how many years? A.1984 Q15.Bezzerwizzer game name was taken from which language? A.German Disclaimer: These friends trivia questions list are the property of trivia questions, all questions are created by our writer team after high quality research. If you want to read more trivia questions please visit us. This article is originally published at : https://triviaquestions4u.com/friends-trivia-questions/ Email: info@triviaquestions4u.com