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The online 14-19 prospectus includesA database of 14-19 coursesKS4
1. Leeds Pathways The14-19 Online Prospectus &
Common Application Process
2. The online 14-19 prospectus includes…
A database of 14-19 courses
KS4 & post 16
All levels
All subject areas
Information about all learning providers
Schools & sixth forms
Apprenticeship & training providers
Voluntary, community & faith and private sector
Advice & guidance
it became a requirement of LAs from Sept ’07
3. The Common Application Process
Allows learners to submit online applications to opportunities identified on the prospectus
Post 16 providers can receive online applications from learners across the city linked to their prospectus entries
Must be integrated into the 14-19 online prospectus by 2010
4. Part of the 14-19 reform programme (1)
Curriculum: reflecting the city’s curriculum offer providing management information to support planning
meet learner demand
meet the skills needs of the local economy
reflect delivery partnerships
Information about curriculum reforms including Diplomas and Foundation Learning Tier
Raising attainment and aspiration
Provide learner progression information for schools
5. Part of the 14-19 reform programme (2)
Supporting an integrated approach to information, advice and guidance (IAG) on behalf of Children’s Services
Delivering a ‘learner entitlement’
Increase post 16 participation and support the ‘Raising Expectations’ agenda
Helps identify young people at risk of becoming NEET and implement ‘September Guarantee’
6. Implications for school
Managing and maintaining Leeds Pathways prospectus entries
Integrating the CAP at KS4 into
Careers Education / PSHE curriculum
Information, Advice & Guidance services
Individual learning plans (ILP)
Changing post 16 admissions procedures
7. Next steps…
Complete the readiness tool in the resource pack
Identify key staff to lead on developing a timeframe and implementing changes to
KS4 Curriculum
IAG services
Post 16
8. For advice and support talk to
Your Leeds Careers link Personal Adviser
Andrea Cowans, 14-19 Project Manager