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Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy. By: Emily Castillo. What is it?.

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Occupational Therapy

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  1. Occupational Therapy By: Emily Castillo

  2. What is it? “Occupational Therapy is a health and rehabilitation profession. Occupational Therapists work with people of all ages who need specialized assistance to lead independent, productive, and satisfying lives due to physical, developmental, social, or emotional problems.” (Performance)

  3. What schooling is required? Occupational therapist: Master’s Degree Occupational therapist assistant: 2 year associate degree program Both require supervised field work and pass the national certification exam. (What is Occupational Therapy?)

  4. What type of settings do OT’s work in? Schools Assisted Living Facilities Outpatient Clinics Inpatient Rehabilitation Homes Specialist Assessment Clinics Hospitals Rehabilitation Centers (What is Occupational Therapy?)

  5. Occupational Therapy as a Career Job Outlook at 33% (faster than normal) Average starting salary in 2000: $40,000 Median Salary in 2010: $72,320 Wide Variety of environments and people to work with. (Statistics, 2012)

  6. OT’s in Schools • Adapt classroom environment (OT in Schools, 2000) • Build necessary skills • Fine Motor • Visual Motor • Sensory Processing • More… (Shauna, 2013)

  7. How can teachers help? Ask them! Shauna: “Be accepting of having an OT in the classroom.” (Shauna, 2013) Be flexible

  8. Bibliography OT in Schools . (2000). Retrieved from The American Occupational Therapy Association Inc.: http://www.aota.org/Consumers/consumers/Youth/Schools.aspx About Occupational Therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from The American Occupational Therapy Association : http://www.aota.org/Consumers.aspx Lacanlale, S. (2013, March 14). (E. Castillo, Interviewer) Performance, S. o. (n.d.). What is Occupational Therapy? Retrieved from Ithaca College: http://www.ithaca.edu/hshp/depts/ot/faqs/whatisot/ Statistics, B. o. (2012, June 26). Occupational Thearpists. Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics : http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/occupational-therapists.htm What is Occupational Therapy? (n.d.). Retrieved from OT Plan: http://www.otplan.com/articles/occupationaltherapy.aspx

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