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TENSE Affirmative / Negative / Question

TENSE Affirmative / Negative / Question. Simple Present A:  He speaks. N:  He does not speak. Q: Does he speak ? Present Progressive A: He is speaking. N:  He is not speaking. Q: Is he speaking ?. Simple Past A: He spoke. N: He did not speak. Q: Did he speak?

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TENSE Affirmative / Negative / Question

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  1. TENSE Affirmative/Negative/Question Simple Present A: He speaks.N: He does not speak.Q:Does he speak? PresentProgressive A: He is speaking.N: He is not speaking.Q:Is he speaking?

  2. Simple Past A: He spoke.N: He did not speak.Q: Did he speak? Past Progressive A: He was speaking.N: He was not speaking.Q: Was he speaking?

  3. Present Perfect Simple A: He has spoken.N: He has not spoken.Q: Has he spoken? Future Simple (will) A: He will speak.N: He will not speak. Q: Will he speak?

  4. Future Simple(going to) A: He is going to speak.N: He is not going to speak.Q: Is he going to speak?

  5. VERB “BE” Simple PresentAffirmative I am He – she – itis We – you – theyare Simple PresentNegative I am not He – she – itisn’t We – you – theyaren’t

  6. Simple Present Questions Am I? Is he – she – it? Are we – you – they?

  7. Simple Past Affirmative I was He – she – it was We – you – they were Simple Past Negative I wasn’t He – she – it wasn’t We – you – they weren’t

  8. Simple Past Questions Was I? Was he – she – it? Were we – you – they?

  9. Last week I asked my Mum if I could go to a rock festival. `No', she said, `the music will be too loud ... there'll be crowds of people ... you won't know anybody ...'. • These excuses were so lame I decided there was some other secret reason why she didn't want me to go. • After all, this is the first time my mum has ever shown any concern about the dangers of loud music. • I think the real reason Mum is worried about my going to the festival is that my friends and I will have to survive by ourselves for a couple of days.

  10. This might not sound like much of a challenge, but surviving means preparing food as well as eating it, putting tents up as well as sleeping in them ... • Mum has obviously realized that if I went to the festival I would soon find out how totally dependent on her I am. • And once I realized how incapable I am of surviving on my own, I would never leave home again. • Then Mum would have a pathetic teenager / adult under her feet for the rest of her life.

  11. First student: "At the moment . . ." Second student: ". . . I am sitting in a classroom." Second student: "Last year . . ." Third student: ". . . they went to Europe." Third student: "Every day . . ." Fourth student: ". . . she takes the bus to work."

  12. NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE FORM • The train leaves tonight at 6 PM. • Windows are made of glass. • They are reading their books • I saw a movie yesterday • You called Debbie • You were studying when she called. • You have seen that movie many times. • She has traveled to Italy.

  13. You will help him later. • You are going to meet Jane tonight. • Nobody has ever climbed that mountain. • New York is a small city • Cats like milk. • I am meeting some friends after work.

  14. QUESTION WORDS 1. …………… are you happy?Because I finished school. 2. …………… is your birthday?May 12th. 3. …………... are you going for holidays?I'm going to London. 4. …………… are you going for holidays?Because I need a rest. 5. …………… did you do yesterday?

  15. 6. ……………..happened? 7. ……………..trousers are these? 8. ……………..money do you have? 9. ……………..children do you have? 10. ……………were you yesterday evening?

  16. Which Object form of the personal pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in the sentence? 1) The teacher always gives the students homework. me them you2) I am reading the book to my little sister. her us him3) The boys are riding their bikes. it them her4) My father is writing a letter to John. me her him5) I don't know the answer. she her it

  17. 6) Sally is going to Anne. her him me7) Open the window, please. it them us8) Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please? you them us9) The books are for Peter. him her you10) Can you help my sister and me, please? her me us

  18. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives: • Where is (I) ………book? • Here is (we) ………teacher. • She goes to school with (she) ……….brother. • (They) ………..father works in a car factory. • (You) ……….laptop is very expensive. • (He) ………..favourite hobby is tennis. • (I) ……….husband and I want to go to Paris. • We ………..want to see (it) historical monuments. • Leila likes (she) ……….dog ! • (It) …………name is Bobby.


  20. HOW MUCH – HOW MANY 1We need some tea. ______ do we need? How much - How many 2We need some eggs. ______ do we need? How much - How many 3We need some paper. ______ do we need? How much - How many 4We need some money. ______ do we need? How much - How many 5______ cigarettes do you smoke a day? How much - How many

  21. 6______ packets of cigarettes do you have? How much How many 7______ work have you got to do? How much How many 8______ sleep did you get last night? How much How many 9______ children have you got? How much How many 10______ bottles of wine are there in the cellar? How much How many

  22. 1.   "How does it work?""Can you explain _____________________ ?"  A   how it works     B   how it work           C   how can it work

  23. 2.   "What are you doing?!""Do you have any idea ________________ ?!"  A   what you do   B   what you are doing     C   what are you doing • 3.   "Where's the station?""Can you tell me _____________________ ?“ A   where is the station B   where be the station     C   where the station is

  24. 4.   "What's the the matter?"Please tell me _______________________ .“   A   what's the matter          B   what is the matter            C   what the matter is • 5.   "Does Susana like classical music?""I can't remember if _____________________ ."    A   does Susana like classical music     B   Susana likes classical music C   classical music Susana likes

  25. THERE WAS/THERE WERE, WAS/WERE • 1. ________ a terrible earthquake in Japan in 2005.  There was  Was  There were • 2. The cake _________on the table when I arrived home.  were  wasn't  there wasn't • 3. _________ any apples left when I came back home yesterday.  There weren't  There wasn't  There were

  26. 4. How many children __________ at the party?  there were  was there  were there • 5. _________ any water in the bottle? No, _________ any!  Was there / wasn't there  Was there / there wasn't  Were there / there weren't

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