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Improving the AMSR-E snow d epth p roduct: recent developments. Richard Kelly University of Waterloo, Canada. Outline. Current product: performance of the satellite only product Development issues RFI Lake behaviour Forest attenuation Observations and Conclusions.
Improving the AMSR-E snow depth product: recent developments Richard Kelly University of Waterloo, Canada.
Outline • Current product: performance of the satellite only product • Development issues • RFI • Lake behaviour • Forest attenuation • Observations and Conclusions
Current snow depth product: Approach (AMSR-E observation-based) where fd=50% ff=40% r=12.5km fd=10% ff=40% IFOV radius=12.5 km Forest stand
comments • Retrievals are conducted at the IFOV level (not at the grid-averaged level) • Retrievals are then aggregated to coarser grid (0.25x025 deg) • Tb correction (forest only) is built into the retrievals but not perfectly formulated. • RFI and water bodies not well accounted for.
RFI Kidd, C.(2006) 'Radio frequency interference at passive microwave earth observation frequencies’, International Journal of Remote Sensing,27:18,3853 — 3865
RFI impacts MODIS-Daily 2 Feb. 2009 3 Feb. 2009 4 Feb. 2009 5 Feb. 2009 6 Feb. 2009 7 Feb. 2009 8 Feb. 2009 9 Feb. 2009 10 Feb. 2009 From sat.dundee.ac.uk
RFI impacts UK AMSR-E Daily Snow 2.2.2009 Missing / bad Water 320 – 540 160 - 320 80 - 160 40-80 1 - 40 0 SWE [mm]
RFI impacts 10V-36V (current) 10V GHz 5 February 2009
Adjusted retrievals without the use of the 10 GHz channel in UK.
Much of the Arctic and sub-Arctic are dominated by lake cover (fractions of 40% not uncommon). • At 25 km grid resolution lakes will play an important role • But what is that role and can lake signals be identified? • Time series of data for 9 years.
A note on gridding and AMSR-E measurement samples Depending on the proximity threshold (x), may or may not be daily, but it will be for a consistent location 10 km 25 km LOI x 10 km AMSR-E sampling grid
MOD44W Water mask & MODIS VCF 25 km diameter circle averaged on 1 km grid 25km Water Fraction 0-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-50% >50% Forest Fraction 0% 1-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-50% >50% 0 400 km
AMSR snow depth (0.25x0.25 deggridded) Snow depth (cm) Date
Nearest WMO snow depth / air temperature 0% FF & 37% WF Mean Temp (C) Snow depth (cm) 0% FF & 35% WF Date
AMSR Tbs (36V & 18V): centre within 4 km of locations of interest Tb (K) Date
AMSR Tbs (36V & 18V) Lake freeze-up Snow and lake ice melt Snow accumulation on lake
MOD44W Water mask & MODIS VCF 25 km diameter circle averaged on 1 km grid Water Fraction 0-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-50% >50% Forest Fraction 0% 1-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-50% >50% 0 400 km
AMSR snow depth (0.25x0.25 deg gridded) Snow depth (cm) Date
AMSR Tbs (36V & 18V): centre within 4 km of locations of interest Tb (K) Date
And when you mix forest and lakes…. MOD44W Water mask & MODIS VCF 25 km diameter circle averaged on 1 km grid Water Fraction 0-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-50% >50% Forest Fraction 0% 1-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-50% >50% 0 400 km
AMSR snow depth (0.25x0.25 deg gridded) Snow depth (cm) Date
AMSR Tbs (36V & 18V): centre within 4 km of locations of interest Tb (K) Date
Areas of development • RFI can be accommodated in the current implementation by a of 10 GHz observations with 18 GHz in the affected areas • Water fraction changes the nature of a Tb difference or ratio. 18 GHz is sensitive to lake ice thickness so that DTb is not necessarily a function of DSD or SWE. • Forest fraction/structure reduces sensitivity (known). But it is likely not a linear forest fraction attenuation effect • Forest and water fraction together require correction before SWE inversion is applied. Recent work by Langloiset al. (2011) has demonstrated new approach to transmissivity correction and lake fraction can likely be corrected for (ongoing work) • Operational implementation of forest and lake correction is yet to be completed.
Is it not time we began looking at grids that are higher resolution – 25 km EASE grid was chosen because the SSM/I 37 GHz approximate this resolution? • AMSR-E/GCOM-W are at 10x14 km at 36 GHz. Perhaps a higher spatial resolution (e.g. 12.5km grid)? Thank you