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What remains to be mentioned in writing a scientific paper and applying for grant?. Tae-Hwan Kwon Department of Physiology. 1. How to write a paper in scientific journal style and format 2. Hints for writing successful grant application. Who am I?. Medical Science. 1. Teaching
What remains to be mentioned in writing a scientific paper and applying for grant? Tae-Hwan Kwon Department of Physiology
1. How to write a paper in scientific journal style and format 2. Hints for writing successful grant application
Who am I? Medical Science
1. Teaching 2. Research 3. Practice Medical Science Exploring Reevaluation Reinterpretation Scientific Data/Paper
The purpose for writing scientific papers 1. Reporting of new results 2. Disseminate the information to the larger community of scientists No guide will teach you how to write in the English language.
For enhancing your own scientific writing skills 1. Read the scientific literature - pay attention to how professional scientists write about their work 2. Practice writing and thinking within the scientific writing style and format
Hints for Writing Successful NIH grants Prof. Ellen Barrett Department of Physiology and Biophysics University of Miami School of Medicine 1995
A successful grant application will convince reviewers if, Your proposed research addresses important questionsin basic and/or applied science. Your proposed experimental plan will answer many of those questions in an efficient and convincing way. You have sufficient mastery of all the relevant techniques needed to execute your experimental plan - that you are in fact the best person in the world to do this project. You have access to all the equipment and reagents needed to execute your experimental plan, and have budgeted appropriately. You will analyze your data in a thoughtful and honest manner. You know and understand the contemporary research literature in your field. You will publish your results in a timely manner. You will accomplish your experimental plan in the time requested and for the amount requested.
In introduction, • Deal with important questions in your field • - introduction should attract big interests from readers • /reviewers • 2. In results, • Demonstrate your data in an efficient and convincing way • - making your data logically and making it easy to follow • - pay more time to make tables and figures!!
3. In discussion, • Analyze your data in a thoughtful and honest manner • - believe your data and try to explain why, even though it is • NOT consistent with previous findings • - make subtitles • - write and explain your data and results first and then • cite others if it is necessary • Reference list, • Cite key references! and Cite your papers!
In making a rebuttal, Please do NOT insist your data without doing additional experiments when reviewers asked!! Please enjoy your thinking and doing experiments - it is such good fun for enjoying science.
Tips for New NIH Grant Applicants National Institute of General Medical Sciences http://www.nigms.nih.gov/funding/tips.html
Ask senior colleagues, discuss your ideas for the application • before starting the writing process. • 2. Look at successful proposals of colleagues in your field. • 3. Generate preliminary data/ Enlist collaborators
Prepare your proposal early--well before the deadline. • Do not rush! • Make your first proposal your best proposal. • 6. Make your priorities clear. Be focused. • 7. Discuss potential problems and pitfalls. Describe alternate • strategies. • 8. Know the literature and issues, questions, and controversies • in your area • - Regarding reference: If there are two camps, make sure • you cite both sides.
9. Proofread! Have zero tolerance for typographical errors, misspellings, or sloppy formatting. 10. Have others read your final draft, as well.
주로 찾아보는Internet Site 한국과학재단 http://www.kosef.re.kr/ 한국 학술진흥재단 http://www.krf.or.kr 보건복지부 보건의료기술진흥사업 http://www1.hpeb.re.kr/ 한국 과학기술평가원 http://www.kistep.re.kr 산업자원부 http://www.mocie.go.kr/ 연구교류실 http://ard.dongguk.ac.kr
발전방향 (개인) • 연구분야 설정 및 연구환경 조성 • - 본인의 연구관심분야 설정 • - 적극적인 참여와 협동: • 기초교실과 임상 교실, • 국내 타 대학과의 교류, 소규모 학회 • 외국대학 및 외국 연구실과의 교류 • - 연구 집단/그룹 형성 • 2. 연구비 수주를 위한 적극적인 응모 • - 재단 홈페이지, 연구교류실 홈페이지 • - 사업일정 참조 (매년 초)
발전방향 (공동) 연구집단 (Research Center) 구성 예) 한국과학재단 한국 과학기술평가원 우수연구센터(SRC/ERC) 21세기 프론티어사업 지역협력연구센터(RRC) 선도기술개발사업 기초의과학연구센터(MRC) 중점국가연구개발사업 선도기초과학연구실(ABRL) 국책연구개발사업 국가핵심연구센터(NCRC) 민군겸용기술사업 우수기술개발사업 국가지정연구실사업 창의적연구지원사업 연구기반구축사업 연구기획평가사업
기초의과학 연구센터(MRC) 사업목적 의과·치과·한의과 대학의 기초의학교실을 중심으로 연구인력과 자원을 조직·체계화 하여 기초의과학 부문 거점연구조직을 육성하고, 이를 통해 생명공학에 활용 가능한 지식확산과 인력을 양성 지원분야 ① 인간 발생/발달 분야 ② 인체 생리/병인 분야 ③ 인체 유전/분자 분야 ④ 감염체 제어 분야 ⑤ 진단/치료 분야 ⑥ 신경/정신 분야 ⑦ 생체 재료/기자재 분야 ⑧ 공중 보건 분야 ※ 상기지원분야 중 1개분야 선택함
발전방향 (학교) 연구환경 조성 - 연구소, 기초교실 보완, 확충 - 시설, 공간 임상연구동 건설 (임상교수 위주의 실험공간) 공동기기실 공간 및 기자재확충 - 인력: 교수 (연구교수 포함)증원, 연구원 채용 구인, 인건비 ?? : - 기초학 교실 실험연구조교 - 대학원 활성화 (예: 타 분야 졸업생입학)
요 약 • 기초 임상 간 교류 확대 • - 소규모 학술모임 활성화 • - 관심분야별 협동연구의 필요성 • 2. 인력 지원 • - 조교, 연구원 • - 대학원학생 활용 • - 연구교수, 연구소 • - 기초교수증원 (특성화된 분야별) • 3. 시설지원 • - 임상연구동 (임상교수 위주의 공간) • - 공동기기실 공간 및 기자재확충