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Essential Question : Which was the more powerful force during the Era of Good Feelings: nationalism or sectionalism?. The Era of Good Feelings (1816-1825). The Era of Good Feelings. After the War of 1812, America experienced an “Era of Good Feelings” characterized by:
Essential Question: • Which was the more powerful force during the Era of Good Feelings: nationalism or sectionalism?
The Era of Good Feelings • After the War of 1812, America experienced an “Era of Good Feelings” characterized by: • An extremely popular president • The emergence of a 2nd generation of U.S. leaders • Dominance by the Republicans • A surge in nationalism that united the country & improved U.S. industry & transportation
Monroe as President He appointed Democrats, Federalists, Southerners, Northerners to his cabinet; including Sec of State John Q Adams • James Monroe was elected president in 1816 & 1820 with a clear set of goals: • To promote national unity • To promote America’s power in the world • Republican dominance of the presidency & Congress helped push through a series of new laws
The Great Triumvirate • By 1816, a wave of new leaders shaped the antebellum era: • Henry Clay (Republican, KY) : • Represented the “West” • Speaker of the House • Proponent of national economic development (“American System" to promote industry & markets for farmers)
The Great Triumvirate • By 1816, a new wave of leaders shaped the antebellum era: • John C. Calhoun (Republican, SC): • Represented the “South” • Sec of War; VP • He was the nation's leading proponent of states' rights (he embraced nullification)
The Great Triumvirate • By 1816, a new wave of leaders shaped the antebellum era: • Daniel Webster (Whig, MA): • Represented the “North” • Congressman; Sec of State • Strong proponent of nationalism & strong critic of states' rights While they did not always agree, this “Great Triumvirate” of Clay, Calhoun, & Webster enthusiastically supported national economic development
Politics After the War of 1812 Who else are you going to vote for? • The Dem-Repubs traditionally represented limited gov’t, states' rights, & strict construction • But, without Federalist opposition, the Dem-Repubs adopted many traditionally Federalist policies: • National economic development • A permanent army • Transportation improvements • A national university in D.C.
Henry Clay’s American System All were proposed by Hamilton & opposed by Republicans in the 1790s 1st significant protective tariff in U.S. history Jefferson let the charter of the 1st BUS expire in 1811 • Henry Clay’s American System in 1816 proposed the creation of: • The 2nd Bank of the U.S. to stabilize U.S. currency • Tariff of 1816 to promote U.S. industry & limit the importation of British manufactured goods • A nat’l system of roads & canals • The “American System” helped unify North, South, & West Helped pave the way for future RR construction & western Indian removal
Judicial Nationalism • John Marshall (1801-1835) used the Supreme Court to strengthen the power of the national gov’t: • Exerted the power of the national gov’t over the states • Rejected the claim that states could check powers of the national gov’ t • Affirmed the loose construction argument of the elastic clause
Judicial Nationalism • Dartmouth v. Woodward (1819):gov’t cannot interfere with contracts between private parties • McCullough v. Maryland (1819):Congress possesses powers not explicitly stated in Constitution; Congressional laws are supreme to decisions made by the states • Gibbons v. Odgen (1824):interstate commerce is power reserved for national gov’t
Nationalist Foreign Policy President Monroe & Sec of State JQ Adams developed a nationalist foreign policy agenda The Convention of 1818 set the US/Canada border set at the 49º Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817): to avoid conflicts along the Great Lakes, the U.S. agreed not to take Canada & Britain not to invade the U.S
Nationalist Foreign Policy • Monroe & JQ Adams turned their attention to acquiring Florida: • Andrew Jackson took it upon himself to end Indian attacks on Georgia from Spanish Florida • Jackson’s military advances & U.S. success in the War of 1812 helped force the Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) that ceded Florida & Oregon to U.S. Also, Spain assumed Florida would eventually be annexed U.S. agreed to pay Spain $5 million & renounced claims to Texas
Nationalist Foreign Policy The U.S. will protect Latin American independence • When Latin American nations revolted against Spain, the U.S. supported the new republics: • European powers disliked these liberal rebellions & were tempted to re-conquer them • Monroe Doctrine (1823) warned European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere & the U.S. will not interfere in Europe The U.S. will act independently & will protect its sphere of influence
Settlement of the Trans-Mississippi The end of the War of 1812 unleashed a rush of pioneers into the western territories Many settled in the West to escape overpopulation, rising land prices, & worn-out soil in the East The 2nd BUS made credit available for farmers to purchase land
Settlement of the Trans-Mississippi By 1810, 1/7th of the U.S. population lived in the West; By 1840 over 1/3rd lived in the West Congress quickly admitted 5 states to the Union: Indiana (1816) Illinois (1818) Alabama (1819) Mississippi (1817) Louisiana (1812)
Sectional Disputes • The Era of Good Feelings started with a wave of national unity, but sectional disputes between the North & South emerged & would dominate politics for next 40 years • Disagreed over the use of protective tariffs, especially when cotton prices fell in 1820s • Disagreed over slavery in the western territories & states
Missouri Compromise Population was growing more rapidly in North, so House of Reps favored Northerners • In 1817, Missouri applied for statehood as a slave state & revealed U.S. sectional rivalries: • North resented Southern control of presidency & its 3/5-inflated representation in House of Reps • South feared a Northern conspiracy to end all slavery • Equality had been maintained by alternating admission of “free” & “slave” states added to the US NY rep Tallmadge wanted Missouri only if its state constitution provided for the gradual elimination of slavery
Missouri Compromise (1820) • Missouri Compromise (1820): • Missouri became a slave state • Maine (which broke from Mass) was admitted as free state • Slavery was banned elsewhere in the Louisiana Purchase above the latitude of 36°30' • The Missouri controversy exposed a deep rift between North & South
Conclusions • The “Era of Good Feelings” led to: • An improved American economy • Better transportation • More territory & more clearly-defined borders • A foreign policy in Latin America • But…sectional problems between the North & South
Discussion Questions • Both Alexander Hamilton & John Marshall were Federalists who believed in a strong national gov’t. Who was more influential in shapingAmericanhistory?Explain • WhichpolicywillbemoreimportantinU.S.history:Monroe’s foreign OR domestic policy?
Essential Question: • How did U.S. foreign policy change from the presidencies of Washington to Monroe?