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Competencies and skills of the digital librarian. Profile. About the discussion group:.
About the discussion group: • The Profile of the Digital librarian was discussed in a group of 9 LIS students, all of them Italian (mostly master students), 3 LIS teachers from 3 different countries, 2 working professionals also from different countries. • Exchange of different points of view, different opinion, different national specific aspects of the vision and development of digital librarians
Context for discussion • The Digital librarian is a bridge between digital resources and users (the role of facilitator, also remotely); • The Digital librarian is an agent of innovation, of citizenship, of information literacy etc. (the concept for the digital librarian as a mentor, as a friend of the user, as a personal trainer, who guides the user); • The social role of the librarian is still strong, even stronger in digital environment (the concept for social inclusion in digital environment); • Pedagogical skills get stronger in digital environment (teaching digital librarian) – the concept of the digital library as a virtual classroom.
Context for discussion-2 • The use of IT extends the core roles of the librarian, or helps the librarian to do these roles better; • The competencies, skills, roles vary, dependent on the specific type of the library or information center, where the digital librarian works • The digital librarian must has commitment to continuous learning and life long improving of skills in all areas of digital applications, services etc.
Methodology of work • Definition of core skills first and after that of specific ones • Definition of the most important 4 roles of the nowadays librarian • Listing and definition of the core skills and competencies for each of the roles • Following which of the defined skills and competencies are still valid in digital environment, which of them change, which new ones are added.
Development of a model • A matrix was developed by the group, where on the x-axis 4 core roles of the digital librarian are listed, and vertically – some of the most important competencies of the digital librarian; • The idea is to put a grade (1-6 scale) of each competence for each role in order to define how important is the competence for the role; • We hope the matrix would be developed and improved with the help of other colleagues during the digital education forum