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Category 1: an Introduction to second Language Learning and Teaching. Leah Palmer ELL Director, Martha ’ s Vineyard Public Schools leahpalmer@mvyps.org Jennifer Hannon ESL teacher, 6-12, Wellesley Public Schools Jennifer_hannon@wellesley.k12.ma.us. Foundational Knowledge of Cat 1:.
Category 1: an Introduction to second Language Learning and Teaching Leah Palmer ELL Director, Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools leahpalmer@mvyps.org Jennifer Hannon ESL teacher, 6-12, Wellesley Public Schools Jennifer_hannon@wellesley.k12.ma.us
Foundational Knowledge of Cat 1: • Key factors affecting second language acquisition • Implications of these factors on classroom organization and instruction • Implications of cultural difference for classroom organization and instruction • Organization, content, and Can-do descriptors of WiDA (World class Instructional Design and Assessment)
Skills/Observable Outcomes: • By the end of this training, you will be able to analyze your classroom as a site for second language acquisition and make appropriate adjustments to benefits learning for ELLs. • By the end of this training, you will be able to use knowledge of factors affecting second language acquisition to determine areas where additional support may be needed for ELLs.
Day 1 Agenda, Second Language Acquisition and Cultural Differences January 21, 2012 • Introductions/ house keeping • Background Information: Why are we here? • Assignment, p.25 • Icebreaker- BINGO • Module 1: p.8-12 • Key Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition • Lunch 12:30 to 1 • Module 2: p.13-24 • What is Culture? • Sociolinguistic Competence • Review of assignment, p.25 • 3-2-1 Ticket to Leave, p. 30
PDPs and Credit • 15 PDPs (12 in class, 3 out of class) • Cambridge College graduate credit: 1, $50 • For CC credit: • Assignment #3: Reading and reflection questions • “Language and Culture”, Chapter 4 from Teaching Culture Perspectives and Practice by Patrick Moran • 4-1 is required, p. 41-42 • Choose one: 4.2, p. 43 OR 4.3, p.44, OR 4.4, p. 45-46 • Due March 3rd • Email reflection questions to Leah Palmer, leahpalmer@mvyps.org
Limited English proficiency (LEP/ELL) • The MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MDESE) defines students of limited English proficiency as students “whose first language is a language other than English and who is unable to perform ordinary classroom work in English”.
Acronyms Acronyms… Acronyms EVERYWHERE
Glossary of Terms, In Participant Binder Appendix, additional resources • DESE = • ELD= • ELL= • ESL= • FLEP= • High Incidence= • Integration= • LEP= • Low Incidence= • L1= • L2= • MEPA= • MELA-O= • SEI= • SIFE= • SLA= • TBE= • WiDA=
Information about English Language Learners: Demographics • America’s public schools enroll about 5 million English language learners (ELLs) – twice the number from just 15 years ago, and that number is expected to double again by 2015. • English language learners are the fastest growing group of students in the United States today. (nea.org)
LEP Students in Massachusetts Schools • 2008-2009, Massachusetts Public Schools reported 57,002 limited English proficient (LEP) students • Total Ma students:958,910, 5.9% ELLs: approx. 57,000 • 2010-2011, Ma public schools reported 67,000ELL • Total Ma students: 955,563, 7.1% ELLs: approx. 67,000 • Between 2003 and 2009, increase of ELL enrollment: approx. 8,000 • Between 2009 and 2011, increase of ELL enrollment: approx. 10,000 • * Out of 955,563 students enrolled in MA public schools, 155,756 are native speakers of a language other than English (16.3%).
LEP Students in Massachusetts Schools-March 2005, over 112 different languages represented
LEP Students in Massachusetts Schools-2009 Language % Spanish 54.2% Portuguese 7.6% Khmer 5.2% Creole (Haitian) 4.2% Vietnamese 3.9% Chinese 3.4% Cape Verdean 3.9% Russian 1.5% Arabic 1.7%
Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools: demographics • Total ELLs: 79 students, 3.9% • Edgartown: 24, 7.2% • Tisbury: 21, 6.6% • Oak Bluffs: 18, 4.7% • West Tisbury: 1, .4% • Chilmark:0 • MVRHS: 15, 2.2%
2002-Chapter 71AStructured English Immersion Law • Passed into law in November 2002 as a result of a election ballot question (“Question 2”) • 76% of Massachusetts voted for this law that voted in a state level program for ELLs. • Created a state mandated model for Limited English Proficient students known as SEI (limiting flexibility NCLB offers by MA state law) • Allows transitional bilingual education with waivers, at the secondary level • Later, the legislature voted to allow Two-Way Bilingual Programs
Implications of Question 2/Ch. 71A: • All districts now have to create an SEI program if there is even ONE ELL identified • It’s a full-day program • ESL “tutorials” or part-time “services” , working with aides or paraprofessionals alone, are not enough-Need to have both ESL and sheltered content classrooms • How SEI is structured will look different in low and high incidence districts (and within schools) but every district with an ELL has to create an SEI program. This requires strategic planning.
Use of Native Language • General Principles • The following are general principles that apply to Sheltered English Immersion Programs: • English language acquisition and content instruction are the primary goals of Sheltered English Instruction. • Native language may be used as a tool to accelerate the learning of English. • Instruction must be comprehensible. The use of native language is one approach to making certain all input is comprehensible.
What is a Sheltered English Immersion Program? • TWO COMPONENTS • ELD, English language development program, or ESL, English as a second language instruction, is explicit and direct instruction about the English language intended to promote English language acquisition by LEP students and to help them “catch up” to their peers who are proficient in English. It includes learning outcomes in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. • Sheltered content instruction is instruction that includes approaches, strategies and methodology that makes the content of the lesson more comprehensible to students who are not yet proficient in English. It includes learning outcomes in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and in content specific areas.
Skills and Qualifications of SEI Classroom Teachers • Category One: Second Language Learning and Teaching • Category Two: Sheltered Content Instruction • Strategy building • Curriculum and Lesson Planning. • **Category Three: Assessment of Speaking and Learning (MELA-O) • Category Four: Teaching of Reading and Writing to LEP students
Assignment, http://learningandteachingells.wikispaces.com/ • P.25-29 of Participant Manual • Interview an ELL in your school • OR • Tape record a lesson you teach • You will not have to pass in your work, but you will need to bring it on the 28th. • This assignment will start our discussions next week.
Affective Filter: What prevents understanding/communication?
Affective Filter • Stephen Krashen hypothesizes thatthere is an imaginary wall that is placed between a learner and language input. This is called the Affective Filter. If the filter is on, the learner is blocking out input and output. No language can be received or produced
Affective Filter • Krashen indicates that anxiety, self-esteem, and motivation are the three major variables that have an impact on the Affective Filter. The filter turns on when anxiety is high, self-esteem is low, or motivation is low. • Think-Pair-Share • Turn to a neighbor and share teacher and students behaviors and instructional activities that keep the affective filter turned off…
Activity 3 Factors Affecting Outcomes • Think about the factors that have made a difference in your language autobiography outcomes. • Were these factors positive or negative? • Positive Negative • Culture No connection to the lang • Confidence Lack of confidence • survival No motivation p. 9
Analytical Framework: Classrooms as SitesActivity 4a. Situational Factors Situational Factors Language Input Language Processing Variable Language Output Individual Characteristics p. 10
Situational Factors Factors that influence both the nature of the linguistic input and strategies of the learner. Examples include: classroom environment, cafeteria & doctor’s office. Communication task:explaining, asking, requesting
Language Input Linguistic input includes the language of input (e.g. L1 or L2) Communication tasks: academic discussion, vocabulary, abstract concepts, longer sentence structures and the amount of input. Situation + input = learning environment
Language Processing The second language learner uses cognitive and linguistic strategies to internalize new knowledge in L2. Production strategies are the means by which the learner utilizes his or her L1 and existing L2 knowledge The second language learner relies on their L1 when they lack resources in their L2
Variable Language Output Language Production differs for all students. The learner is still trying to figure out what rules govern the use of alternate forms. This type of variability seems to be most common among beginning learners, and may be entirely absent among the more advanced.
Discussion of the Analytical Framework with a Video Activity 4b: You will be discussing one of these questions in your small group • Identify various situational factors and explain how these situational factors can influence the kind and amount of second language input in a classroom. 2. Think about individual characteristics of a student or students and how these can influence the kind and amount of second language input they receive in a classroom. 3. Identify various situational factors and explain how these can influence the kind and amount of second language output by students in a classroom. 4.Think about individual characteristics of a student or students and how these can influence the kind and amount of their second language output in a classroom. p. 11
Individual Reflective Writing, Journal Activity 5, p.12: Think about the following: • What or who is the source of most of the second language input in your classroom? • During approximately what percentage of a typical class do students receive input? (listening and reading) • During approximately what percentage of a typical class do students produce language output? (speaking and writing) p. 12
Small group, Activity 6: p. 14 • Write your own definition of culture.
Culture as an Iceberg Surface Culture: *Fine arts *Storytelling *Drumming *Subsistence *Dancing *Games *Cooking *Dress Deep Culture: *Weather forecasting *Animal behavior *Navigation skills *Observation skills *Pattern recognition *Seasonal changes/cycles *Edible plants/medical knowledge *Constellations*Language terminology *Counting, measurement, estimation *Clothing design/insulation *Tools/technology*Building design/materials *Transportation *Genealogy *Waste disposal *Fire *Hunting *Weapons AND MUCH, MUCH MORE…..
Some Principles of CULTURE: Activity 7, p. 16http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57KW6RO8Rcs&feature=relate • Culture can be defined in many ways. • There are no universally accepted definitions of culture. • Differentiating between culture and personal variables is not always easy. • Culture is portable and is transmitted from generation to generation.
Reflection: Language, Culture, and Behavior, Activity 8a, p.17 Teacher Student
Activity 8a, p.17, school groups Teacher Student/ELL What are the rules and norms that guide your classroom behavior in your school? What do your students need to know? How were these rules taught and by whom? How were they agreed upon? How are they cooperatively maintained? Are these rules universal within US culture or schools? How may expected behaviors vary according to activity in your classroom? • What are the rules and norms that guide classroom behavior in your school? What do your students need to know? • How were these rules taught and by whom? • How were they agreed upon? • Are these rules universal within US culture or schools? • How may expected behaviors vary according to activity in your classroom?
p.18 • Thus, if the children understand and learn the appropriate expected behaviors for different classroom contexts (for example, a lesson in taking a test, individual or group activities, or recess), communication and interaction between the teacher and student should increase. • Dilworth, M.E. (1992)
Journal: Activity 8b, p.18- your perspective • Think about a personal experience in which you had to understand and learn the appropriate expected behaviors for different classroom contexts as you navigate through your own educational experience. • What difficulties did you experience and what helped you negotiate the changes in expectations?