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College Student Survey (CSS). 2006 CSS INSTITUTIONAL PROFILE Margie Bennett, Director Institutional Research and Compliance March 2007. CSS Response Rate of MVNU Seniors.
College Student Survey (CSS) 2006 CSS INSTITUTIONAL PROFILE Margie Bennett, Director Institutional Research and Compliance March 2007
MVNU Seniors Responded Similarly to Seniors at Other Religious Colleges about Their Willingness to Make the Same College Enrollment Decision
Since entering college, more MVNU students (in comparison with other religious and private college students): • Participated in leadership training • Took a remedial course • Failed one or more courses • Withdrew from school temporarily (Men) • Transferred from a 4-year college (Men) • Participated in a study-abroad program (Women)
Worked full-time while attending school • Participated in student government • Took an ethnic studies course • Took a women's studies course • Attended a racial/cultural awareness workshop • Had a roommate of different race/ethnicity • Participated in an ethnic/racial student organization • Played varsity/intercollegiate athletics • Withdrew from school temporarily (Women) • Enrolled in honors or advanced courses • Participated in an internship program Since entering college, fewer MVNU students (in comparison with other religious and private college students):
Friendliness Climate Scale for MVNU Versus Other Religious and Other Private College StudentsIn contrast with the comparison groups, similar percentagesof MVNU men and women viewed their campus climate as friendly.
Social Inclusiveness Climate Scale for MVNU Versus Other Religious and Other Private College StudentsIn contrast with the comparison groups, more MVNU men viewed their campus climate as socially exclusive.
Gender Climate Scale for MVNU Versus Other Religious and Other Private CollegesIn contrast with the comparison groups, more MVNU men and fewer MVNU women viewed their campus climate as sexist.
Diversity Tolerance Climate Scale for MVNU Versus Other Religious and Other Private Colleges In contrast with the comparison groups, more MVNU women viewed their campus climate as accepting of diversity.
Conformist/Individualistic Climate Scale for MVNU Versus Other Religious and Other Private Colleges In contrast with the comparison groups, more MVNU students (both men and women) rated their campus climate as conformist.Also, more MVNU men than women rated their campus climate as conformist.
Caring/Impersonal Climate Scale for MVNU Versus Other Religious and Other Private CollegesIn contrast with the comparison groups, fewer MVNU women viewed their campus climate as impersonal. Also, in contrast with the comparison groups, fewer MVNU students in general viewed it as impersonal.
Climate Scale Status for MVNU Versus that of Other Religious and Other Private CollegesIn contrast with the comparison groups, fewer MVNU men viewed campus climate optimistically (as improving). Also, more MVNU women than men viewed campus climate as improving.
Conservative/Liberal Climate Scale for MVNU Versus That of Other Religious and Other Private Colleges In contrast with the comparison groups, more MVNU men and women viewed campus climate as conservative. Also, more MVNU men than women viewed their campus as conservative.
Homophobic Climate Scale for MVNU Versus Other Religious and Other Private CollegesIn contrast with the comparison groups, more MVNU men and women viewed their campus climate as homophobic.Also, more MVNU women than men viewed their campus climate as homophobic.
More MVNU students indicated they were "verysatisfied" or "satisfied" with: Library facilities Computer facilities Student housing (Women) Fewer MVNU students were "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with the following aspects of campus life: Academic advising Job placement services for students Availability of campus social activities (Men) Respect for the expression of diverse beliefs In Comparison with Other Religious and Other Private College Students,
Large percentages of MVNU seniors agreed that MVNU had positively impacted their spiritual growth in the following ways . . . Their agreement with the following statements provide evidence of their spiritual, academic, and social maturity.
Percentages of MVNU Students reporting that they: Never Sometimes Often Maintained daily, personal devotions.* 11 66 24 Shared faith with another person.* 7 74 19 Attended religious services.* 4 26 71 Met with a small group for prayer/Bible study.** 29 47 25 MVNU Supplemental Questions* At least 9 out of every 10 students reported they “sometimes” or “often”. . .** Almost 3 out of every 4 students reported they “sometimes” or “often”. . .
MVNU Supplemental Questions> 95% agreed or strongly agreed with these statements.Key: SA=Strongly Agree D= Disagree A=Agree SD= Strongly Disagree
MVNU Supplemental Questions> 90% agreed or strongly agreed with these statements.
MVNU Supplemental Questions> 85% agreed or strongly agreed with these statements.
Percentage Agreement of MVNU Students: SA A D SD SA+A My understanding of God has been strengthened by MVNU classroom experiences. 37 47 14 3 84 MVNU models its commitment to service as stated in its motto: “To seek to learn is to seek to serve.” 19 64 13 5 83 My required general education courses at MVNU have provided a good foundation for future learning. 20 61 16 4 81 After graduation, I am more likely to seek employment rendering service to others rather than employment simply offering financial security. 36 44 16 4 80 MVNU Supplemental Questions> 80% agreed or strongly agreed with these statements.
MVNU Supplemental Questions< 80% agreed or strongly agreed with these statements.
Responses to Supplemental Questions by Question Number (Duplicate Slides)
Percentages of MVNU Students reporting that they: Never Sometimes Often Maintained daily, personal devotions.* 11 66 24 Shared faith with another person.* 7 74 19 Attended religious services.* 4 26 71 Met with a small group for prayer/Bible study.* 29 47 25 MVNU Supplemental Questions (#29-32)* At least 9 out of every 10 students reported they “sometimes” or “often”. . .** Almost 3 out of every 4 students reported they “sometimes” or “often”. . .
MVNU Supplemental Questions (#33-36)Key: SA=Strongly Agree D= Disagree A=Agree SD= Strongly Disagree*At least 9 out of every 10 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed with each of the four statements.
Percentage Agreement of MVNU Students: SA A D SD I feel like I need to be open to consider new insights and truths about my faith.* 42 54 3 1 I feel that identifying and using my spiritual NOT gifts is* really important. 1 4 43 50 MVNU models its commitment to service as stated in its motto: “To seek to learn is to seek to serve.”** 19 64 13 5 MVNU provides adequate opportunities for involvement in ministry.* 36 59 4 1 MVNU Supplemental Questions (#37-40)Key: SA=Strongly Agree D= Disagree A=Agree SD= Strongly Disagree *At least 9 out of every 10 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed . . .**At least 8 out of every 10 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed . . .
MVNU Supplemental Questions (#41-44)Key: SA=Strongly Agree D= Disagree A=Agree SD= Strongly DisagreedAt least 8 out of every 10 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed with each item.
Percentage Agreement of MVNU Students: SA A D SD MVNU has contributed to my spiritual growth.* 34 54 8 4 My required general education courses at MVNU have provided a good foundation for future learning.* 20 61 16 4 Males and females were treated with equal respect at MVNU.* 30 57 11 2 I am more confident as a person due to individual growth and maturity during my experience at MVNU.* 38 54 6 2 MVNU Supplemental Questions (#45-48)Key: SA=Strongly Agree D= Disagree A=Agree SD= Strongly DisagreeAt least 8 out of every 10 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed” with first three.At least 9 out of every 10 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed” with last item.
Percentage Agreement of MVNU Students: SA A D SD My education has given me confidence and knowledge to speak to colleagues regarding social and moral issues facing society.* 27 63 7 3 I feel that I can be a positive influence spiritually in the workplace due to my experiences at MVNU.* 32 59 6 3 After graduation, I am more likely to seek employment rendering service to others rather than employment simply offering financial security.** 36 44 16 4 I expect to remain in communication with at least my major professor (s) after graduating from MVNU.** 22 56 19 4 MVNU Supplemental Questions(#49-52)Key: SA=Strongly Agree D= Disagree A=Agree SD= Strongly Disagree*At least 9 out of every 10 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed” with first 2 items.**At least 3 out of every 4 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed” with last 2 items.
MVNU Supplemental Questions(#53-56)Key: SA=Strongly Agree D= Disagree A=Agree SD= Strongly Disagree *At least 9 out of every 10 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed” with 2nd & last item.**At least 2 out of every 3 students “agreed” or “strongly agreed” with 1st & 3rd items.
Percentage Agreement of MVNU Students: SA A D SD SA+A Even if the people around me were opposed to my Christian convictions, I would still hold fast to them. 55 42 3 1 97 I feel like I need to be open to consider new insights and truths about my faith. 42 54 3 1 96 My relationship with God contributes to my sense of well-being. 63 32 3 1 95 I have a personally meaningful relationship with God. 60 35 5 1 95 MVNU provides adequate opportunities for involvement in ministry. 36 59 4 1 95 MVNU Supplemental Questions95% agreed or strongly agreed with these statements.Key: SA=Strongly Agree D= Disagree A=Agree SD= Strongly Disagree