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CUSTOMER SERVICE Overview. Ralph R. Zerbonia President Universe Central Corporation. Better Customer Service Drives Company Value.

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  1. CUSTOMER SERVICE Overview Ralph R. Zerbonia President Universe Central Corporation

  2. Better Customer Service Drives Company Value “…companies with high customer satisfaction scores have blown the S&P 500 out of the water, especially over the last few years. Not only have they produced higher stock returns, but their stock values and cash flows have been less volatile.” Harvard Business ReviewMarch 2007

  3. Typical Business Challenges in Customer Service • On-board and train new Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) quickly • Increase CSR utilization and retain quality CSRs • Provide a consistent, effective experience across all contact touchpoints • Convert cross-sell and up-sell opportunities into revenue • Increase First Call Resolution and decrease Average Handle Time

  4. Industry Views “The role of the contact center in the organization is shifting and growing. Contact centers are increasingly strategic business units, and not just cost center departments.” Michael Maoz, Vice President and Distinguished Analyst, Gartner Inc. “CEOs cited New Technology (63%) and Customer Loyalty (54%) as two of the top revenue drivers for their business.” New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)2007 CEO Report “If you’re looking to boost customer satisfaction, one of the most promising places to start is customer service. …increased satisfaction has a positive impact on consumer spending, cash flow, and business performance.” Harvard Business Review, 2007

  5. Change the Game in Customer Service Transform Customer Service into a Strategic Asset Empower all employees to be part of Customer Service Achieve a true 360° View of the customer


  7. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Customer Service Solution • Service Capabilities • Full feature set • Service Workflow • Designed for • Users • Managers • Executives

  8. Account and Contact Management • Account and Contact Management Components • Acct, Contact & Case History • Contact Management Complete set of features that empower customer service representatives to better manage interactions. • Discovery & Search • Data Import & Quality • Complex Relationships • Microsoft Advantage • Familiar user experience via Microsoft Outlook, agent desktop or web client • Powerful productivity features like Auto Complete and Smart Search • Import and de-duplication of records is seamless and easy to perform • Fundamental technical agility to support core service interactions

  9. Interaction and Knowledge Management • Interaction and Knowledge Management Components • Flexible Interaction Framework • Contextual User Experience • Knowledge Base Complete interaction management capabilities including Knowledge Management and Service Level Agreements. • KB Article Authoring, Review and Publishing • SLA and Support Contracts • Microsoft Advantage • Customizable agent desktop surfacing Microsoft Dynamics CRM through browser, Microsoft Office Outlook, Sharepoint or custom UI • Fully integrated Knowledge Base including authoring and publishing capabilities. • Robust email support including auto-response and auto promotion of emails to cases.

  10. Case Management and Scheduling • Case Management and Scheduling Components • Multi-channel Incident Mngmt. • Communications & Activities Management • Routing & Escalation Sophisticated set of features to create, manage and resolve cases via multiple channels as well as schedule field service. • Services & Resources Management • Global Scheduling & Optimization • Microsoft Advantage • Easy-to-use case management functionality including creation, editing, dispatch, tracking and resolution. • Optimize usage of field personnel, fleet, tools, parts and resources

  11. Real-Time Insight, Reporting and Analytics • Real-Time Insight, Reporting and Analytics Components • Customer Analytics • Standard Service Reports Full spectrum of business intelligence capabilities ranging from historical reporting predictive behavior insight to basic reporting to OLAP and performance dashboards. • Custom Reports • OLAP & Data Mining • Dashboards & Scorecards • Microsoft Advantage • Predictive behavior analytics, like cross-sell/upsell, and historical analytics • Critical service reports are provided standard with fully customized reports available easily to any user • Seamlessly integrated to SQL Server Analytic Services & SQL Server Reporting Service for robust OLAP, data mining and reporting.

  12. Proactive Sales and Support • Proactive Sales and Support Components • Account & Contact Analysis • Upsell & Cross-sell Evaluation • Product Recommendation Transform the contact center from purely reactionary service into a proactive, strategic arm of the business. • Proactive Communications • Service Campaigns • Microsoft Advantage • Seamlessly integrated, holistic service processes that drive positive behavior • Easy-to-Enable “Presence” and click-to-dial functionality through integration to Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.

  13. Customer Service Scenarios World-Class Contact Center Closed-Loop Service Processes Follow-the-Sun Global Support Total Quality Management Quick Service Campaigns Enable management of cases to be handed off across teams in multiple time zones Deploy world-class contact centers that support multiple shifts and remote agents Use workflow to drive consistency and real-timevisibility into every stage of service processes Manage product support issues simply and easily from contact to resolution Allow all service metrics to be easily tracked andanalyzed to drive process improvement

  14. Powered By Microsoft Core Enabling Capabilities Business Agility Robust Workflow Reporting & Analytics • Multi-Tenancy • Multi-Language User Interface • Multi-Currency • Comprehensive customization capabilities • Composite applications • Inherent flexibility to map to business processes • Geared for design by anyone in the organization • Generate all levels of reports from standard, “canned” reports to sophisticated, custom reports • Spot trends or predict behavior with OLAP and data mining

  15. Microsoft Dynamics CRM in the Contact Center Interaction Channels Reporting & Analytics 360° View Composite UI Phone CC Apps Agents Supervisors Managers Executives Wireless PSTN VPN and Internet CTI Web Self-Service Email Chat PBX/ACD ERP Legacy Apps LOB Apps Branches Retail Stores & Dealers Government Offices IVR


  17. Key Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Higher Productivity Improved Up-sell and Cross-sell Greater Service Efficiency Organizational Customer Service Improve first-call resolution and handling times to yield higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Achieve 360 ° visibility across the entire organization into service history, current cases, contracts and much more Drive collaboration and improve agent productivity, lower training costs and reduce churn. Optimize upsell and cross-sell campaigns to drive better revenue and higher uptake rates.

  18. Key Benefits for Business VP of Customer Service • Reach customer satisfaction goals • Drive new revenue opportunities • Reliably manage service costs ContactCenter Manager • Achieve KPIs for service • Increase agent retention • Reduce agent training costs and on-boarding time Agents and Supervisors • Improve personal productivity • Eliminate frustration in assisting customers • Reduce errors and call closing time

  19. Key Benefits for IT Chief Information Officer • Achieve rapid time to value • Realize low total cost of ownership (TCO) • Leverage consistent IT architecture & standards IT Project Team • Adapt to meet business user requirements • Easily integrate existing applications and data • Design for extensibility Business Analyst • Design and track key KPIs • Design and run cross-team workflow • Manage work loads for representatives


  21. Global Customer Success in Customer Service Mid-size Companies Large Enterprises Small Businesses

  22. Customers in Action Polaris Microsoft Maccabi • Integrated Healthcare • 1,200 users • Maccabi serves 1.7M members in Israel. • Microsoft Dynamics CRM is the hub of patient information and is used in hospitals, clinics, labs and in contact center. • Microsoft Dynamics CRM system surfaces critical information from SAP and an AS400. • High Technology • Multi-thousand users • Replacement of legacy Clarify application in commercial software support organization. • Microsoft Dynamics CRM used in Contact Centers (located in NA, Europe, India and Asia) and in backline (2nd/3rd tier) engineering to provide follow-the-sun global support. • Manufacturing • 75+ users • Polaris uses Microsoft Dynamics CRM to provide support to both dealers and enthusiasts (users of product). • From a SharePoint interface, users access multiple applications including Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SAP, and parts/product databases.

  23. Customer Perspective “With Microsoft Dynamics CRM, training time is reduced, people are proficient faster, and we can get new employees out onto the floor quickly—all because the system brings them the information that they need in an easy-to-use, point-click fashion.” Jeff BeelmanContact Center Lead,Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield “Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps us pinpoint why people have to make phone calls and helps us systematically reduce the time spent on non-value-added activities like unnecessary calls.” David PeetGeneral Manager,Crossmark

  24. Customer Return On Investment • Substantially cut call handling time by four minutes per call • Reduced training time for new employees from eight to six weeks • Handling 15% more calls per year, without additional staff • Saves 6,000 hours a year on case management • 50% reduction in call volumes • Increased first call resolution rates, leading to improved customer satisfaction • Improved work productivity for over 50% of staff • Lowered call volume through proactive identification of service issues

  25. Partnering for Success Interaction Channel Infrastructure Contact Center Applications



  28. Momentum with Analysts: Gartner Microsoft Dynamics CRM has emerged as a leader in the customer service and contact center space, driven by its ease of use for service personnel and by the flexibility of the underlying SOA platform. Source: Gartner Magic Quadrant forCRM Customer Service Contact Centers, 2007 [emphasis added]

  29. Momentum with Analysts: Forrester “Microsoft Dynamics CRM has based its user interface on the popular Microsoft Outlook email program, meaning a shorter learning curve and more intuitive navigation… Microsoft Dynamics CRM’s time to value is typically days or weeks.” Source: Forrester Research

  30. Customer Service & Support Core components of a CSS application include: • Account and Contact Management • Case and Interaction Management • Knowledge Base Management • Product and Contract Management • Service Scheduling • Workflow across Teams and Groups • Service Reporting and Analytics Commonly integrated components include: • Voice Infrastructure (ACD, CTI, IVR) • Workforce and Quality Management • Agent Scripting

  31. World-Class Contact Center Platform • Customer Need : Transform your contact center from a traditional cost center into a strategic asset • Improve the multi-channel customer experience • Drive customer retention and loyalty • 5% increase in customer retention = 25-100% to the bottom line • Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Multi-tenant architecture with advanced data privacy • Full multi-language and multi-currency support • Network optimization for WANs and remote agents • High performance & scalability from server clustering • Improved email handling in Exchange and with POP3/SMTP

  32. Quick Sales & Service Campaigns • Customer Need: Deliver an outbound contact capability to drive proactive service outreach • Quickly drive communications for time sensitive issues • Avoid routine calls by rapid notification of product or service issues • Launch outbound surveys to collect key market information. • Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Automated Quick Campaign module • Bulk close of campaign activities to clear many tasks at once • Auto-send of campaign emails • Intelligent data migration for campaign targeting

  33. Drive Agent Productivity Improvement • Customer Need: Deploy familiar and flexible technology to get more for your customer service personnel • Reduce agent click counts and input errors • Manage more customers and deliver better service with same or less headcount • Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Smart Navigation navigation streamlines the agent user interface • Auto-resolution of cases • Individual and group workflow to improve productivity • Real-time duplication detection and conflict resolution

  34. Real-Time “Expert” and “Managers” on Call • Customer Need: Increase first-call resolution (FCR) rates by reaching the right expertise in real-time • Poor first call resolution rates typically add 30% in additional costs to contact center budgets • Use presence integration and workflow to connectexpert resources to issues in real-time • Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Presence integration via Office Communications Server 2007 • Intra-team and cross-team workflow via Windows Workflow

  35. Improved Email Channel Management • Customer Need: Effectively use the email channel toreduce service costs while maintaining satisfaction • Deflect incident handling from telephone to email or web • Deliver consistent and differentiated service via web or email • Email channel is 44% cheaper than live agent conversations • Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Easily promote emails into cases • Advanced email routing architecture • Intra-team and cross-team workflow for emails • Email sending, routing, and management enhancements

  36. Action! Ralph R. Zerbonia Universe Central Corporation 330-720-4525 ralph@universecentral.com

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