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School Funding: Facts and Figures A library of PowerPoint slides compiled by the Association of Metropolitan School Districts Please contact AMSD Director of Research, Katy Sen with questions 651-999-7327 ksen@ties.k12.mn.us.
School Funding: Facts and Figures A library of PowerPoint slides compiled by the Association of Metropolitan School Districts Please contact AMSD Director of Research, Katy Sen with questions 651-999-7327 ksen@ties.k12.mn.us
The Percent of Districts with Operating Referendum has Grown Significantly Note: The dip in 2003 was caused by a conversion of $415 in referendum authority to $415 in the basic formula. Sources: 1) Crowe, Greg “A History of the School Operating Levy Referendum,” Money Matters, December 2002. Fiscal Analysis Department, Minnesota House of Representatives. 2) Minnesota Department of Education.
Of the $800 million in new funding for schools, $139 million is projected to come from local levies.
Of the $139 million in new levies, the Minnesota Department of Education expects that $31.7 million will come from the passage of new referenda.
Change in General Ed Revenue Per Pupil from FY 2004 to FY2007
Change in General Education Revenue per pupil (excluding referendum) from FY 2004 to FY2007
Change in Special Education Revenue per pupil from FY 2004 to FY2007
The Basic Formula Allowance Has Not Kept Pace with Inflation
2006 General Education Revenue per AMCPU AMCPU = Adjusted Marginal Cost Pupil Unit Source: AMSD Analysis of Department of Education 2006 What If Report
2006 General Education Revenue per AMCPU Without Basic Education AMCPU = Adjusted Marginal Cost Pupil Unit Source: AMSD Analysis of Department of Education 2006 What If Report
2006 General Education Revenue per AMCPU Without Basic Education and Referendum AMCPU = Adjusted Marginal Cost Pupil Unit Source: AMSD Analysis of Department of Education 2006 What If Report
The number of LEP students has more than doubled since 1998 Source: MDE Fall Enrollment Reports, K-12
The number of special education students has grown by 11% since 1998 Source: MDE Fall Enrollment Reports, K-12
Between 1998 and 2005, the number of low income students increased by 10% Source: MDE Fall Enrollment Reports, K-12
Minnesota’s rank in education spending relative to income plunged over the past decade Source: U.S Census Bureau: Public Education Finances Report, 2003 is the most recent available
Weak Growth in MN Education Funding Minnesota Ranked 46th in the nation in growth in inflation adjusted per pupil spending from 1997 to 2002 U.S. Average: 16.8% Minnesota: 9.4% Source: Donald J. Boyd, K-12 Education: Still Growing Strongly, June 21, 2004. The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, State Fiscal News Volume 4, No.5.
School District Revenue Per Student 1984 to 2003 Source: Minnesota House of Representatives Research Department
Revenue per Student Less Building Debt and Special Ed Expenses Source: Minnesota House of Representatives Research Department
Inflation Adjusted Revenue per Student Less Building Debt and Spec Ed Expenses Source: Minnesota House of Representatives Research Department
Example of How Declining Enrollment Affects a Metro School District: Revenue Change Due to Enrollment Decline 2004-052005-062006-07 Projection Enrollment Est. 10,734 10,466 10,256 General Ed. Rev. 73,049,744 73,823,339 75,197,234 % Change 1.0% 1.9% Simulation Enrollment 10,734 10,734 10,734 General Ed. Rev. 73,049,744 75,166,698 78,219,810 % Change 2.8% 4.0% Revenue Change -1,343,359 -3,022,576
Example of How Declining Enrollment Affects a Metro School District: Expenditure Reductions due to Enrollment Decline 2004-052005-06 Enrollment Est. 10,734 10,466 Change -268 Student/Teacher Ratio 25:1 Staff Reduction 10.7 Beginning Teacher Compensation $45,000 Cost Savings (10.5 x $45,000) $481,500 Revenue Loss $1,343,359 Net Loss $858,359