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Toxic , Hazardous and Hospital Waste Management

Toxic , Hazardous and Hospital Waste Management. Cheong, Jecilene Go, Kierson Nigel Hernandez, Airah Jane Razon , Jerica Marise. Hazardous Wastes. R.A. 6969.

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Toxic , Hazardous and Hospital Waste Management

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  1. Toxic , Hazardous and Hospital Waste Management Cheong, Jecilene Go, Kierson Nigel Hernandez, Airah Jane Razon, JericaMarise

  2. Hazardous Wastes

  3. R.A. 6969 • “Hazardous wastes are substances that are without any safe commercial, industrial, agricultural or economic usage and are shipped, transported or brought from the country of origin for dumping or disposal into or in transit through any part of the territory of the Philippines.” • “Hazardous wastes” shall also refer to by-products, side-products, process residues, spent reaction media, contaminated plant or equipment or other substances from manufacturing operationsand as consumer discards of manufactured products which present unreasonable risk and/or injury to health and safety and to the environment.”

  4. Hazardous Waste Identification

  5. Hazardous Waste Identification

  6. Objective and Importance of Classification of Hazardous Wastes in the Philippines • Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) • policy making body responsible for the hazardous waste management of the Philippines • objective of the EMB is to use environmental impact assessments in balancing economic growth with ecological protection • baseline information that will develop the standards for hazardous waste management, environmental monitoring and the regulation of hazardous waste disposal

  7. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  8. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  9. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  10. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  11. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  12. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  13. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  14. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  15. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  16. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  17. Classification of Hazardous Wastes

  18. Hospital Waste • different in types and increasing in amount • hospital waste added a risk for patients and personnel who handle it • poses a threat to human health and environment • all waste generated, discarded and not intended for further use in the hospital

  19. Classification of Hospital Waste

  20. Classification of Hospital Waste

  21. Classification of Hospital Waste

  22. Classification of Hospital Waste

  23. Hazardous Waste Management in the Philippines

  24. Environmental Management Bureau Formulates plans, programs, and appropriate environmental quality standards for the prevention and control of pollution and the protection of the environment.

  25. Environmental Management Bureau Implements Five Environmental Laws:

  26. Environmental Management Bureau

  27. Proper Hazardous Waste Management

  28. Pollution Control Officer Categories of Pollution Control officer:

  29. Waste Generator

  30. Waste Generator

  31. Emergency Response Team • Name and responsibility of the emergency response coordinator and team • Communication with authority

  32. Emergency Response Team • Evacuation Procedure of employees and personnel • Protective and Emergency Response Equipment • Emergency Transport Procedure • Temporary Closure • Training program for personnel on site

  33. Personnel Training • waste identification (types and characteristics) • potential hazards of the wastes • proper labeling and storage of hazardous • roles and responsibilities for implementing the emergency contingency plan • proper use of emergency equipment • first aid and safety procedures • laws and regulations concerning hazardous waste management

  34. Waste Transporters • Allowed to transport the type of waste indicated in their registration. • Should receive waste from generators only if they have the Proper Manifest Formand Spill Response Plan. • Should receive hazardous waste properly labeled and packaged and deliver the waste to recognized treaters. • Avoid densely populated areas, watershedor catchmentareas, and other environmentally sensitive areas. • Shall have warning signs and markings regarding shipment of hazardous goods

  35. Waste Transporters • If the waste cannot be delivered to the destination, the transporter must inform the waste generator • Ensure that hazardous waste of different sub-category or different waste generator should not be mixedduring the transport, transshipment, and/or storageof the waste. • In case of spills or accidents, the transporter shall immediately notify the DENRthrough the EMBRegional Office Region. The waste transporter must file within ten (10) days a detailed report describing the accident, spill, and containment or cleanup measures taken.

  36. Waste Transporters • Clean up the spill according to Spill Response Plan. • May store the hazardous waste for a period not exceeding 30 days. • An Affidavit of Undertakingshould be submitted to the EMB regional offices.

  37. Hazardous Waste Storage Facility • Accessible in case of emergency • Enclosed and adequately ventilated • Floors should be resistant to liquids and chemicals; it should not be slippery and should be able to retain spills. • Properly secured • Drums should be stacked vertically and not more than 4 drums high. • Containers should be regularly checked for leakage • Segregation of wastes

  38. Type of Container • metal drum with lid • plastic container • metal container • cloth container • container van • tanker truck • built tank • containment building/warehouse • settling ponds (not used as treatment of wastewater)

  39. Labelling • minimum 20cm x 30cm. • Yellow for background and Black for letters. • The material of the label should be scratch proof and resistant to tampering and weathering. • Accompanied by a symbol corresponding to characteristics of the hazardous waste.

  40. Oxidizers Flammables Explosives Toxic Corrosives Gases under Pressure Carcinogenic Mutagenicity Environmental Toxicity Irritant

  41. Categories of TSD Facilities

  42. Hospital Waste Management

  43. Metropolitan Manila Council Ordinance No. 16 Series of 1991 Objectives: • Prevention of Hospitalacquired infection • Environmental protection • Protection of hospital personnel, other individuals going in and out of the hospital • facilities, garbage collectors, scavengers and the community. • Maintenance of ecological balanceof the benefit of the constituents

  44. Standard Hospital Waste Garbage Collection System

  45. Standard Storage Procedure

  46. Storage Requirement • Located near the center of waste production • Must be accessible to municipal/city collection service. • Must be located in a place where the transfer operation would be done with minimum public objectionand follows standard sanitation procedure. • Arrangement with municipal collection service must be provided when transfer station is not feasible within the hospital compound

  47. Hospital Waste/ Garbage Disposal System

  48. Common Treatment Technologies

  49. Chemical Oxidation and Reduction Oxidation of Cyanide to Cyanate

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