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Overview of the ATA

Learn about the establishment, objectives, and functioning of the ATA, aiming to transform Ethiopia's agriculture sector with stakeholder engagement, strategic recommendations, and impactful implementation support.

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Overview of the ATA

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  1. Overview of the ATA Summary Presentation

  2. The creation of the ATA is the result of a process that has lasted nearly two years • Seven Diagnostics and integrated report submitted to Prime Minister. • Prime Minster Meles meets with Melinda Gates and requests review of Ethiopia’s agriculture extension systems. • Council of Ministers pass federal regulation establishing Agriculture Transformation Agency Jan ‘09 Sep ‘09 Aug ‘10 Oct ‘10 Dec ‘10 Aug ‘11 • Government decision to create an independent organization modeled after Taiwan and Korean “acceleration units” • Recommendation of extension diagnostic endorsed by PM. PM requests support for additional diagnostics in seeds, soils, irrigation, agricultural finance and key value chains • First Board meeting with Prime Minister and Transformation Council • .

  3. High level Objectives and Approach Method of engagement: Key approaches to achieve objectives: High level organizational objective: High level organizational objective: • Clear, inclusive and widely consultative stakeholder engagement throughout the problem solving analysis and implementation support efforts • Rigorous, objective, prioritized recommendations that are fact based and build on the diagnostics and other existing research • Diverse staff bringing the best local and international analytical and technical expertise to bear on problem solving, implementation support and capability building • Leading problem solving efforts to facilitate identification of solutions to systemic bottlenecks • Supporting implementation by providing project management, capability building, technical assistance and knowledge sharing, and • Enhancing linkages and coordination among agricultural stakeholders in high priority areas to reach agreed upon milestones and objectives that transform the agriculture sector • Support achievement of the Growth and Transformation Plan targets and sustainably improve the agriculture sector by: • Supporting the MoA and other partners to make measurable and sustainable improvements to the prioritized program areas • Building the problem solving, project management, and implementation capabilities of the MoA and broader agricultural sector for long term impact

  4. ATA fits within a set of complex partners ATA’s partners ATA’s principles • Strengthen the Ministry of Agriculture as the ATA’s primary partner • Identify and strengthen the institutional capacity of partner organizations • Align objectives with national targets for poverty reduction, food security and growth • Ensure a strong and equitable regional focus in strategies and implementation support • Act as a high performance change agent defined by strong analytics and stakeholder engagement • Seek scalable solutions with tangible improvement in productivity and livelihoods of smallholder farmers • Ensure an integrated approach to gender and the environment across all work areas Public sector • Federal partners • Regional partners Dev’t Partners • RED-FS • Multi / bilaterals, foundations Private sector • Inputs, outputs and service providers Ministry of Agriculture Civil society • Local / intl. NGOs • Local/intl. Research & academia

  5. How does the ATA function? 1. Independent federal organization: Reports to a Transformation Council chaired by the Prime Minister and including Minister of Agriculture (Deputy), Minister of Finance, Minister of Water & Energy, DG of EIAR and Bureau heads of four largest regions 2. National organization but need to prioritize: Asa new organization, the ATA will need to focus on priority set of systems, value-chains, and geographies (regions and woredas) 3. Specified time frame: While the ATA will aim for annual and five-year targets aligned with national plans, successful experiences from other countries suggests a 15-20 year time frame for change 4. Hybrid staffing model in initial years: The long-term view is for the ATA to be fully staffed by Ethiopian civil service, however, for at least the initial five-years a hybrid model of international staff, locally hired analysts/functional staff, and seconded “fellows” from the public sector will be needed 5. Long term success will depend on the ability to do four things well: a) Capacity building of public sector and mindset modeling b) Analytic rigor underlying recommendations c) Wide and deep stakeholder ownership of initiatives driven by ATA d) Flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances

  6. Implementation support Problem Solving Two core areas of work Support immediate implementation opportunities

  7. Integrated Approach to the Work Summary Points • Focus on systems change but must be grounded and benefit specific crops that are important to Ethiopia’s farmers • Integrated approach will facilitate integration and coordination to achieve sectoral transformation • Prioritized focus areas to ensure long term effectiveness and achieve sustainable results • Key issues such as Gender and Technology Access & Adoption must inform, influence and catalyze all program activities

  8. Track the performance of the ATA 1 Measure ATA’s contribution to Ethiopian Ag. sector growth targets 2 ATA Monitoring, Learning& Evaluation Framework Short-term outcome Outputs Long-term outcome Impact Track Ethiopian agriculture sector performance • Adequate resources mobilized • Agency fully staffed and operational • Governance and management systems established • Ag. sector actors mobilized to respond to GTP targets • Priority intervention areas identified • Strong ATA/ MoA coordination • Implementing partner activities harmonized to deliver on GTP targets • Performance of institutions – Ministry of Agriculture transformed into a high performing organization 3 • Access to technologies and markets • Increased adoption of technologies and management practices • Increased access to output markets • All ATA program areas develop clear strategies and implementation roadmaps • Interventions funded and implemented • Examples (not exhaustive): • Adequate services provided to famers through reliable cooperatives • Appropriate technologies generated and delivered • Improved access to inputs • Economic growth and welfare improvement • Increased income • Levels of poverty reduction • Agricultural sector growth • Increased output per unit of land, labour • Increased competitiveness of key enterprises • Increased access to/ use of appropriate inputs • Favourable policy environment Synthesize and report on lessons learned 4 Dynamic learning and knowledge agenda to regularly document and report outputs, use knowledge to shift course and recalibrate outcomes, and disseminate learnings on impact to all partners and stakeholders

  9. High Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk Risks and Mitigation Approach Comments/Mitigation Approach Risk level • Recruitment of seconded staff has prioritized Ethiopian Diaspora or (if necessary) international experts with local experience and a proven track record of executing difficult projects in a consultative manner. • Building on the strong partnership developed with MoA during diagnostic study. Need to illustrate to other partners our truly collaborative effort to transform the sector • Driven by sense of urgency to meet GTP targets. However, must bring along key stakeholders to ensure ownership and implementation rests in partners. • Prepared to tackle critical issues at the request of MoA and Transformation Council but need understanding and support from policy makers to remain focused on core program priorities and Operating Guidelines to meet GTP targets. • Internal capacity building will be a core objective in order to transition from international leadership to local leadership within five years. Could sacrifice some capacity building of stakeholders in early years to meet GTP targets. • Organizational Development • Hybrid Organization: Getting the right mix of local and international content and management expertise and integrating research and hypothesis driven problem solving • Partnership with MoA: Clarity in supporting and strengthening the Ministry of Agriculture as a way of achieving mission and ceasing to exist in the long term Programs • Distinctive effort: Balancing between a approach that is both transformative and consultative • Results orientation: Striking the right balance between flexibility and focus – to be responsive to arising opportunities while staying focused on the areas where the ATA can make the greatest contribution for the long term • Sustainability: Balancing the drive to quickly achieve program goals while developing capacity of key stakeholders as a way to strengthen the system for long term sustainable transformation

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