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Juniors Can !. Jill Hammonds Core Education Ltd. What does ICT mean for you? What do you understand by the term? What does it encompass? How does it impact the children in your room? How does it impact the classroom? (management, programme, physical layout, resources, teacher input).
Juniors Can ! Jill Hammonds Core Education Ltd
What does ICT mean for you? • What do you understand by the term? • What does it encompass? • How does it impact the children in your room? • How does it impact the classroom?(management, programme, physical layout, resources, teacher input)
An ICT is any tool or process that man has created in order to aid the sourcing and use of information, and or to facilitate communication.
So what are the problems and frustrations that you would like to get sorted today? • Management of students • Management of computers • Equipment woes • Where to start • Make a list and then we’ll sort it.
Coaching Systems Teacher Doer Observer Keep it simple!!!
Screen capture for visual aids http://educationalsoftware.wikispaces.com/Screen+Capture
Attention Seeking Make attention getters for your students to have by the computer. The flag / paper cup / bell (1 chime only or watch out!) simply means I’m working on a problem, and would appreciate some help when you have time . . . Not MrS H get here now! LOL
Be the Boss in Your Room !!!!! • Good routines and rules make for a happy teacher and class: • When working with a group you are not available! (unless the room is on fire or someone is dying!) • Use the experts not me! • Nothing you are doing is so important that it can interrupt the work of others • You lose it - you find it! • Make a note and see me later. Keep it simple!!!
What are the qualities, attributes, characteristics of the children in our junior classroom?
Unpack how you will cater for this: Regular access Short, simple tasks. Active Learners and short concentration span Value and display their efforts. Use creative software e.g. Paint, Kid Pix Use wide range of ICTs.
What is the world going to be like when our children leave school? What skills will they need to have developed?
Vision of the Learner Flexible Adaptable Thinkers Students who are ready to accept and move with change. They apply learning confidently and successfully to new and different situations. • Self Directed / Reflective Learners • Students who are intellectual processors and competent thinkers. They reflect on their findings and evaluate, validate and discriminate. Effective Collaborators Students who have skills to work effectively with diverse individuals and groups and within a range of situations to achieve common goals. Effective communicators’ Students who are able to convey and receive information confidently and competently in a range of different contexts.
Essential Skills for the Learner • Communication Skills – using the technologies of today. • Numeracy Skills • Information Skills – in a wide range of contexts • Self Management Skills – from day one. • Social And Cooperative Skills • Work and Study Skills • Problem solving Skills • Physical Skills
Key Competencies • Thinking - creative, critical and metacognitive • Using language symbols and texts - see Literacy Learning Progressions document • Managing Self - their learning, motivation, “can do” attitude, self assessment, resourceful, resilient etc. • Relating to Others - active listening, co-operation, negotiate and share • Participating and contributing - actively involved in community (including online) - purposeful!
Unpack how you will cater for this: Multimedia programmes Focus on message and presenting Audio conferencing Formulating questions Practising use of phone Relating to others/ Participating Use of spreadsheets & graphs Video camera recording of children expressing ideas Email & Online projects.
Literacy learning Progressions • a copy of the pdf file is available at • http://www.literacyprogressions.org.nz/
Literacy resources • http://zerototwo.wikispaces.com/Literacy+Ideas • http://threetofour.wikispaces.com/Literacy+Ideas
What impact does that have for the way we plan our classroom programme? We need to plan for . . .
Effective Learning Environment • Challenging, stimulating, positive and child directed • Risk taking encouraged and managed • Discovery learning and lots of discussion - Children working in Groups • Children taking responsibility for their own learning • Teacher modelling of the process (daily) • Access to resources • Short but regular sessions using ICTs.
Classroom and Computer Management Considerations • Start from theCurriculum • Define the focus - begin with the end in mind and “unpack” the process • Model the process – computer at the mat • Use flexible rotation systems - 3 Chairs • Foster independence – independently achievable tasks • Work in groups at the computer • Create opportunities for Discovery learning • Enforce routines • Place computer within teacher view. • Utilise Computer Suite systems • Use Visual Aids to memory
Model the process daily! Have your computer by the mat and record your children’s daily news e.g. on Kid Pix, PowerPoint etc. Make this the starting point for your first round of word work for the day. Have the children spend time completing the next step and then using it as a reading/ shared reading resource for the week.
Tuesday 17th February Daily News eBook • Text box set up here to record the news items. • Animation can be customised in template format. • Children’s art can be added later.
Independent writing • Teacher conferencing • Refining • Publishing
Using PowerPoint • Easy to use • Very motivating for the children and teachers. • Create a very professional look with minimal skill • You save on printer cartridges • Very visual for parent and community days or sharing with other classes e.g. on the school intranet • Becomes a valuable teaching and learning resource for children to use for consolidating learning – children will revisit happily. • Available to schools through the Microsoft deal.
A is for . . . Apple I love eating an apple.
Kupu Kiwi Collections presents b a c Read with me. An English Educational Resource. Made for kids by kids. Welcome.
c is for cat.
d is for dog.
g is for girl.
m is for manu.
r is for Râ
Rhyming with "ake"
Lake I went to the lake and I took my remote control car.
Rake In autumn the leaves fall down on the grass. I have to rake them up.
Cake I had a cake for my birthday.
When you switch off, the metal strip lifts off the screw, the power can’t flow and the light goes off. Science Explanations In the picture above it has what a light looks like when it is on. The battery is the electricity source. The power runs from the battery through the wire and into the screw. When the metal strip is touching the screw the power can flow so the light glows.
Prediction / Actual Hangi Day By Taylor, Kelsi and Laura in Room 1 Horsham Downs School
Two men began to dig a hole out in our soccer field. They piled the dirt around the sides. The dirt was very, very soft. The pit they dug was made deep enough to put in hot irons and two metal baskets. They were digging a pit for our hangi.
A fire was laid beside the pit. When they stacked the wood, they criss-crossed it. The steel hangi irons were on top of the stack of wood. The stack was taller than ME. The day was wet and we saw a wonderful rainbow.
The fire was lit and flames flew up into the air. The fire burned for about two hours. As the flames died down, the men dragged the hot irons out of the glowing embers and heaved them into the pit.
Two baskets full of food were carefully put on top of the hot irons. A clean wet sheet was laid over the top, then dripping wet sacks. The men shovelled dirt over the sacks and let the hangi steam away.
Two and a half hours later, they shovelled off the dirt and took out the yummy Hangi food. The wet sacks were carefully peeled off. Hot steam poured out of the baskets as they carried them to the long serving tables. Mmmmmmmmmm.
The mothers and the teachers served the food to all the hungry children. The Hangi smelt delicious.
We ate our plate of yummy Hangi food by the new playground. We had potato, pumpkin, stuffing and chicken. I ate all of my food. I loved my plate of Hangi. It was nutritious and delicious.
Maths Ideas • Numeracy • Spreadsheets for surveys • Paint programmefor geometry and symmetry • Kid Pix number sentences • Digital camera for geometry, cardinal number etc. • http://zerototwo.wikispaces.com/Maths+Ideas • http://threetofour.wikispaces.com/Maths+Ideas