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The chemistry-transport model CHIMERE (IPSL/LMD) ‏

The chemistry-transport model CHIMERE (IPSL/LMD) ‏. A communitary model in free access http://www.lmd.polytechnique.fr/chimere Developed in France, used in the whole Europe.

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The chemistry-transport model CHIMERE (IPSL/LMD) ‏

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  1. The chemistry-transport model CHIMERE (IPSL/LMD)‏ A communitary model in free access http://www.lmd.polytechnique.fr/chimere Developed in France, used in the whole Europe. CHIMERE is a chemistry-transport model for the calculation of concentrations fields as: ozone, NOx, COVs, aerosols, dust... at the regional scale, for long periods (several years) wuth an hourly resolution • A short history of the tool: • 1997: First version: the Paris area in a box-model • 1998: The first experimental web site for the ESQUIF field campaign • 1999: cartesian grids • 2001: European experimental forecast with PIONEER project • 2004: implementation of aerosol module • 2006: development of the parallel version of the code

  2. The chemistry-transport model CHIMERE (IPSL/LMD)‏ • As a communautary tool, CHIMERE represents: • More than 100 users • More than 20 institutes are using CHIMERE for daily forecast • More than 35 institutes for research • More than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals • Involved in numerous European projects such as GEMS, PROMOTE, City-Delta, Euro-Delta, CIRCE, AMMA, GEOMON, NATAIR. • Used for analysis, forecast, pollution peaks and trends, direct or adjoijnt modelling, data assimilation. Vertical cross-section of a dust event over Ukraine (March 2007)[Bessagnet et al., 2008] • Example of daily forecast • experimental (at LMD): • - France (GEMS)‏ • - Africa, Atlantic and Europe: CHIMERE-DUST for minreal dust • operational: PREVAIR french nationla plat-form (INERIS)‏ CHIMERE users in Europe One of the forecast web sites

  3. The chemistry-transport model CHIMERE (IPSL/LMD)‏ 2008 Current developments: Open the model to other domains than Europe: A “meso-scale window in any place of the world” - Several meteorological forcings: ARPEGE, NCEP, MM5, WRF, ECMWF/IFS for analysis and forecast - Implementation of LMDz/IPCC for regional climate changes studies - Several boundary conditions: gas, aerosols, dust and fires in development - Biogenic and anthropogenic emissions: for Europe only to 'regional windows' everywhere in the world with EDGAR and MEGAN databases. - Implementation of systematic comparisons to satellite products (AOT, Scattering Ratio with CALIOP)‏ Increase the small scale knowledge: Sub-grid scale variability, urban processes modelling for health impact studies

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