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New Statutory Guidance ‘Making sure it is manageable & effective….’ Friday 9 July 2010

New Statutory Guidance ‘Making sure it is manageable & effective….’ Friday 9 July 2010. Tim Edwards – IAG Manager. Session Coverage…. IAG Strategy – ‘Quality, Choice & Aspiration’ Statutory Guidance – Impartial Careers Education Resources Pack Leadership, Management & Admin exercise

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New Statutory Guidance ‘Making sure it is manageable & effective….’ Friday 9 July 2010

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  1. New Statutory Guidance‘Making sure it is manageable & effective….’Friday 9 July 2010 Tim Edwards – IAG Manager

  2. Session Coverage… • IAG Strategy – ‘Quality, Choice & Aspiration’ • Statutory Guidance – Impartial Careers Education • Resources Pack • Leadership, Management & Admin exercise • Effective Management & Delivery exercise • Investor in Careers ‘new’ Award • Consultancy and Training support in Herts • BREAK • Online IAG tools summary in Herts • Area Wide Prospectus (Herts Choices) pathfinder

  3. IAG Strategy: Main themes IAG must: • be responsive to a changing world • raise aspirations and drive social mobility • help to overcome barriers to progression • challenge stereotypes • excite and inspire young people by showing them what they can achieve.

  4. IAG Strategy: Main themes cont. IAG is a process, not an event. It involves : • doing more to help parents and carers to support their children • making better use of the potential of mentors • exploiting the opportunities afforded by new technologies • engaging employers more effectively and improving the quality of work experience • developing better school/HE links

  5. IAG Strategy: Key announcements initially • Extension of statutory duty to deliver careers education to age 18 (paragraph 2.5) • New IAG Guarantee - to be embedded within the Pupil and Parent Guarantees (1.22) • New Task Force on the careers profession (2.13) • Economic wellbeing to feature in the primary curriculum (2.17) • Quality and effectiveness of local authorities delivery of IAG to be reviewed in 2011 (1.16) • £10m IAG fund to be made available (4.8)

  6. Links to the Quality Standards for Young People’s IAG • To support development of consistently high quality and impartial IAG • Define expectations of services that local authorities will commission and manage • For use by • learning providers (schools, colleges,work-based training providers) • external IAG providers • users of IAG services

  7. DCSF IAG Standards In ‘brief’, the Standards cover the following; • Young people informed about IAG services and how to access • That IAG on personal wellbeing and financial capability are met • Careers information is available, well informed and accessible • Careers advice and guidance is impartial • That IAG promotes equal opportunities • Addresses young people’s involvement (engagement / evaluation) • Involves IAG to parents & carers (knowledge & access) • Understanding of roles and responsibilities of providers • Planned programmes of personal and career development • Covers staff qualifications, professional standards and training • Ensures systematic quality assurance and improvement • Transparency of commissioning processes

  8. Statutory Guidance :Impartial CareersEducation ‘ Vision’ • Senior leaders are committed to overseeing a “whole school” • The Careers/IAG workforce receives the training and support needed to perform effectively • The school collaborates effectively in local partnerships (i.e. with other learning providers, Connexions etc.) • Parents/carers are helped to support their children • Information about learning and work pathways is embedded into the wider curriculum • Careers Education programmes are built on strong links with employers and use mentoring, experiential learning etc. • Equality of opportunity is promoted and stereotypes are actively challenged.

  9. Statutory Guidance: Impartial Careers Education • Education and Skills Act 2008. Schools must provide impartial careers education and have regard to Guidance • Oct 2009: Guidance published. Key components: • Principles of Impartial Careers Education • Annex C - “Issues for head teachers to consider in providing high quality carers education” • “Key Information” on 14-19 pathways

  10. The 6 “Principles”

  11. Advises Head Teachers how to: • Meet their statutory duties in relation to careers education • Ensure that young people for whom they are responsible receive the support they need Key Components • Principles of impartial careers education • Key Information • Additional guidance

  12. Key Information Fact Cards Sets out answers to questions on Key Stage 3 and post-16 learning options posed in the Statutory Guidance • Apprenticeships • Diplomas • Foundation Learning • GCSE’s/A levels • Part time learning/training • Higher education • Current “stand alone” qualifications

  13. Content of Resources Pack • A framework of learning outcomes by Key Stage – 7-19, structured around the 6 principles and includes an annex that cross-references to the 3 aims • A briefing note for careers co-ordinators • A briefing note for other staff • Fact Cards • DVDs • Materials to help audit provision • Model Partnership Agreement • Guidance for Governors Ways & Choices classroom resources Other materials – Choices, TDA resources, National College publications

  14. Teachers’ role in CEIAG • answer questions about the full range of 14-19 pathways • help young people identify which 14-19 pathway offers them most opportunity for success • answer questions about learning and progression pathways linked to their own specialist subject • support attainment and progression by explaining opportunities in learning and work through more advanced study in a subject • support and promote the use of work-related contexts for learning • know when and how to refer young people to others for expert advice.

  15. Ways and Choices Topics: Set 1 • KS4 Decisions and Pathways • Making Careers Research Work • Exploring Labour Market Information • Who Gets to Do What: Challenging Stereotypes • Post-16 Decisions and Pathways • Apprenticeships • The Diploma • Careers in the Modern World • Decisions, decisions, decisions • Higher Education

  16. Ways and Choices Topics: Set 2 • Foundation Learning • GCSEs and A levels • Employment with part-time learning • Finance for Post-16 Learning • Subjects and Careers • Individual Learning Planning • Making Effective Transitions • Building Support Networks • Setbacks, Steps Forward • Promoting Equality and Combating Stereotypes

  17. Leadership, Management & Admin exercise(ACEG) Effective Management & Delivery exercise(ERCEG for SIPS)

  18. Investor in Careers (IiC) • Learning settings nationally feedback that they find the process gives them a more strategic understanding of what they do in CEIAG and their strengths and weaknesses • Gives CEIAG a higher profile • Organisation of portfolio evidence helps when being assessed by OFSTED • Mapped against the 6 principles of Statutory Guidance, IAG standards and Matrix • Can be used as a lever to improve CEIAG in learning settings

  19. Consultancy and Training support in Hertsfrom September 2010 • Localised model of workshops • Linked to Investor in Careers outcomes • Available to all • Bespoke or ‘off the shelf’ delivery model • Some targeted one to one consultancy • Support for SAPG IAG planning • NEW – ‘Online community support….’

  20. BREAK 10.45am – 11am

  21. Making effective use of web-based CEIAG in Hertfordshire Tim Edwards – IAG Manager Martin Sipsma - Hertschoices Project Officer

  22. Hertfordshire Priorities • A high quality learning route for every young person that enables them to participate, achieve and progress….. • Integration of all services for young people, so that they can make the most of opportunities and choices…..

  23. Software tools to support impartial IAG in Herts… • Channel MOGO • Herts Ahead • Mi Voice or Equivalent • Herts Choices

  24. Channel MOGO

  25. Herts Ahead

  26. Some moreimportant questions How do young people perceive the learning experiences? Do they care how they learn and progress? How do subject teachers and tutors perceive the activities? How will employers perceive the outcomes?

  27. Mi - voice

  28. ‘Government Vision for Online IAG developments 2010-11….’ • Area Online Prospectus to be first choice for accessing all 14-19 learning • A series of integrated tools should be developed (CAP, AWP, ILP) • Prospectus to be key tool - mapping local provision, auditing & identifying needs and developing priorities for 16-19 commissioning….. Extract from DCSF Next Steps – September 2008

  29. Herts Choices Pathfinder

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