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Elements of Presentation

European Technology Platforms: Context, Rationale and State of Play Presentation to the Polish Technology Platforms Conference Seán O’Reagain Directorate General for Research, European Commission Poznan, 20 June 2005. Elements of Presentation. Main Features of Technology Platforms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EuropeanTechnology Platforms: Context, Rationale and State of PlayPresentation to the Polish Technology Platforms Conference Seán O’ReagainDirectorate General for Research, European CommissionPoznan, 20 June 2005

  2. Elements of Presentation • Main Features of Technology Platforms • Emerging Experience • Governance Aspects • Community Role

  3. Technology Platforms: Rationale • Contribute to Competitiveness - Lisbon goal • Boost research performance - ERA, 3% target • Positive impact on other Community policies • Concentrate efforts and address fragmentation

  4. Technology Platforms: Central Concept Framework to unite stakeholders around: a common “vision” for the technology concerned mobilisation of a critical mass of research and innovation effort definition of a Strategic Research Agenda

  5. Technology Platforms: Characteristics Address challenging issues for growth Embody major technological advances in the medium/long-term Bring Community added value Involve high research intensity Require a Common European approach – research and technological development… to demonstration…..to, in the longer-term, market penetration

  6. Technology Platforms: Approach Wide stakeholder base - industry, public authorities, research community, regulators, civil society and consumers Mobilisation of public and private funding - Community Framework Programmes, Structural Funds, national, regional and private research funding, EIB, EUREKA Education, training, communication, dissemination

  7. Technology Platforms:Three Stages Stage 1:Stakeholders get together Stage 2: Stakeholders define a Strategic Research Agenda Stage 3: Stakeholders implement the Strategic Research Agenda

  8. Key Objectives of Platforms Radical Change in a Sector- example: Hydrogen / Fuel Cells Sustainable Development- example: Plant Genomics and Biotechnology Public Goods and Services-example: Innovative Medicines for Europe Strategic, High-Technology-example: Aeronautics Industrial Renewal- example: Steel Currently +/- 25 Platforms

  9. Technology Platforms: Key Success Factors • Industry-Led; Competitiveness-Driven • Wide Stakeholder Involvement • Flexibility: No “One Size Fits All” • Cross-Policy European Added Value • Operational Focus from Early Stage • Mobilise a Range of Funding Sources • Focus on Education and Training • Communication / Dissemination

  10. Openness and Transparency • Code of Good Practice • Key Elements: - Rotation of Membership of Advisory Council - Regular Stakeholder Meetings - Openness to Participation of New Stakeholders - Dedicated Platform Website

  11. Role of Public Authorities • Commitment of Public Authorities Essential to Success of Platforms • Forms of Involvement Vary - “Mirror Group” Approach Effective - Member States’ Participation in Management of Platforms

  12. Governance Example:Hydrogen - Fuel Cells Platform Overall Objective: Build Future “Hydrogen Economy” Advisory Council: Highest Level / Wide Range of Stakeholders “Mirror Group”: Member States Forum Steering Panels: Define Strategic Research Agenda / Deployment Strategy Working Groups: Financial Engineering, Business Development, Public Awareness, Education and Training

  13. Technology Platforms: Commission Involvement Encouraging a “Bottom-Up” Industry-Led Approach Not Owner but Active Facilitator Not Labelling but Guiding Co-ordinating/Monitoring Role BUT: Not Bound by Content of Strategic Research Agendas

  14. Technology Platforms: Run-Up to FP7 Support for Operational Entities - Secretariats: Specific Support Actions - Mirror Groups: ERA-NET • Projects Brought In/Launched Under Platform - Instruments of FP6

  15. Technology Platforms: Implementation Under FP7 • Majority of Platforms - Supported Using Funding Schemes for Collaborative Research under Cooperation Programme • Small Minority: Long-Term Public-Private Partnerships - “Joint Technology Initiatives”

  16. Social and Societal Platforms • Elements of Technology Platforms Approach Relevant • Rationale and Goals Differ from Technology Platforms • Need for Clear Demonstration of Commitment of Key Players

  17. Technology Platforms:Next Steps Follow Up Code of Conduct on Transparency and Openness Continue Dialogue with Stakeholders Facilitate Implementation of Relevant Parts of Strategic Research Agendas of Technology Platforms

  18. Further information Website www.cordis.lu/technology-platforms

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