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Project Management Considerations

Project Management Considerations. B. Nelson US ITER TBM Meeting INEL August 11, 2005. Project Organization – getting started. Establish project management team Define technical objectives- requirements, deliverables Define Work Breakdown Structure Define project organization

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Project Management Considerations

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  1. Project Management Considerations B. Nelson US ITER TBM Meeting INEL August 11, 2005

  2. Project Organization – getting started • Establish project management team • Define technical objectives- requirements, deliverables • Define Work Breakdown Structure • Define project organization • Assign responsibilities for WBS elements • Establish reporting relationships/org chart • Develop management tools and procedures, including configuration control, cost / scheduling system, CAD system, Web site, etc. • Develop conceptual design – (CAD models, dwgs, cost, etc) ITER TBM Meeting

  3. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) provides roadmap for project management • Organizes all the tasks into outline form • Establishes the scope of each task, so • Responsibilities are clear • Bases for cost estimates are clear • Easily modified, expanded as more detail becomes available • Includes WBS dictionary that expands definition of each element ITER TBM Meeting

  4. WBS for US Contributions to ITER built around major procurement packages • WBS 1.0 (Level 1): Total approved US ITER scope • WBS 1.X (Level 2): 6 work groups, correlates with ITER WBS) • WBS 1.1 Tokamak (Magnets, Blanket/Shield) • WBS 1.2 Tokamak Ancillary Equipment and Cryostat • WBS 1.3 Tokamak Fluids (Vac Pumping and Fueling) • WBS 1.4 Power Supplies • WBS 1.5 Port Interfacing Systems (IC/EC H&CD, Diagnostics) • WBS 1.6 Project Support • WBS 1.7 Support to International team) • WBS 1.X.Y (Level 3): Major systems • WBS 1.X.Y.Z (Level 4): Major Procurement Packages (9) • WBS 1.X.Y.Z.W (Level 5): Standard elements • Administration • R&D • Engineering (design, Title III) • Fabrication/Procurement • Installation ITER TBM Meeting

  5. Possible WBS elements for ITER TBM Each element would include: • Administration • Engineering (Design and Title III) • R&D • Materials and subcontracts (procurements) • Fabrication and assembly • Installation Cost would include: • Labor hours, rates • M&S (Procurements) • Overhead • Escalation ITER TBM Meeting

  6. Technical Baseline must be under configuration control • General Requirements Document • System Requirements Documents • System Description Documents • Technical specifications • Procedures • Drawings ITER TBM Meeting

  7. Acquisition Strategy:(elements and example schedule for US ITER) Ref: C. Strawbridge, ITER mtg, Oct. 2004 ITER TBM Meeting

  8. Summary • Project planning and management must be in place from inception of project, must develop • Project scope and technical requirements • WBS and responsibilities • Resource loaded schedule • DOE requires rigorous management processes and documentation, projects phased with critical decisions CD-0,1,2,3,4 • Everything costs more and takes longer than planned ITER TBM Meeting

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