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Understanding Cursors, Attributes, Functions, and Procedures in SQL

Learn about Cursors, %FOUND, %NOTFOUND, %ROWCOUNT, Functions, Procedures, Parameters, and examples of their usage in SQL programming.

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Understanding Cursors, Attributes, Functions, and Procedures in SQL

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  1. Cursor

  2. Cursors Operations Cursors adalah suatu nama area yang berisi hasil dari suatu statement SQL. 1. OPEN 2. FETCH 3. CLOSE

  3. Cursors Attribute 1. %FOUND 2. %NOTFOUND 3. %ROWCOUNT 4. %ISOPEN

  4. Function & Procedure

  5. Function FUNCTION Nama_Function (parameter) RETURN TYPE IS deklarasi variabel BEGIN statement; statement; RETURN(variable/value); END;

  6. Procedure PROCEDURE Nama_Procedure (parameter) IS deklarasi variabel BEGIN statement; statement; EXCEPTION statement; END;

  7. Parameter Syntax parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] datatype [:= expr]

  8. Procedure Parameter Modes Procedure Calling Environment IN Argument OUT Argument IN OUT Argumen (DECLARE) BEGIN EXCEPTION END;

  9. Function Parameter Modes Function Calling Environment IN Argument (DECLARE) BEGIN EXCEPTION END;

  10. Procedure vs Function

  11. DECLARE v_tax number; v_sal emp.salary%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT salary into v_sal FROM emp WHERE id = 97001; v_tax := Tax(v_sal); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN v_tax := 0; END; FUNCTION Tax(v_value IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN RETURN(v_value * .07); END Tax; Example

  12. DECLARE v_id emp.id%TYPE := 97001; v_sal emp.salary%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT salary into v_sal FROM emp WHERE id = v_id; Change_Salary(v_id, v_sal*1.1); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; PROCEDURE Change_Salary (v_emp_id IN NUMBER, v_new_salary IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN UPDATE s_emp SET salary = v_new_salary WHERE id = v_emp_id; COMMIT; END Change_Salary; Example

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