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The LA River and Opportunities to Address Lack of Park Access

The LA River and Opportunities to Address Lack of Park Access. Ryan Johnson UP 206 Midterm Presentation February 8, 2011. Park Access in Los Angeles. 2004 Trust for Public Land survey of 50 largest cities in the US: LA has lowest per-capita green space.

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The LA River and Opportunities to Address Lack of Park Access

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  1. The LA River and Opportunities to Address Lack of Park Access Ryan Johnson UP 206 Midterm Presentation February 8, 2011

  2. Park Access in Los Angeles • 2004 Trust for Public Land survey of 50 largest cities in the US: LA has lowest per-capita green space. • Los Angeles ranks 11th of 12 major cities with 7.8% of total land area in parks, compared to San Diego with 22%, San Francisco with 19.3%, and New York with 19.1%. • More than 70% of Angelenos lack park access within one-quarter mile of home. Sources: www.larivermp.org, www.tpl.org, www.virtualtripping.com

  3. Project Questions • Where in the San Fernando Valley, near undeveloped portions of the LA River, do particularly large gaps in walk-able park access exist? • Do residents in these communities have access to personal vehicles? • In which neighborhoods does river revitalization have the most potential to benefit a large number of residents? Photo: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com

  4. Public Space in the San Fernando Valley

  5. Vehicle Ownership

  6. Poverty & Density in Canoga Park

  7. Youth Population in West SFV

  8. Future Research • Where can River Revitalization occur that will best address lack of park access for Angelenos? • i.e., can creating green space along portions of the River compensate for the absence of parks in a neighborhood? • Can I get an inventory of available lots that could be developed on/near the River? • What does the City’s zoning allow in the most park-poor locations along the River?

  9. I’ve got skills…they’re multiplyin’ • Inset Map • Slide 4 • Buffering • Slides 4-7: One mile around LA River & 0.25 miles around Parks • Attribute sub-set selection • Slides 4-7: Created new “LA River” shapefile by querying for “los angeles river” in the LA County Rivers file and exporting the result as a new shapefile • Boundary sub-set selection • Slide 5: Selected by feature to create a separate shapefile of tracts that intersected the LA River buffer, then exported this new selection as a shapefile • Geoprocessing • Clipping- • Slide 5: Clipped the newly created boundary sub-set of census tract layers intersecting the LA River buffer to show car ownership in tracts only within or adjacent to the buffer • Slide 4: LA County & Cali Detail • Graduated Symbols • Slides 5,7

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