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Political Parties

Learn about the historical context, major functions, and modern relevance of political parties in shaping government policies and elections. Explore the emergence of factions and key differences between major parties, from Federalists to modern Democrats and Republicans. Examine the electoral and government functions of parties, party systems, and the role of minor parties in a two-party system.

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Political Parties

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  1. Political Parties AP Government

  2. What is a Political Party? • An organization that seeks to influence public policy by putting its members into positions of governmental authority • Parties exist to win elections! • Allows parties to pursue their common interests by exercising power through the political process in their positions of authority

  3. Who’s In Charge? • Majority Party – political party in control of the government at any given time. • Can be DIVIDED GOV’T with different parties in control of House, Senate and Presidency • Opposition Party – political party not in control of government, serves as a watchdog to the majority party • Most Americans are ambivalent on political issues

  4. Whose idea was it? • Political Parties are Extra-Constitutional (can’t find them in the Constitution) • Federalist 10 warned that parties (factions) could be dangerous if there were not systems in place to check their power • Between 1874 and 1912 was the “Golden Age of parties”

  5. The Origins of Political Parties • Federalist #10 warned against factions, but stressed the United States was too big to be influenced by one group • Battle began over a strong central government vs. states’ and individual rights • First U.S. political unions: Federalists and Anti-Federalists “Congressional Pugilists,” a 1798 political cartoon

  6. Washington is the only president to unanimously elected to office (1788) • In his Farewell Address he warned against political factions • 1796 – First election with parties:John Adams (71) – Federalists • Thomas Jefferson (68) – Democratic Republicans • Adams was presidentJefferson was vice presidentabsolute disaster!

  7. The Origin of Political Parties: Hamilton vs. Jefferson Hamilton • Strong federal government Jefferson • Limited national authority • Rule by elite • Believed in ability of farmers and common people to rule themselves • Loose interpretation of Constitution • Strict interpretation of Constitution • Favored national bank • Favored paying state debts • Opposed national bank • Supported merchants, landowners, investors, wealthy • Favored payment of national debt, not state debts • Tended to support Britain in foreign affairs • Tended to support France in foreign affairs • Followers formed the Democratic-Republican Party, which eventually became the Democratic Party • Followers formed the Federalist Party, which eventually became the Republican Party

  8. In 1832 the Democratic Party developed from the Democratic-Republicans – nominated Andrew Jackson • Whig Party arose to counter the Democratic Party and Jackson • The Republican Party rose from the ashes of the Whig Party in 1854 • The Democratic Party lost influence from its association with the Southern states during the Civil War • The Republican Party became the dominant party in the second half of the 19th century • The Democratic Party regained support via the reform movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries An 1860 campaign poster for Abraham Lincoln

  9. The Modern Era • Direct primaries (party nominees determined by ballot not party conventions) gave the power to the voter during the Progressive Era • During the Great Depression people began to see government differently – social services were seen as a right of citizenship • Weakened parties gave rise to issue-orientated politics • Interest groups and lobbyists became more influential • Ticket-splitting (voting for different parties) became common • Character-centered politics is now the rule

  10. Electoral Functions of Parties • Pull together like minded groups of voters • Simplifies the choices for voters • Recruit and train political leaders • Provide information • Encourage participation – HOWEVER, Republican and Democrats have similar opinions on many issues

  11. Government Functions of Parties • Set agenda and make policy preferences • Make the government responsible to the people • Link people to government

  12. Party Systems • One party - authoritarian governments or when one party consistently wins • Multi party - several parties in power • Two party - two dominant parties; others may exist but rarely get elected to high profile seats (U.S. has strongest one)

  13. The System v. Minor Parties • Proportional representation • A voting system that apportions legislative seats according to the percentage of the vote won by a particular political party • Single-Member, Plurality aka Winner-take-all system • An electoral system in which the party receives at least one more vote than any other party wins the election

  14. Minor Parties (aka 3rd Parties) Usually are formed to: • Promote certain causes/ideology/issues • Splinter an existing party • Support popular individuals with presidential aspirations • Independent voters have not increased

  15. Minor Parties in a Two Party System • Serve as a threat to the electoral vote b/c it increases potential of election being decided by Congress • Difficult to get on the ballot-states set requirements • petitions with voter signatures • PLUS a share of the votes in last election most common requirements • Federal Funding if they secure 5% of the vote-must follow guidelines • Rarely win – instead they bring new voters and issues

  16. Types of Minor Parties • Ideological parties • comprehensive, radical views; most enduring minor parties • Socialist, Communist, Libertarian • Single-Issue parties • address one concern, avoid others • Free Soil, Know-Nothing, Prohibition • Economic Protest parties • Tend to be regional, protest economic conditions • Greenback (1874-89) , Populist (1892) • Factional parties • split from a major party • Bull Moose (1912), American Independents (1968)

  17. Major 3rd Party Campaigns • 1992 – Ross Perot (Independent) 19% (most every by a Third Party) no electoral seatsClinton 43%Bush 37% • 2000 – Ralph Nader (Green Party) 2.7%Gore 48% (266)Bush 47% (271)

  18. National Committee Leadership one committeeman and one committeewoman from each state and territory Meets every four years choose presidential candidate writes the platform designates the national committee sets place and times of conventions sets the number of delegates that can attend convention National Convention Held in presidential election year Nominate Pres & VP ticket Adopt platform Major Goals: serve as a link to people choose policymakers run campaigns cue voters tell policy coordinate policymaking Party Structure in the U.S.

  19. National Responsibility manage party between nominating conventions raise money direct mail campaigns recruit candidates State Responsibility hold caucuses select convention delegates maintain party promote image support campaigns Shared Responsibilites

  20. Political Parties in Congress • Majority Party selects party leaders and make committee appointments • Majority Party organizes and operates Congress • Web of deputy and assistant whips • Majority party generally holds more power • Party discipline • Hurt by individualistic nature of U.S. politics • But party voting has increased since the 1970s

  21. Party Realignment • A shifting of party coalition groupings in the electorate that remains in place for several elections – 1860 (slavery) • Critical Election • An election that signals a party realignment through voter polarization around new issues • Secular Realignment • The gradual rearrangement of party coalitions, based more on demographic shifts than on shocks to the political system

  22. Party Identification • A citizen’s personal affinity for a political party (even if not an actual member) • Usually expressed by his or her tendency to vote for the candidates of that party • Sources • Parents • Marriage and other aspects of adult life can change one’s party loyalty • Charismatic political personalities, cataclysmic events, and maybe intense social issues • Social class remains a powerful indicator of likely partisan choice.

  23. Geographic Region South still has Democratic Party affinity at local election level, but Republican in Presidential elections Gender Gender gapwomen favor Democrats Race and Ethnicity African Americans, Hispanics and other minority groups are predominantly Democratic Age Very young and very old more Democratic Social and Economic Factors Republicans have higher SES (occupation, income, and education) supporters. Religion Protestants favor Republicans; Catholics and Jews are predominantly Democratic. Marital Status Married people lean more towards Republicans. Ideology Few surprisesLiberals – DemocratsConservatives - Republicans Group Affiliations

  24. Changing Power of Political Parties • Use of Primary Elections • Rise of PACs • Powerful people – George Soros and the Koch brothers • Rise of the media makes role of party less important • Split ticket voting - causes divided government • Lack of structure, efficiency, priorities, strategies and responsibility

  25. Utilization of free-rider concept of representation • Benefits go to all in an industry, not just group members • Benefits that go to members only (better health care, etc.) • Reliability of funding sources and sponsorship • Could be double influence (corporations, foundations, etc.)

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